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Real Name Elincia Ridell Crimea
Species Human
Class FE 9
Princess Crimea
FE 10
Affiliation Crimea
Hair color Green
Weaponry Amiti
Abilities Renewal, Stun, Mercy
Base Crimea
Relatives Ramon (father)
Renning (uncle)
Voiced by Erica Evans
Debut Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Elincia is a playable unit in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, as well as one of the story's most important characters. She is also one of the main playable characters in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.


Elincia was born to Ramon, the king of Crimea. However she was born when Ramon was old and had already named his brother Renning as the successor to Crimea's throne. In order to prevent an inheritance dispute, Elincia was raised separately on a royal villa, and her existence was kept a secret from the public. Aside from Ramon, Renning, and the people raising her at the royal villa, the only others who knew of Elincia's existence were the other royals of Tellius (who were informed in case of an emergency). Elincia was raised with Lucia and Geoffrey, so they became close friends of her as well as her retainers. Her third retainer was a count named Bastian.

Elincia lived a life of happiness at the royal villa. She also received training in mounted combat aboard a pegasus that once belonged to her great-grandmother (whom had served in Begnion's holy pegasus knights before marrying into House Crimea). This was at the bidding of her uncle Renning, who looked out for Elincia's wellbeing, and she thought of him as the one person who understood her best. She was trained both to fight with a sword and to heal with a staff, but she had no real combat experience due to the peaceful environment she was raised in.

Path of Radiance

However her peaceful existence ended when the Daein army led a savage attack on Crimea. King Ramon and his wife were killed before Elincia's eyes by Ashnard, the king of Daein. Elincia was able to escape Crimea Castle under Renning's orders, escorted by a squad of knights headed by Geoffrey, the plan being to bring her to shelter in Gallia. However, along the path from Crimea's capital, Elincia was separated from the other knights and knocked unconscious until she was discovered by Ike and the Greil Mercenaries at the end of "Chapter 4: Roadside Battle". In "Chapter 5: Flight!", she woke up and explained her situation to Greil while requesting the aid of his mercenary group in escorting her safely to Gallia. They eventually decided to help her, especially when Daein forces closed in and it seemed they intended to kill the mercenaries regardless of whether or not they surrendered the princess.

The Greil Mercenaries split up, and Ike led the group which brought Elincia to Gallia. Along the way she also bonded with Ike's sister Mist, and she also volunteered to help in battle on several occasions but Ike refused to let her endanger her life. Having spent all her life prior to this confined to the imperial villa, Elincia encountered many aspects of the world around her for the first time. She also helped the others indirectly, such as giving Rhys a Mend staff. She was brought to Gallia in "Chapter 6: A Brief Diversion". But in the meantime Greil was slain, making Ike an orphan like Elincia. King Caineghis was very sympathetic to Elincia's situation but could not help her because Gallia's council of elders did not want to risk war with Daein. However, he agreed to allow several Gallians to accompany her as escorts to Port Toha, and to provide her passage to Begnion, where she might be able to find greater aide. It was agreed that Ike and the mercenaries would continue to act as her escort.

Ranulf entrusted Elincia with a great sum of money from the king, although she accepted it reluctantly and only so she could pay Ike for his services. They eventually reached Begnion in "Chapter 14: Training" and met Begnion's apostle and empress, Sanaki. Ike proved his mettle by passing Sanaki's tests and defended Elincia's honor at the same time. Ike also preformed various jobs for Sanaki while she decided whether or not she should give Begnion aide to Elincia and her forces. Eventually in "Chapter 18: Crimea Marches", Sanaki decided to lend her aid to Elincia's forces, hoping that they could join forces and rebuild the world if Elincia could successfully reclaim and rebuild Crimea. The Greil Mercenaries, the Begnion reinforcements and the various other travelers that had accompanied them without the journey merged together into the Crimean Liberation Army. But before Ike could lead it, Sanaki requested he be made a noble, so Elincia knighted him to make him Sir Ike.

They then began their campaign against Daein. Along the way, Elincia became acquainted with the horrors of war, but she attempted to be kinder towards her enemies. She also actually appreciated the blunt manner of Soren, Ike's staff officer, because even though his truths were often brutal, he spoke the truth. They claimed the Daein capital in "Chapter 21: Without a King", only to find Ashnard had moved to inhabit Crimea's castle. They then prepared to march to Crimea and reclaim it. She felt very strange returning to the land of her birth almost a year after being separated from it. Elincia was reunited with Lucia, Bastian and Geoffrey, and she also persuaded them not to put their lives on the line for her in "Chapter 24: Battle Reunion". She convinced them that she could not bear the guilt of more people dying for her, especially any of those three, and that they should take her feelings into account before employing suicidal tactics. The three retainers then rededicated their vows to serving Elincia and helping to restore Crimea.

