Enemies in Twilight Princess

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  • Diobaba: Twilit Parasite
    • The boss of the Forest Temple and guardian of a Fused Shadow is a giant plant monster living within an acidic pool. It has two giant Deku Baba-like heads, as well as one central head. At first it only attacks with its Deku Baba heads by snapping at Link. But Link can use his Gale Boomerang to knock bombs into the Deku Baba's mouths, putting them out of commission. But afterwards the two heads recovered, and the central head revealed itself. At that point Link could use the Gale Boomerang to knock a Bombling held by Ook into the central mouth. This would cause the Diobaba's central head to temporarily fall over and reveal its weak spot - a tongue with an eyeball on it. Link struck the eyeball until the Diobaba was defeated. Diobaba quickly withered, hardened and turned into dark energy that reformed to make the Fused Shadow.
  • Fyrus: Twilit Igniter
    • The boss of the Goron Mines was actually once Darbus, the patriarch of the Goron tribe on Death Mountain. But exposure to a Fused Shadow changed him into a giant flaming monster known as Fyrus. Fyrus was sealed within the Mines by the other Gorons until Link came to save him. Fyrus attacks by swinging his chains and blasting fire. Link must hit the jewel on his forehead with arrows until he falls over, and then attack him with his sword. After enough hits, Fyrus is defeated. The Fused Shadow separates from Fyrus, leaving Darbus back in his normal state again.
  • Twilit Bloat: The Feeder of Darkness
    • This boss is unique in that it is faced in the overworld and by Wolf Link. It is the last Twilit Parasite in the game and must be defeated to restore light to the Lanayru Province. The Twilit Bloat is actually a gigantic, bloated version of the the normal parasites, and it confronts Wolf Link at Lake Hylia. It will charge at Link and attempt to hit him with electric attacks. Wolf Link must frequently pounce upon the Twilit Bloat and gnaw on its stomach. The creature also begins circling around Wolf Link in the water at a high speed before attacking later on. It eventually falls onto the water, floating on its back, at which point Wolf Link can jump onto its belly to finish it off.
  • Morpheel: Twilit Aquatic
    • Morpheel is a giant eel with a set of transparent tentacles ringing its face. There is a single eyeball that passes through all of the tendrils, which acts as the Morpheel's weak point. It is the boss of the Lakebed Temple and is located in a deep room filled with water. During the first phase of the battle, the Morpheel is planted in the ground so that only its head is sticking out. Link must approach Morpheel with the Iron Boots and avoid the tendrils which try to grab him while also tracking the eyeball. Link can use the Clawshot to pull the eyeball out and attack it, at which point Morpheel also releases several Bombfish as a defense mechanism. After it is hit enough times, Morpheel withdraws its head and then fully emerges from the ground. It swims freely through the water in the second phase while knocking down columns and causing rubble to drop down. Link must then find a way to Clawshot onto the Morpheel's back and attack the eye with the sword. Doing this enough times will cause the Morpheel to swim erratically around and slam into a wall, causing the water to drain out. The eyeball explodes, and the rest of Morpheel undergoes a shadowy disintegration.
  • Stallord: Twilit Fossil Stallord
    • Stallord is a gigantic living skeleton that appears as the boss of the Arbiter's Grounds. It is initially nothing more than a giant fossil, but Zant enfuses it with a shard of the Mirror of Twilight to bring it to live. Stallord's upper body is the only part seen as he is sticking out of the center of the room. The Stallord initially tries spitting some kind of noxious fumes at Link. It also summons weak, mindless Staltroops to try to stall Link, as well as a pair of spiked Spinners. Link must continuously ride his own Spinner and repeatedly ram into Stallord's spine, knocking pieces off until the Stallord collapses through the sand into another large room underneath. There, Stallord's disembodied head returns to life and chases Link around, trying to spit giant fireballs at him. Link must ascend the room using the Spinner and dodge Stallord's attacks until he can strike it with the Spinner. This causes the Stallord's head to drop to the ground, at which point Link can drop down and attack the shard implanted in its forehead with his sword. Repeating this process enough time causes Stallord's head to fly into the air and explode, leaving behind the Mirror Shard.
  • Blizzeta: Twilit Ice Mass
    • The boss of the Snowpeak Ruins is actually a corrupted form of Yeta. She is possessed by a shard of the Mirror of Twilight which causes her to take on a more demonic appearance. She is encased within a large ice structure that spins around the room in an attempt to destroy Link. Link must use the Ball and Chain to wear away at the ice. Eventually, Blizzetra jumps to the ceiling and tries dropping a series of jagged ice blocks down on Link. Unless they are destroyed, the fallen ice spikes will try to entrap Link so that Blizzeta can fall on him. With enough of a clearing, Link can hit Blizzeta with the ball and chain whenever she falls down again. After three more hits, the ice structure will be shattered, and Yeta will be restored to normal while the Mirror shard reappears.
