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Eagle in Advance Wars: Dual Strike.
Species Human
Affiliation Green Earth
Hair color Gray
Debut Advance Wars


Known as Green Earth's pilot hero, it was out of memory of his father's legacy that prompted him into joining the air force. During Sturm's first invasion, he was subject to an attack from what seemed to be Andy, one of the new COs from Orange Star. After facing the real Andy shortly afterwards, they two ended up becoming rivals of sorts. It also seems a bit of romance sparked between he and Sami, though apparently nothing ever came of it.

During Sturm's second invasion, he and the other Green Earth COs did much to reclaim their lost territory. Without aid, he managed to destroy the mighty Sea Fortress and later rescued Orange Star reinforcements that had been surrounded. Eagle joined the Allied Nations late in the invasion of Omega Land, but nonetheless proved an invaluable asset.

As a pilot, Eagle makes quick decisions and puts them into action, much to Jess's chagrin. But as long as he has his lucky goggles, things will fly right with him.


The flying ace of the series, Eagle's units are geared towards air combat. His air units are 120% stronger and consume half the fuel, but his navy loses 10% of the standard strength.

  • Lightning Drive - Eagle's regular CO Power, all his non-infantry units can move again, but at only half their strength.
  • Lightning Strike - Eagle's Super CO Power, all his non-infantry units can move again, this time at full strength.

Other Appearances[edit]

Video Games[edit]

  • In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Eagle appeared as a Novice-rank Primary Spirit. When fought in a Spirit battle, his Spirit would possess Captain Falcon and start the battle armed with a staff. Over the course of the battle, he would undergo periods of boosted attack and defense.


  • In the first game, his Normal (and only) CO Power was "Lightning Strike" which was changed into a Super CO Power in the second game. In the second game, Lightning Drive only powered up air units and did not give him an extra turn.