Characters in Park Patrol

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The list of characters who appear in Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol.


In Park Patrol, Chibi-Robo is the main character. He is a new model of the series known as the "Blooming Chibi-Robo". Unlike the original model, this Chibi is designed to solve the world's problem of pollution by restoring run-down parks by planting flowers one at a time. This model is sent to an abandoned park that is the domain of Miasma and Sergeant Smogglor. His constant companion is Chet, who is equipped to the Chibi-House to assist him.



Chet is Chibi-Robo's robotic companion that is permanently built into the Chibi-House, a design oversight according to Chet. His job is supposed to be performing Park Projects, such as tilling the land and installing structures. While he and Chibi were being delivered to the park, he accidentally lost all the cartridges that contained instructions for park projects. Upon realizing his error, he asked Chibi to go find the lost cartridges in town, but also requested Citrusoft to send in replacement ones. He takes his duty very seriously and takes full responsibility for accidents, whether they are his fault or not.

Aside from the park projects, he helps Chibi by handling Happy Points and converting them into watts. He also uses his 'extensive database' (actually an internet search engine) to provide help for Chibi in regards to his trouble with the Smoglings. He is very enthusiastic about helping Chibi out and is easily excited, to the point that sometimes he's afraid he will short circuit.

Sergeant Smogglor


Sergeant Smogglor is the number one minion of Sir Miasmo and the leader of the Smoglings. In reality he is actually a toy based off the video game character, General Greenthumb, who traditionally would fight against pollution. The toy was owned by a boy who considered Greenthumb to be a wussy hero and when playing with the toy version, would routinely have Greenthumb lose. Eventually the boy abandoned Greenthumb in the park and left him there alone. Eventually General Greenthumb continued his heroic acts by traveling to the domain of Sir Miasmo to defeat him. Instead he was transformed using pollution into the villainous Sergeant Smogglor.

As Sergeant Smogglor he stayed around the park, making sure it fell into disrepair, occasionally sending out Smoglings to destroy flowers, as well as zapping stray toys with his special attack. When Chibi-Robo showed up and started restoring the park, he discovered his special attack had no effect on Chibi. He instead sent out his Smoglings, but even that had no effect. Eventually the shine of the flowers caused him to start reverting to General Greenthumb, prompting Sir Miasmo to intervene and return him to his villainous form. After this happened a few time, Miasmo upgraded his powers, allowing Smogglor to actually hurt Chibi and make him lose his gear. After Chibi had planted 999 flowers and started to defeat Miasmo, the restored General Greenthumb arrived and held Miasmo at bay by tickling him. After Miasmo was defeated, Greenthumb thanked Chibi for his efforts, gave him the bloom emblem (granting him infinite power), and was picked up by the kid who left him there. The kid was impressed at the beauty of the park and attributed it to General Greenthumb, causing the kid to take the toy back home with him.



Francois is a marionette that can help Chibi-Robo with park projects. A hundred years ago he used to be quite happy, until one day a pretty doll asked him if he was in control or were the strings controlling him. It had never bothered him before, but after that he was ashamed of the strings and set out to find a way to rid himself of them. He traveled for a hundred years, leaving his native land of France, until he eventually met up with Chibi-Robo. During his travels he also became a magician, capable or casting impressive magical spells.

Shortly after meeting with Chibi, he was attacked by Sergeant Smogglor and crumpled into a pile. He was re-energized by Chibi-Robo and thanked him for his help. Without anything else to do in regards to losing his strings, he decided to help out Chibi-Robo with his Park Projects. He was the first of the toys that Chibi met. He soon became upset by not losing his strings and confided his story to Chibi. He was told by Molly Mapleleaf that the answer to his problem wasn't in the world, but inside him. Afterwards he realized that he knew the answer all along, but was too scared to taste freedom. Using his magic, he removed his strings and became free, simultaneously increasing his skills. As thanks for Molly's help, he approached her while she was sleeping, with the offer of one wish. In her mumbling she said she wanted to have real bark, so he granted her wish. He loves the taste of candy - specifically candy canes, but he doesn't like chocolate.



Chassy is a toy car that can help Chibi-Robo with park projects. In her time she was a fancy car, but as the years went by she became somewhat broken down and took to wandering out on her own. She met up with Chibi-Robo while she was driving around looking for some good food at Monkey Burger. Their meeting was interrupted by Sergeant Smogglor, who zapped her and reduced her to junk. Chibi-Robo came to her rescue and re-energized her with his watts.

She took to helping Chibi-Robo with his park projects, though only with the aid of her hat to help keep the sun off her. She helped to encourage Tampa when he was discouraged about his transformation from soldier to construction worker. Eventually she became depressed over her broken-down status, but after she heard Kid Kombo mistake her for a taxi, then back out of getting a ride because he thought she could never go from 0 to 60, she perked up and declared that she'd show him. Afterwards, she was rebuilt by her unnamed boyfriend (presumably Tampa) in to being a fancy sports car. When Kid Kombo tried to hitch a ride with her, she told him off but offered to give Chibi a ride since he was always straight with her. Following that she no longer worked on park projects and became Chibi's fourth vehicle. She is very particular about what she eats and tries to eat only healthy food.