  • Armogohma: Twilit Arachnid
    • Armogohma is the boss of the Temple of Time which has a shard of the Mirror of Twilight. This enemy is a large, tarantula-like version of the Gohma. Armogohma has an armored back with one eye peeking out which appears to be its weakpoint. In reality, the "eye" is actually the back of the Armogohma's true, much smaller body. The Armogohma spends most of the battle crawling along the ceiling and eventually stops to fire a type of laser beam (similar to Beamos). Link can hurt the Armogohma by shooting an arrow into the fake eye. This makes it fall to the floor, and the Dominion Rod must then be used to make a statue directly attack the body. Armogohma will spawn Baby Gohmas to attack Link before returning to the ceiling. Repeating this process destroys Armogohma's gigantic body to reveal its real, much smaller one. It attempts to find refuge among a swarm of freshly hatched Baby Gohmas, but this form can be destroyed with relative ease.
  • Argarok: Twilit Dragon
    • Argarok is an armored, winged dragon that is the boss of the City in the Sky. From its perch at the top of the city, it terrorized the Oocca and also guarded the last shard of the Mirror of Twilight. Agrorok flies around while trying to swoop down at Link and sometimes breathing fire. To hurt him, Link has to use his Clawshots to scale the tall pillars in the area and then grapple onto Argorok's tail. This causes Argorok to be pulled down to the ground, and part of its armor is shattered. This continues until enough armor breaks off to reveal a glowing gemstone on Argorok's back. At this pioint, an intense thunderstorm picks up, and Argorok becomes more aggressive with its attacks. During this phase, Link must ascend through the area using the Peahats as grappling points while avoiding Argorok's flame breath in order to grapple onto Argorok's back. Link can then attack the gemstone with his sword in order to drop the dragon down to the ground. The final time, Argorok uses its fire breath to keep itself from falling and attempts to fly further up, but it eventually drops down and explodes, leaving behind the mirror's final shard.
  • Zant: Usurper King
    • Zant is one of the last bosses faced in the Palace of Twilight near the end of the game. In the first phase of the attack, he usually follows an attack pattern of warping around the arena and shooting energy blasts rapidfire at Link. When he is hit enough times he teleports to a new arena. Each arena is a miniboss or boss arena from a previous temple in the game. In most arenas Link must use a weapon he found in that dungeon in order to stun Zant so that he can attack Zant with his sword. For more information on these phases, see here. The last phase of the battle is in front of Hyrule Castle, where he produces a pair of blades and attacks Link in his eccentric style. Zant can simply be worn down by Link's sword until the battle ends.
  • Princess Zelda: Ganon's Puppet
    • In the first part of the final battle, Ganondorf has Zelda's body under his control. Her attacks include diving at Link in a sword attack, making a burning triangle of light appear on the floor and firing an energy ball at Link. Link can deflect the energy back at Zelda with either his sword or an empty bottle. In most cases, the ball will wind up being volleyed back and forth until either Link or Zelda is hit. Hitting her enough times will defeat Zelda, leading to her restoration.
  • Ganon: Dark Beast
    • Ganondorf initially attacks Link in his bestial form, known as Ganon. This version of Ganon is a quadrupedal warthog and is like a dark counterpart to Link's wolf form. He rampages around and tries to trample over Link while disappearing into portals. There is a set of portals around the room, and Ganon will emerge from a different one each time at random. At some points, he will try to crush Link with his body. Ganon's primary weakness is the silver scar on his stomach, and he must be stunned before Link can actually attack him. At first, Link can knock Ganon over with arrows. Ganon eventually becomes too fast to be hit. Instead, Link will have to try to wrestle him down as he emerges from a portal using Midna's energy hand in a matter similar to the goat wrangling at the beginning of the game. He will eventually be defeated, which leads to the final battle against him as Ganondorf.
  • Ganondorf: Dark Lord
    • There are two phases to this battle. The first is a horseback battle in which Link rides on Epona with Zelda. Link needs to stay close enough to Ganondorf to target him so that Zelda can hit him with Light Arrows. Link can then attack him with his sword while he is stunned, which causes him to lag behind. After he is hit enough, Ganondorf will fall from his horse and initiate the second phase. This is a standard sword fight where Link must counter Ganondorf's overwhelming power. The two can directly clash swords when the "Chance" option appears, and once Ganondorf is hit with enough direct attacks, he will fall. The Ending Blow will finish Ganondorf off at this point.