The Crimean Liberation Army scored more and more victories while marching throughout Crimea, and they also received further reinforcements from Gallia and the laguz bird tribes. Elincia also began entering battle in "Chapter 25: Clash!", as she was able to reclaim her pegasus and convinced Elincia as well as her retainers to let her enter battle. This also served to increase the soldiers' morale. Elincia also received further instruction from Tanith, deputy commander of Begnion's pegasus knights. Finally they approached the capital, Melior, in "Endgame: Repatriation". Elincia was convinced to deliver a speech to the army prior to the final battle, one that was well received by the troops. She also had a brief confrontation with Ashnard just before the battle began.

The battle ended with Ashnard's death. Victorious, Elincia thanked Ike for all of his help while Ike expressed his discomfort with the various customs of nobles. Afterwards, Crimea was slowly rebuilt with Elincia's guidance, and eventually she was crowned queen after her coronation ceremony. Following her crowning, Queen Elincia and Ike were chosen to address the people together. But at that point Elincia was consumed by all of her doubts about whether or not she could fit into the role of the queen. But Ike convinced Elincia that she had been able to adapt to so many different circumstances during the war with Daein that she could soon adapt to becoming queen without knowing how to. Reassured, Elincia accompanied Ike in speaking with the people of Crimea.

Radiant Dawn

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

Part 3: Intersecting Vows

Part 4: Of Gods and Men

Support Conversation Summaries

Elincia is capable of having Support conversations with two other characters.

  • Geoffrey- In the first conversation, Elincia asks Geoffrey to leave her alone when she fights on the battlefield and ignores his objections, saying it is a direct order. In the second conversation, Geoffrey pleads with her to reconsider, but she only threatened to strip him of his knighthood if it would convince him to stop defending her. Geoffrey is hurt, saying that he did not think Elincia wanted to ignore him this badly, and leaves even though Elincia attempts to call him back and explain. In the third conversation, Elincia explains that she restricted Geoffrey from defending her because he took too many risks in battle and thus broke the oath he made not to jeopardize his life while protecting her. He tells Elincia how much of an impact she had on her soldiers and has inspired them to victory by entering battle himself. He admits his own recklessness but says he did so because if he died then he would at least die near Elincia. He could not fight without her anymore. Elincia apologizes for being immature and tormenting him so, but Geoffrey in turn apologizes for disobeying his oath. Elincia asks Geoffrey to never leave his side, and he replies that his life and blade are hers.
  • Ike- In the first conversation, Elincia feels out of place due to the trouble she has preparing herself for battle. However, Ike assures her that even he had trouble when he was starting out as a mercenary. He told her he learned so much from his father training him constantly, and he and Elincia came from different worlds. He told Elincia there was no shame in asking the others for help. In the second conversation, Elincia tries practicing alone. Ike offers to be her training partner and reminds her of what he said about not being afraid to ask for help. Ike says that he knows what it's like, as he lost his own father and then gained much responsibility himself, although he admitted a mercenary company was different then a country, but he managed to endure all his difficulties because he had all his friends to back him up. Finally he reminds Elincia that the same is true for her, and she is not alone. In the final conversation, Ike tells Elincia about her vast improvements on the night before the march on Crimea's capital to battle Ashnard. Elincia claims it is because she had Ike as a strong role model, but Ike does not think himself to be a good role model. They then reminisce about the earlier parts of her journey and Elincia's attempt to fit in with the mercenaries by telling them to give the enemies a "sound thrashing". Elincia said she had initially felt despair after fleeing Crimea to Gallia, but she now realized there were rays of hope poking through. She swore on the next day she would reclaim Crimea or die in the attempt, and Ike was willing to commit to helping Elincia achieve this to his dying breath.

Elincia also has inbuilt Support bonuses with Lucia (which increases her chances of delivering a critical hit when Lucia is nearby, and vice-versa), as well as Ike, Kieran, Lucia, Bastian and Geoffrey (which protects them from enemy critical hits if Elincia is nearby).


  • Elincia can perform a Sword Triangle Attack in conjunction with Tanith and Marcia if certain conditions are met. Marcia must have promoted to a Falcon Knight prior to Chapter 28. Afterwards, the three must participate in the "Holy Knight" Base Conversation at the beginning of Chapter 28 to unlock the Triangle Attack.