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Queen of Light
Species Human
Class Troubadour
Promotion Mage Knight/Valkyrie
Affiliation Rausten
Hair color Green
Eye color Green
Base Rausten
Relatives Mansel (uncle)
Ephraim (possible husband)
Debut Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

L'Arachel is a recruitable unit in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and is the only recruitable troubadour. She is the princess of Rausten.


She was born in Rausten, which is located near the Darkling Woods. Her parents had taken it upon themselves to protect Rausten from the constant monster raids, but they were eventually killed in battle when L'Arachel was just an infant. Her uncle, Mansel, became the new pontifex and raised L'Arachel in their stead. She admired her parents for their feats and decided to hunt monsters like them when she grew. She was much more of a boisterous and eccentric monster hunter, however. L'Arachel flaunted her high social ranking and sought fame for her campaign against monsters. During the War of the Stones, the words of the court troubadour Saaga enflamed L'Arachel, and she forced them to allow her to set out on an anonymous campaign against the monsters that were appearing across the continent. Her loyal servant Dozla accompanied her, and the mercenary Rennac was also hired to escort them to Renais. Rennac was a reluctant servant who sought a different job but often caved to L'Arachel's demands. The group first showed up in "Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors", where they witness Eirika's group's run-in with monsters from atop a nearby cliff. She dragged them around to join the battle, but it had ended by the time they reached Eirika. Dozla then stopped her from revealing her title as she introduced herself, and they rode off. They then sought passage to Rausten by sea, but they had trouble as most ships refused to sail with a phantom ship terrorizing the seas.

In Eirika's route they showed up at "Chapter 9: Sacred Blade", where they were at Port Kiris, enjoying pastries as they were unable to find a ship. They ran into Eirika's group again and explained why the ship problem. The trio decided to head off and take the longer land route to Rausten, although Eirika realized that they were heading in the wrong direction. Rennac escaped from them soon afterwards. L'Arachel and Dozla wound up lost in the mountains in "Chapter 11: Creeping Darkness", and they wound up helping Eirika's group fight off monsters. They were formally introduced to Eirika following the battle, and L'Arachel convinced her to let them travel together after finding out that Eirika's group actually knew where they were going. She attached herself to the battle at Jehanna in "Chapter 13: Hamill Canyon" due to knowing that Jehanna had a Sacred Stone which had to be protected and knowing that Rausten should be finding help, information which made Eirika ponder her true identity. L'Arachel had no choice but to reveal herself following the battle, and they received war funds from Mansel. She was also able to recruit Rennac into their army in "Chapter 14: Queen of White Dunes". Once Joshua revealed himself to be the prince of Jehanna, L'Arachel was the one who noted that, with Innes, their group composed of four of the nations united together.

In Ephraim's path, the three briefly appeared at the end of "Chapter 10: Turning Traitor", at which point they briefly met with Ephraim and let him know what they had heard about tha phantom ship, and L'Arachel stated her plans to become the protector of the seas. In "Chapter 11: Phantom Ship", it was shown that they had somehow obtained a ship, and they docked with Ephraim's ship to help his group fight off attacking monsters (although Rennac had slipped away). After the battle, L'Arachel decided to join with Ephraim's group after hearing about his quest to stop Grado, and she immediately revealed herself as Rausten's princess. She could then recruit Rennac (who, as in the other storyline, had run off and joined Grado) in "Chapter 14: Father and Son". Regardless of the path, Ephraim and Eirika's armies combined in "Chapter 15: Scorched Sand", and it was at this point that L'Arachel formally met whichever of the twins she had not yet joined. A meeting was held following the battle between the heads of the army. L'Arachel was the one who pointed out that they could not stop Lyon while he had the Dark Stone and suggested usage of the Sacred Stones to counter it. This caused the army to seek out the only two surviving Sacred Stones. After they acquired the Stone of Renais in "Chapter 16: Ruled by Madness", L'Arachel was to lead them to Rausten for her country's own Sacred Stone. Before that, they were sidetracked by hunting Lyon in "Chapter 18: Two Faces of Evil". Eirika or Ephraim (depending on the path) asked L'Arachel for her take on the situation due to Rausten's spiritual insight, and she told them quite frankly that Lyon was beyond saving due to the Demon King's influence. Lyon was able to trick Eirika or Ephraim and destroy the Stone of Renais, which increased their need to reach Rausten. They finally arrived at Rausten and met with Mansel in "Chapter 19: Last Hope". He wanted them to at least stay for the night and rest, but they wound up protecting Rausten from an attack by Riev that night. L'Arachel was the entrusted with the Sacred Stone of Rausten afterwards, and she was surprised that Mansel went against the traditional law by giving the country's Sacred Twins to Ephraim and Eirika. When the time came in "Final Chapter: The Sacred Stones", she withdrew the stone and with Ephraim and Eirika's focus, the Demon King's soul was sealed within the Sacred Stone. They then had to deal with the Demon King's soulless body. L'Arachel was then ready to rush off with Dozla and Rennac, neither of whom she was willing to dismiss yet, and she then returned to Rausten.