  • Ook
    • A baboon wielding the Gale Boomerang is the miniboss of the Forest Temple. He once was the leader of the local tribe of monkeys until a Twilit Insect leeched onto his head and turned him evil. In battle, he hops along the tops of pillars and tosses the Gale Boomerang in order to knock Deku Babas down from the ceiling, which proceeded to attack Link. But if Link rolled into the pillar Ook was standing on after he had tossed his boomerang, he'd be too busy regaining his balance so that the Gale Boomerang would fly into Ook and knock him over when it returned. Ook was then vulnerable to sword attacks. After being defeated, the Twilit Insect was destroyed, and Ook retreated, leaving the Gale Boomerang behind. Ook later helped Link in the battle with Diobaba by providing Bomblings.
  • King Bulbin
    • A recurring enemy who battles Link four times over the course of the game. The first match, taking place between the first and second dungeons, consists of a mounted battle followed by a joust. The second, taking place between the second and third dungeons, is another joust. The last two battles (one prior to the fourth dungeon, and the last in Hyrule Castle's garden) are ground combat, in which King Bulbin wields a giant axe.
  • Dangoro
    • A large and heavily-armored Goron who was assigned to watch over the Hero's Bow in the Goron Mines, which had been left there by a legendary Hero who used it to conquer many evils. When Link comes to claim the bow, Dangoro will not let him have it unless Link could conquer him in combat. They battle atop a large yet unbalanced magnetic platform. Link must attack Dangoro with a sword, at which point Dangoro will curl into a ball and attempt to roll over Link. But Link, supported by Iron Boots can catch Dangoro and toss him into the lava. After falling in three times, Dangoro will admit Link is worthy and let him take the bow.
  • Twilit Carrier Kargorok
    • This enemy is faced in the Lanayru Province by Link in wolf form, during the quest to awaken the last light spirit. It is a large, Twilit version of the Kargorok which is mounted by a Twilit Bulblin Archer. This bird will frequently swoop down towards Link while the Bulblin constantly fires arrows towards Link. To defeat it, Wolf Link must leap up and bite the Twilit Carrier Kargorok while it is swooping down. This will eventually knock the archer off of its mount, at which point it can be finished off normally.
  • Deku Toad
    • The Deku Toad is a gigantic, bloated Toado that acts as the mini-boss for the Lakebed Temple. It hands on the ceiling while dropping its spawn, young Toadoes, down off of its back. Its main attacks include leaping around in an attempt to crush Link and shaking off more Toadoes on its back to attack Link. The Deku Toad will eventually exhaust itself and leave its tongue hanging out. Link can attack the tongue to make the Deku Toad howl in pain, and at this point he can damage the enemy by tossing a Bomb into its mouth. After ingesting enough bombs, the Deku Toad proceeds to writhe away, cough up a filthy bubble and collapse.
  • Skull Kid
    • The Skull Kid is a minor boss whom Link battles twice in the Sacred Grove, one in his first visit in each form. Link first has to track him down in a game of hide-and-seek. Afterwards they partake in a new "game" near the Temple of Time in which the Skull Kid plays his instrument to summon a variety of puppets to keep Link busy. Link must find the Skull Kid and attack him before he teleports away. After being caught several times, the Skull Kid playfully surrenders.
  • Death Sword
    • The Death Sword is an invisible phantom that appears as the mini-boss for the Arbiter's Grounds. Its true form appears to be a horned skeleton wearing a cloak. It wields a large and very visible sword during its fight with Link. Link initially can see him only when using his wolf senses in wolf form. After pouncing upon him, the Death Sword becomes partially visible, so that Link can fight him in his human form. Link must then continually outmatch him and strike him with his sword and arrows before he can turn invisible again (at which point the battle will repeat from the beginning). Death Sword also tries producing purple poison balls. After being beaten, the sword will explode, and Death Sword himself will dissolve into dust.
  • Darkhammer
    • The miniboss of the Snowpeak Ruins is a reptilian creature (most likely a type of Lizalfos) that is covered in armor and attacks with a ball and chain. The Clawshot must be used to dodge his ball and chain while getting closer to him. He could be hurt by attacking his tail, and the Darkhammer would proceed to swing the ball in a circle to force Link back. After being hit enough, Darkhammer is destroyed and leaves behind the Ball and Chain for Link to claim.
  • Phantom Zant
    • This is an image of Zant resembling a hologram that appears twice within the Palace of Twilight. Both times, it guards a stolen Sol. It will teleport around and use portals to summon large amounts of minor enemies. Once Link wipes out the group, he can attack the Phantom Zant until he summons the next group. It will soon be defeated.

Minor Enemies[edit]