Tsar Gorgi

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Tsar Gorgi.jpg
Tsar Gorgi
Species Human
Affiliation Tundran Territories
Hair color White
Eye color Icy Blue
Status Deceased
Voiced by Kerry Shale
Debut Battalion Wars

Tsar Gorgi is the heredity ruler of the Tundran Territories and father of the reformist Marshal Nova.


War with the Frontier

Tsar Gorgi's reign was marked by the decades-long rivalry between the Western Frontier and the Tundran Empire, sparked when Gorgi acted on intelligence that the Frontier army was constructing a secret superweapon in the Red Rock Desert. This intel turned out to be a hoax, revealed years later to have been perpetuated by a young Kaiser Vlad, as a diversionary tactic. The result of his defeat by General Herman led to a shaky peace between the two nations, with both sides waiting on both sides of the demilitarized zone for the other to ignite war.

Over thirty years later,on the eve of his son's succession, Gorgi re-ignited the conflict one last time by massing his troops in neutral territory in violation of the peace treaty to carry out an elaborate spy mission. When Marshal Nova learned of this, he appointed female officer Major Nelly to take over the Tsar's duties. His old-fashioned sensibilities offended at, in his view, being replaced by a woman, Gorgi fled the palace in disgust.

When the early conflict failed to favor Tundra, Gorgi made a secret trip into Xylvania to meet Kaiser Vlad at his central command, the Vladstag. There, he entered into a secret pact with the Xylvanian dictator, enlisting Xylvanian forces to reinforce Tundran lines and permitting them access to Tundra's holdings in the Dune Sea. This proved a critical mistake, however, as the Kaiser swiftly broke the pact, launching swift, brutal assaults on both Tundran and Frontier targets and seizing control of the Dune Sea region and it's valuable nerocite repositories, constructing a massive war machine and severely crippling Tundra's army. Following this catastrophe, Tsar Gorgi disappeared into exile.

After the Frontier army finally succeeded in destroying the Kaiser's nerocite facilities, Gorgi returned from exile accompanied by his own personal Fighter Squadron, saving Frontier forces from the Kaiser's wrath. During the battle, however, Gorgi personally encountered Xylvania's Kommandant Ubel, who hurled the Tsar over the side of a bridge to his demise. Moments before his death, he was found by Marshal Nova, and with his last breath explained that he had only been acting in the best interests of the Tundran Empire.


After Xylvania's defeat and his son's ascension to power, the confused Nova was tormented by visions of his father's ghost, advocating Tundra's imperialist history as a "nation of conquest," leading Nova to join the Solar Empire in it's retaliatory war against the Anglo Isles. This war, however, was just a ploy by Kaiser Vlad to weaken Tundra's defense, permitting Xylvania to invade.

Adding insult to homicide, Kommandant Ubel invaded the city of Gorgisburg in an attempt to demolish the Mausoleum where Gorgi's body had been lain in state. Here, Gorgi's ghost proved he wasn't a figment of Nova's imagination by actually advising Allied forces on Ubel's traps and tactics.

After Tundra's liberation, Gorgi's ghost appeared to Nova one last time during the Allied Victory parade, in a silent signal of respect for his son's wise leadership.


  • Gorgi's body being lain out in state in a public Mausoleum is likely a reference to Russian leader Vladimir Lenin.