Silver Arrow

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A Silver Arrow in The Legend of Zelda.
Silver Arrow
Type Arrow
Debut The Legend of Zelda

The Silver Arrow is an advanced type of arrow that is primarily present in the early The Legend of Zelda games, where it is a key to defeating Ganon.


Silver Arrows are upgraded forms of normal arrows that are twice as strong. Link's arrows are permanently changed into Silver Arrows when he obtains them. The Silver Arrows are particularly useful as the weakness of Ganon, and they are used by Link to finish him off in his first appearances.

In The Legend of Zelda, the Silver Arrow was found in the Death Mountain dungeon and was used to finish off Ganon. In A Link to the Past, the Silver Arrows wre given to Link by the Great Fairy within the Pyramid of Power when he first visited her. In this game, it took several Silver Arrows to finish off Ganon when he was stunned.

Other Appearances[edit]

Video Games[edit]

  • In Hyrule Warriors, an 8-bit version of the Silver Arrow appears as a bonus weapon for Fi, and it is classified as part of the Goddess Blade weapon type.

Other Media[edit]

  • The Silver Arrows appeared in several issues of the The Legend of Zelda comics, where Zelda had them. She tried using them on Ganon several times to finish him off, but she never succeeded.
  • In the A Link to the Past comic, Roam had been seeking the Silver Arrows with little success. In the end, following Roam's death, Zelda fired an arrow from Roam's crossbow that was transformed into a Silver Arrow in midair and finished off Ganon.
  • In the 2005 A Link to the Past manga, Ganty's earrings were actually the arrowheads of the Silver Arrows, and she wound up making them into the Silver Arrows to finish off Ganon and avenge her people at the end.


  • The Silver Arrow being Ganon's weakness is derived from superstitions regarding werewolves, as silver items are said to be their weaknesses.
  • It has been largely replaced by Light Arrows in later games.