Tampa is a member of the Free Rangers (perhaps from the Sanderson family) that got separated from his unit. He was driving around in his tank and mistook Chibi for an enemy and tried to take him down. His aim was off and he ended up getting zapped by Sergeant Smogglor, which reduced him to junk. Chibi-Robo came to his rescue and re-energized him with his watts.

Since he didn't know where his unit was, he decided to help Chibi-Robo with his park projects. He was very enthusiastic about his job (often yelling "Hooray!" whenever Chibi said yes) and eventually admitted that he was not too enthusiastic about going into battle, as he didn't care much for it. His struggle between his duty and his desire to change careers was encouraged by Chassy and one day, after being energized by Chibi, he woke up in construction clothes and discovered his tank had turned into a bulldozer. Enthused by this new change, he continued to work with Chibi-Robo with improved skills, since he considered it to be good experience for getting a different construction job later. He also is presumably the one who secretly rebuilt Chassy into a sports car, though Chassy never admits to it. He loves to eat chocolate bars.

Pop and Fizz


Pop and Fizz are the mascots for PopFizz soda, only in toy form. They ride around on their surf boards and enthusiastically advertise the PopFizz soda with a carefully practiced sales pitch. However a point of tension among the two is that Pop (the penguin in red) says his name before Fizz (the penguin in yellow) in the slogan. Chibi-Robo met them in town while they were surfing around. They were attacked by Sergeant Smogglor and reduced to junk, until Chibi arrived and re-energized them with his watts.

They joined him in helping with the park projects. However after awhile, the two got fed up with one another and Fizz rode off to go solo. Pop decided to work alone and continued to help Chibi on his own. Eventually Pop realized that things weren't the same without Fizz ("it's like pop without fizz") and the two reunited, only now with improved skills to work with. They also helped Bull out by encouraging him, saying that he was one of their heroes (him being a fellow mascot). Being the mascots of PopFizz, they also love to drink the soda.



Bull is the mascot of a football team from several years ago. He used to be immensely popular, but as the years passed on he began to fade into obscurity. He was eventually given by the team manager to his grandson, who promptly threw Bull away. Bull tried to take it in good stride by claiming he was only in his 'halftime', but his colors began to fade until he was only sepia, a side effect of becoming so forgotten.

He ended up meeting up with Chibi-Robo and after receiving a recharge, decided to help him with park projects until he got his 'game back'. At times when he became excited, his color would return, and eventually he related the story of what happened to him to Chibi. After telling Chibi, he was spotted by Pop, Fizz, and Kid Kombo (all fellow mascots) who recognized him as being their hero. Invigorated by their encouragement, he eventually returned to being in full color, now with improved skills, and proclaimed that his working on the park would be the beginning of his 'third quarter' in life. He loves to chew bubble gum.

Molly Mapleleaf


Molly is a tree toy that was designed to support anti-pollution, but the fact she was plastic meant she wasn't bio-degradable. When she was thrown out, she was distressed by the fact she was contributing to the problem rather than the solution. She was revived by Chibi-Robo after he found her and she very enthusiastically agreed to helping with the park, as she firmly believes that without nature, there is no future.

She's very interested in birds as well as trees. One of her goals was to be reborn as a birch tree with soft bark, so she would have lots of birds as well as be bio-degradable. When Francois was feeling depressed about being controlled by his strings, Molly encouraged him by saying he should be looking in himself rather than the rest of the world. Her words struck Francois and after he got rid of his strings, he used his magic to grant Molly one wish - to have real bark. This wish was granted while Molly was asleep and though she was thrilled, she would have preferred to have been a made a real tree. Being a strict vegetarian, she prefers eating leaves.

Kid Kombo


Kid Kombo is the mascot for Monkey Burger restaurant. He's a toy monkey that hangs out behind the counter at the restaurant. He meets up with Chibi-Robo after being energized with some of Chibi's watts. He agrees to teach Chibi some new dance moves in exchange for hamburgers, which is what Chibi uses to get white flowers to produce seeds. After Chibi revives him the first time, he gave Chibi a spoon that he could use to dig up items. Unlike the other toys, he never works on the Park Projects.

After teaching Chibi all of his dance moves, he took to instead engaging in dance offs. He also cheered on Bull after recognizing him as one his heroes (since Bull was a fellow mascot). But he also jeered Chassy when he saw that she was a broken down car. After she was renovated, he tried to hitch a ride with her, but instead she rejected him due to his comments before. Being the mascot of Monkey Burger, he loves to eat the hamburgers there.