Gatling Groink

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Megaplod calibersi
Gatling Groink
Type unknown
Size 118mm
Debut Pikmin 2

The Gatling Groink is an incredible creature capable of firing high-speed projectiles.


An extraordinary creature equipped to attack foes from a distance. Though at first the creature appears comical, engaging it in combat reveals it to not be at all comical. Its snout doubles as a cannon port from which it fires high-speed bio-pellets. It is well protected from frontal attacks by a clear shield that protects it face. Its strange fish-like tail works as a counterweight to its body.

Although fearsome, it is actually a rather vulnerable creature. Being that it is unable to rapidly fire, large groups easily overwhelm it. It has been speculated that by the removal of the tail, it would be unable to fire its cannon. This, however, has yet to be proven. From what observation has been made, it appears to be a highly evolved creature that is both biological and mechanical. Even if 'killed', the creature will regenerate itself if given enough time.


  • Gatling Groinks take ten pikmin to carry, and are worth 7 pokos or 12 seeds.
  • Louie's Cooking Notes: Remove the cannon and ammo stockpile, then vigorously tenderize the meat with a heavy mallet. Stir-fry with carmelized onions and figwort sprouts. Spoon over a steaming bowl of fluffy white rice and douse with chili sauce.