Possible Fates

L'Arachel has four different endings depending on whether or not she reaches an A Rank Support with any of three characters.

  • Default Ending - She succeeded her uncle as ruler of the Rausten Theocracy several years after the War of the Stones ended. She never lost her eccentric qualities and spent much of her rule visiting the neighboring countries.
  • Dozla and L'Arachel's Ending - L'Arachel became queen of Rausten in time, with Dozla by her side as always. She eventually married, and Dozla wept like a baby at a reception, with this being as remembered as or moreso than the wedding itself.
  • Ephraim and L'Arachel's Ending - They returned to their respective homes after the war, but L'Arachel began making frequent visits to Renais. They were eventually married. This threw Renais into turmoil, but L'Arachel's self-centeredness carried the day.
  • Innes and L'Arachel's Ending - Stories were told about the sparks that flew between the two of them at their first meeting. Their love flourished alongside the bond uniting their nations. The nature of their relationship is not specified by the ending.

Support Conversation Summaries

L'Arachel is capable of having support conversations with the following sux characters:

  • Dozla - L'Arachel tells Dozla about how a visit to nearby village depressed her because they had never heard of her. Dozla is astounded that such a thing happened despite her anonymous campain to rid the world of monstrosities. She goes over her aspirations to be like her sacred ancestor and thinks they will have to change their methodology to appeal to the common people and win their hearts. She asks Dozla to think of ideas, and he heartily agrees. In the next conversation, Dozla suggests that they think of a cool ephitet because all heroes have had two names. His suggestion ("the green-haired battle princess") is vetoed by L'Arachel, who instead decides to use her own idea by calling herself "the beautiful princess of peerless beauty". She then tasks him with spreading the name around in a nonchalant manner, and he once more agrees. In the final conversation, she finds she was successful when Dozla tells her that some villagers referred to her by her nickname, after L'Arachel had taken three long trips around that village. L'Arachel is concerned that no imitators have arisen yet, but Dozla assures her that it is because the "peerless" in her nickname is true. L'Arachel continues to describe her own magnificence with her usual hyperbole, even lamenting that one day the world would be robbed of her beauty. They then head out to battle so that L'Arachel can try to do something spectacular to ensure that her name is remembered.
  • Eirika - L'Arachel meets with Eirika and seems amazed by the coincidence until Eirika reminds her that they had planned to meet at this time to discuss battle strategy. L'Arachel then chastises Eirika for not telling her about her noble heritage earlier, but then claims that she knew Eirika was a princess all along and says that both of them must have some refinement which prevents them from properly disguising themselves, to which Eirika unsurely agrees. In the next conversation Eirika sees L'Arachel training and warns her not that it is dangerous, but she refuses to stop. After Eirika presses her for an explanation, L'Arachel discloses the monster raids in Rausten which led to her parents' death. Eirika shows great sympathy, but L'Arachel says she is glad that they died to help others and asks Eirika if she is proud of her father for giving his life as well against Grado. Eirika admits she is proud of what he did but would not have thought less of him if he fled and would be happier if he were still alive. L'Arachel then confesses that she would like to have seen her parents even once. In the final conversation, L'Arachel attempts to deny feeling lonely or crying about the loss of her parents and gives Eirika a valuable gem from Rausten as a gift. In return she only asks Eirika to invite her back to Renais after the Demon King was defeated and agreed. L'Arachel warned her not to die in battle on her, and Eirika agreed that they should live to look back on these times as the best of friends.
  • Ephraim - L'Arachel questions Ephraim about why he's near her instead of fighting in the battle. Ephraim says he is waiting for the right moment, but L'Arachel wonders if he is using it as an excuse to talk to her, which leads Ephraim to deny dragging out the war without good reason. L'Arachel is assured by this and then offers to help him or any of his men when they're injured before leaving, leaving Ephraim to wonder if all Rausten women were as reliable and assertive as her. In the second conversation, L'Arachel notes that Ephraim is a reckless person, with Ephraim asserting that he does so to save lives. She theorizes that he has many scars under his armor and offers to heal them. Ephraim proceeds to begin removing his armor to show her, but this causes L'Arachel to freak out and accuse Ephraim of taking advantage of her in her confused state before running off, leaving behind a befuddled Ephraim. In the final conversation Ephraim confronts L'Arachel and tries to get her to not be so defensive, convincing L'Arachel to forgive him for the misunderstanding. L'Arachel says she had never seen a naked man before, and Ephraim angrily says he was only showing her his shoulder like she had asked, but L'Arachel claims that just seeing the naked shoulder was enough to disturb her sleep that night. He notices L'Arachel seems different somehow, but she demands that he not look at her in a vulgar and appropriate way. When Ephraim denies this, L'Arachel asks if this means she is not attractive. Ephraim continues to be confused, so L'Arachel gets angry at him for being calm at this time and leaves, hoping that some woman comes and gets him all rattled as well. Ephraim concludes that he does not "get" her but also says that she is cute.
