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The Light
Species Human
Class Monk
Promotion Bishop
Affiliation House Cornwell
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
Debut Fire Emblem

Lucius was a monk of St. Elimine who wielded light magic. He was one of the playable units in Fire Emblem.


Lucius at first lived with his parents in Etruria, his father being a famous mercenary. However, a thief (a young Renault) broke into their home one day and killed Lucius's father with a dagger. His mother fell ill and died soon afterwards. Lucius then lived miserably in an orphanage, with his only memento of his parents being the dagger that had killed his father. He suffered from a cruel teacher and was also teased for his feminine appearance. He also developed some strange illness which came from a sickness of his soul, caused by the death of his father. However, Lucius grew to become a monk of St. Elimine and later became a servant to House Cornwell, shortly after Marquess Cornwell's daughter Priscilla had been sent away to live with Count Caerleon. Lucius served House Cornwell for ten years and became a close friend to Marquess Cornwell's son, Raymond. Raymond acted rude to Lucius even when he was just a child, but Lucius saw that Raymond always cared for him in his heart. But Lucius's service to Cornwell came to a tragic end when the marquess and his wife were killed.

Raymond, filled with anger and wanting someone to take revenge on, bought into rumors that House Ostia was behind the assassination and dubbed himself Raven while seeking revenge on House Ostia. Lucius traveled with Raven, since he was the last of House Cornwell and Lucius wanted to sway Raven from this scheme. Lucius and Raven then joined the Caelin army as soldiers for hire. Lucius first appeared in "Chapter 7: Siblings Abroad". In Khathelet, he saw the boy Nils looking for help in avoiding the minions of the Black Fang. Lucius then volunteered to help Lyn and her group in protecting Nils from the Black Fang, and he remained with Lyn's group for the remainder of her journey. After Lyn's journey was complete, Lucius remained in Caelin for some time to study until he was called away to receiving a summons from another land. He then continued traveling with Raven.

Lucius and Raven resurfaced one year later in "Whereabouts Unknown" (Eliwood Chapter 16, Hector Chapter 17). During the Laus attack on Castle Caelin, Lucius and Raven had been captured by the Laus troops and imprisoned within Castle Caelin. Raven then decided to join with Laus against Caelin in order to escape imprisonment and get a shot at Marquess Ostia's brother Hector. Lucius remained in the cell until Raven came to him (if he was recruited into Eliwood's group) and told Lucius to accompany him in joining Eliwood and Hector's group, claiming that he was doing so only to get closer to Hector. Lucius complied and remained in Eliwood's group for the remainder of the journey.

Possible Fates

Lucius has two different endings, depending on whether or not he has A Rank support with Raven.

  • Default Ending- Lucius lived a modest life in a corner of Araphen and a built a small orphanage where he cared for helpless children, likely to save them from terrible orphanages like the one he was raised in. Raven is also rumored to be in Araphen during his own default ending.
  • Raven and Lucius's Ending- Lucius and Raven continue traveling as mercenaries. However, Raven had quit his campaign of revenge after speaking with Hector, and Lucius was pleased to see that Raven's heart was at ease.

Support Conversation Summaries

Lucius is capable of having Support conversations with five other characters.

  • Karel- Karel talks about blood and foresees blood falling like rain, although Lucius says that's what they're trying to prevent. Karel tells Lucius that his hands are stained with blood too and the more he saw his own impurity, the closer he would be to Karel, and Karel would not have to kill him. Karel later asks Lucius if he is disgusted and wants to give up his faith, but Lucius says that his beliefs give strength to his will. Karel tells Lucius that because he lives by the sword, he cannot live without the taste of blood. He calls Lucius weak and says he does not want his blood. In the final Support conversation, Karel tells Lucius that he is comfortable around the monk simply because he is weak, and Karel is not urged to kill him. Lucius then convinces Karel to rest.
  • Priscilla- Lucius meets with Priscilla, Raven's sister who was raised in Caerleon. Priscilla then began asking Lucius questions to see what Raven thought of her. But she soon and observed that Lucius's face was even more beautiful that of a woman, saying that several lords must have fallen for him. Lucius then corrected her by saying he was a man and that he had been teased for his appearance since childhood. Lucius returns to apologize to Priscilla, but she saw no need to now that she was a part of House Caerleon and not Cornwell. Priscilla then said that she was jealous of Lucius, because she only had six years with Raven before she was taken away, while Lucius was with him for more than ten years.
  • Raven- Lucius attempted to persuade Raven to stopping his campaign of revenge against House Ostia, but Raven refused and asked Lucius to leave. But Lucius said that without House Cornwell, he had no home to go to anymore and began to get angry at Raven. Raven then revealed that he wanted Lucius and Priscilla to leave because they were the last of his family, and he did not want them to suffer a similar fate to his parents, then he apologized for his harshness. Raven then saw clearly and decided to talk things over with House Ostia after the adventure was over, and to continue searching for the answers to his parents' killers. Raven then told Lucius that he wanted him to stay home so that he had someone to come home to. Lucius suggested that he instead got married so that Raven could come home to her and travel with him, but Raven said that he didn't need the jabbering that came with a wife, saying that he already got enough jabbering with Lucius.
  • Renault- Renault discovered Lucius's illness, and Lucius said that he suffered from a sickness of the soul, but he constantly strove to overcome it so that he could help others. Renault comforted Lucius. Afterwards, Lucius was getting better with Renault's advice, and Renault asked Lucius to recount the blemish on his soul that caused his sickness. Lucius told Renault the whole story about the death of his parents, but Renault's face went red during the account and he asked Lucius to excuse him. Lucius later confronted Renault and asked if he had done something to upset Renault, then begged his forgiveness. Renault then said it was his own fault. Lucius did not understand and fell asleep soon afterwards. Renault then recounted how it was he who killed Lucius's father. At that point Lucius instantly forgave Renault for his past crimes, saying that he felt Renault's grief, and that it felt like his own.
  • Serra- In the first Support conversation, Serra approached Lucius and told him that the reason she hadn't spoken to him before was because she tried to avoid befriending girls that were even cuter than she was. This prompted Lucius to meekly correct Serra by telling her she was a man. In the second conversation, Serra felt dizzy that such a "beautiful man" could exist and began admiring him. In the third Support conversation, Serra found out that Lucius was from Etruria (saying she could tell from his blonde hair, even though Lucius said not all Etrurians had blonde hair) and asked him if he was a noble. Lucius then told her about his parents and how he was sent to an orphanage after they were killed. Lucius than asked Serra why she was crying, and she said that it was because she was raised in a convent. Lucius said that they had both suffered very much and must have been destined to meet by St. Elimine. Lucius said he was grateful to St. Elimine for bringing her to his side, and Serra said she was grateful as well.


  • Due to his feminine appearance, he is often confused with a girl both by fans and by other characters in the game. Both Serra and Priscilla initially think Lucius is a girl.