Fox McCloud

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Fox in Star Fox Assault.
Fox McCloud
Species Fox
Eye color Green
Relatives James McCloud (father), Marcus McCloud (possible son)
Debut Star Fox

The lead pilot of the Star Fox mercenary unit originally founded by his father.


The son of James McCloud, little more is said about Fox's background. Originally James led team Star Fox until Andross captured and (presumably) killed him. After Peppy gave Fox the news, he took over the Star Fox team. Although Peppy remained on the team, Falco and Slippy were both added to the team, as well as ROB 64. Their first mission put them up against Andross in a mission towards Venom. Along the way, Fox met Wolf O'Donnell from Star Wolf, who quickly became his arch rival from then on. Eventually Fox did battle with Andross in the core of Venom, eventually defeating him. In order to escape the planet, Fox was led out by an Arwing piloted by James McCloud (how and why being unexplained since then).

Although Fox and the rest of the team earned a large amount of cash for the job, the following eight years were otherwise uneventful. In such times, the team fell apart and the Great Fox fell into disrepair. However, the team soon received word from General Pepper that planet Sauria was in need of aid. During this mission, Fox's skills as a melee fighter were put to the test. Rather than a blaster, he used Krystal's staff and teamed up with Prince Tricky. Together the two were able to defeat the Sharpclaws, bring the planet into one piece, and (with the help of Falco) unmask Andross once and for all. Along the way, he also met the mysterious Krystal, whom he quickly took a liking to.

With the money earned from the Sauria mission, Fox and his crew were able to repair the Great Fox. Slippy returned to active duty, Falco rejoined the team, and Peppy officially retired as a pilot. To replace him, Krystal was enlisted to join the team. In just a year, Andrew Oikonny gathered the remains of Andross's fleet to defeat the Corneria, but was quickly defeated by Star Fox. However, they soon met a new foe, the Aparoids. Eventually Star Fox teamed up with Star Wolf, ultimately defeating the Aparoid Queen, but only at the cost of losing the Great Fox.

Sometime afterwards, Fox and Krystal finally admitted their romantic feelings for each other and became a couple. Although they swore to be together forever, Fox knew the danger that haunted Star Fox pilots. So, in an attempt to protect Krystal, he broke up with her and made her quit the team. With Slippy and Falco slowly drifting away from Fox, soon all that was left of Star Fox was Fox himself and ROB, who continued wandering the galaxy in the Great Fox.

During the Anglar invasion of "Star Fox Command", Fox attempted to help the battle at Corneria. He saw that he would be unable to take on the Anglars alone, so he decided to seek out his former wingmates. He sought out Falco and Slippy, then he swallowed up his pride and went after Krystal. He found her just as she was joining Star Wolf, with her new boyfriend, Panther.

However, Fox apologized to Krystal in front of Star Wolf and everyone. Krystal decided to accept the apology and ditched Panther to rejoin Star Fox. However, Fox acted somewhat cold and indifferent to her afterwards. Eventually the reunited Star Fox was able to destroy the Anglar Emperor. Most things seem to have been patched up between Fox and Krystal, as this time Fox learned the true meaning of friendship and love. With a new fifth member, Slippy's fiancee Amanda, Team Star Fox flew once more.

Possible Fates

Fox's fate differs in the other endings of Star Fox Command. In Ending 2 Fox dissolves Team Star Fox in order to make up with Krystal and live peacefully with her. They have a son named Marcus, who grows up to lead a new generation of Star Fox. In Ending 3 Krystal rejoins Star Fox at first, but ultimately breaks down and leaves to join Star Wolf, leaving Fox heartbroken. In Ending 5 it is Krystal who comes to Fox to make up, and she rejoins Star Fox. Ending 6 is notable in that the final battle has Fox once again meeting with James, but it seems only Fox can see him. In Ending 9 Star Wolf, with Krystal as a member, destroys the Anglars instead of Fox when Fox is waylaid by Pigma after being betrayed by Wolf. Fox becomes heavily depressed until Falco convinces him to instead become a racer in the G-Zero Grand Prix. With new meaning in his life, Fox and Falco become G-Zero GP legends.


  • Fox McCloud is a playable combatant in both Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee. In the latter game he has three unlockable trophies.
  • Command description: "The leader of the Star Fox squadron. His bravery and sense of justice is strong, although he can be too serious at times."
  • When Fox becomes a father in Ending 2 of Star Fox Command, he wears shades identical to those of James McCloud.