  • Innes - In the first conversation, they talk privately for the first time and L'Arachel introduced herself, although Innes is previously acquainted with her. They compare the sea food of their respective homes and decided to visit each other's countries after the war to determine which country really has the better sea food. In the next conversation, Innes questions L'Arachel on whether she has permission from her superiors to be here, and she takes offense to the question. He tells her that he has heard of how wild she is and advises she practice greater self-control like Frelia's pegasus knights. They wind up comparing beautiful locales in their respective homes and wind up also agreeing to take each other on tours of these places. In the final conversation, they realize that they will need an impartial judge to properly compare their two nations, so they decide upon Eirika and Ephraim. Innes is not sure what there is to gain from the competition, but he tells her that he is glad to compete against her. L'Arachel tells him it is only another contest in the name of all that is holy and true.
  • Joshua - L'Arachel comes to Joshua after a con toss had come up tails, leading him to believe he would be having an unlucky day. L'Arachel suggests he give the coin for honest prayer and that she does not need luck due to having divine grace. Joshua proposes a bet to see if luck or divine grace was stronger, and L'Arachel initially gave a long-winded protest calling gambling a sin. However, she then agreed to his wager claiming that it was only to teach him a lesson about the evils of temptation. She wins the coin toss, and Joshua suggests putting money on the line, to which she agrees and proclaims her winnings will go towards noble causes. In the next conversation Joshua asks L'Arachel to gamble with him again so he could try to win back his money, as he feels more lucky on this day, and she agrees. She continues to denounce gambling as a vile sin and says that she only continues because it is part of an ongoing lesson for Joshua and that gambling was not wrong when done for a just cause. Joshua says he held back on her before because she was an amateur and will no more, and L'Arachel invites him to because she says she cannot lose with righteousness on her side. In the final conversation, L'Arachel continues to win while Joshua is irritated because he continued to lose despite having rigged the games. He banters with her, with L'Arachel not understanding his figures of speech and thus missing his confession of his attempts to gamble, until he is annoyed to the point of admitting he was wrong and that he would not gamble with her anymore, at which point he left. L'Arachel was left to wonder why everyone runs away from her and who she would play with now, finally deciding that she would talk to her uncle about building a gambling hall in Rausten.
  • Rennac - Rennac is startled when L'Arachel approaches him, and explains that it is because she is noisy which disrupts his work. She is offended by this, preferring to be described as showy or flamboyant. She reminds him that his priority on the battlefield should be protecting her, but Rennac tells her that his priorities have changed due to the other members of the army respecting his abilities. L'Arachel tells him he has no idea how to treat a lady and should be more refined, but this offends Rennac because he considers himself a gentleman and lets slip that he is a fabulous dancer. She questions this, and Rennac offers to prove it by dancing with her. L'Arachel declines by using their different social stations as an excuse, but he accuses her of covering up her own lack of dancing ability. This makes L'Arachel agree to dancing together when they next meet for just one occasion and suggests he practice in the meantime. Rennac promises to make her eat her words. In the next conversation, L'Arachel suddenly approaches him, ready for the dance off. Rennac is flabbergasted by the idea of dancing in the middle of a battlefield, but L'Arachel initiates the dance anyway. She is impressed by his moves, and he explains how he learned dancing. L'Arachel tells him he should not have kept such good skills secret, but she tells him his treatment of ladies is still lacking. Rennac then quickly excuses himself, which leaves L'Arachel confused. In the final conversation, Rennac sighs at her approach, and she suggests that he learn from her so that he could be truly happy and not sigh so much. L'Arachel asks him what makes him happy, and he replies gold, because it is what motivates him so that he could buy what he desires. She advises him to treasure what he does possess as opposed to lamenting what he does not have, the road to true happiness. Rennac understands the moral but points out that it does not mean anything when spoken by someone who has everything. L'Arachel dismisses that point as irrelevant and tells him that he does not need money or fame when he has her, and that serving her is the greatest pleasure man can know because people dream of having a sweet and lovely employer such as herself. Rennac wonders how she got such a large ego, but she tells him that he complains too much and leaves, ordering him to follow her. Before leaving, Rennac lags behind and wonders if this is what happiness feels like.