Metroid Timeline

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The Metroid series has one of the more concrete timeline of the Nintendo franchises. The games have been released in chronological order, with the exception of games bearing the name Metroid Prime which are side stories taking place between the original Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus.


Legacy of the Chozo

The Creation of the Metroids

At an unspecified time, the Chozo became space-faring creatures. As perhaps the very first travelers, they have left profound effects on many planets around the galaxy. One of their most important legacies was on SR388. The planet's ecosystem was horribly unbalanced thanks to the parasitic virus known now as the X Parasite. To counter the effects of the X Parasite, the Chozo bioengineered the Metroid. It obviously worked as the X were unknown to all visitors of SR388 while the Metroid population still existed. It is unknown whether the Chozo were destroyed by their own creations or simply left SR388, as is the case with other Chozo inhabited planets such as Tallon IV.

The Exodus of the Chozo

The Chozo culture was one full of prophecy, and as they began to see the decline of their civilization linked to the ever-growing hate and violence throughout the galaxy, the Chozo sought a simpler life away from technology. As such, many sanctuaries were built on secluded planets, and were intertwined with their natural environment. The Chozo grew closer to nature there, and began to be less and less dependent on the physical world; to the point they left it and their homes behind in favor of an existence in a dimension beyond our comprehension.

The Poisoning of Tallon IV

From this other plane of reality the Chozo were aware of a meteor impact on Tallon IV, but in the vastness of space and time the event was seemingly unimportant. However, when a cancerous element now identified as Phazon began to spread across the planet, the Chozo were pulled into our reality and brought back to Tallon IV as mere shadows of their former selves. Here on the surface of their old home they watched in horror as the Phazon consumed their lands, twisting and corrupting what it didn't destroy. Not wishing to stand by and let this evil spread forth, the Chozo built what uncovered texts have identified as a cipher, a giant gateway powered by 12 Chozo artifacts, designed to seal off the impact crater of the Phazon infused meteor. And so the Chozo waited, hoping that an old prophecy foreseeing the salvation of Tallon IV by the hands of a great warrior would soon come true, before they to were consumed by the evil.

Age of The Federation

The Formation of the Federation

In the 2000th year of the cosmic calendar, the many planets in the galaxy formed the Galactic Federation. From this alliance ensued an age of prosperity as a successful exchange of cultures and trade goods began. But as thousands of interstellar ships transported goods across the galaxy, the Space Pirates came. Using brutal tactics and new technologies, they wreaked havoc on Federation trade lines, damaging ships and plundering them of any valuable goods. In an attempt to stop the pirates the Federation formed the Galactic Federation Police. However, this police force was unsuccessful in completely eliminating the pirate threat, and as such elite bounty hunters were hired by the Federation to seek out and capture the pirates.

Samus Aran

The planet of K-2L, a colony of Earth, is attacked by the Space Pirates and the population wiped out. Only one survivor, a young girl Samus Aran, survives. She is discovered by the Chozo and she is taken to their home on Zebes. Later on after she becomes an adult, she joins the Galactic Federation, working under her CO Adam in the Federation Police. During this time, Zebes is taken over the Space Pirates and corrupt Mother Brain into serving their purpose.

Metroid/Zero Mission

A team of Federation scientists discover and capture live Metroid specimens that they intend to take back to research. Before any such progress can be made, the Space Pirates steal the Metroids back and head towards Zebes for study of this unique species. The Federation's attempts to foil their cloning efforts are foiled and the Federation instead hires Samus Aran, now a bounty hunter, to infiltrate the pirate base and kill the Metroids. She succeeds in her mission and destroys Mother Brain, setting off a timed explosion of the Pirate Base.

The Space Pirates respond quickly. Their frigates, carrying their own Metroid populations, depart to find a new base. While Samus Aran tries to leave the planet, she is shot down and crash lands on the surface, destroying her Power Suit in the process. She is forced to infiltrate a grounded Pirate frigate and makes it to an old Chozo ruin that restores her Power Suit, allowing her to defeat the pirates and commandeer a pirate vessel to escape. During her battle to escape, Weavel is seriously injured by Samus Aran. He is later rebuilt as a cyborg.

Metroid Prime

While half of the Space Pirate forces return to rebuild their Zebes base in secret, the other half settle on Tallon IV. On this planet they make the extraordinary discovery of Phazon, a substance that can cause mutations in lifeforms - including Metroids. They also discover the Great Worm, Metroid Prime and make what attempts they can to contain it. However the effects of Phazon proves unpredictable. One of the orbiting Space Frigates, Orpheus, suffers extreme damage when the experimented creatures begin causing havoc on the ship.

Samus Aran arrives on Orpheus after most of the major damage has already been done. After disposing of the surviving pirates and the Parasite Queen, Samus Aran followed Ridley to Tallon IV to investigate. She soon discovered that the Chozo had settled on the planet, but were suffering a spiritual battle against the Phazon corruption. By gathering the 12 Chozo Artifacts, she was able to unlock the way to Metroid Prime and defeat the creature. After leaving the planet, unknown to Samus, a Dark Samus emerged from Prime's remains and went off on its own path through the galaxy.

Metroid Prime Hunters

An unusual telepathic signal is sent throughout the galaxy from the Alimbic Cluster speaking of a great power. The Federation, along with several others, receive the message and recognize that the Alimbic society once held great technological prowess. Samus Aran is sent to investigate, lest the power fall into corrupt hands. Six other bounty hunters also go to investigate, each for their own ends.

All that remained of the Alimbic Society were two of their planets and two abandoned space stations. From their remaining logs Samus is able to peace together what fate befell their society and what the 'ultimate power' truly was. As it turns out, the distress signal was sent by Gorea, a creature that destroyed the Alimbic and was imprisoned in the Oubliette as a last ditch effort by the Alimbics.

After Samus collected the eight octoliths, after countless fights with the other bounty hunters, she unlocked the seal on the Oubliette. The other bounty hunters were able to beat her there, but upon arriving ran afoul of Gorea and were quickly defeated. Samus Aran was able to defeat Gorea and fulfill the prophecy. She and the other bounty hunters were able to escape before the Oubliette escaped.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Metroid II: Return of Samus

Super Metroid

Metroid Fusion

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