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Official artwork of Piers
Species Human
Hair color Turquoise
Eye color Yellow
Relatives Parents
Debut Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Piers is the fourth and last playable member of Felix's party in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. He is a Water Adept who originates from the hidden island of Lemuria.


Piers was born an uncertain amount of time ago in Lemuria. Due to the Lemurians' long life spans, it is possible that Piers is actually several hundred years old, although he refuses to reveal his actual age when grilled by his teammates. His father died when he was young, and he was raised by his only living relatives - a mother who was born with a weak heart, and his uncle. During the timeframe of Golden Sun, he was chosen to embark on a mission for King Hydros and Lunpa behind the Lemurian senate's back. This was because comparing the ancient map of Weyard to Lunpa's more recent map showed that the continents were shrinking, which Hydros and Lunpa believed meant that the world was decaying due to Alchemy being sealed away, which would eventually lead to the world dying. However, Conservo and the senate refused to believe this or support change in any way. Piers set off from Lemuria in a boat that, like all Lemurian boats, was controlled by a black orb that Piers used his Psynergy on. His mission was to explore the world and see if the continents had indeed gotten smaller, in order to confirm Hydros's suspicions about the impending end of the world. However, shortly after he set off, a powerful tidal wave was unleashed by Poseidon's awakening in the wake of the first two lighthouses (Mercury and Venus) being ignited by Saturos and Menardi. This wave knocked Piers's ship wildly off course and caused him to be shipwrecked at the East Indra Shore. There, he was discovered by the citizens of Madra, who assumed he was part of Briggs's pirate crew and had him arrested despite Piers's pleas of innocence. Piers's black orb was confiscated and kept at the mayor's home.

It was here, in this jail at Madra, that Felix and his companions Jenna, Sheba and Kraden first beheld Piers, who was angry to have been imprisoned by these people and briefly showed off his Psynergy by freezing some water to scare the townspeople who were provoking him. Felix's group then wound up hunting down and capturing Briggs, which led to Piers being found innocent and released. However, Piers discovered that while he was in prison, the Kimibobo tribe had attacked the town and stolen his black orb. Piers set off westward towards Kimibobo to retrieve it. Felix's group caught up with Piers there, although he did not really remember them from earlier. Nevertheless, Piers was convinced to join Felix's party in order to enter the Gabomba Statue and retrieve the black orb, which they were ultimately successful at. They then made their way to the East Indra Shore, where Piers revealed himself to be Lemurian, although he refused to reveal anything regarding his mission. He was also hesitant to allow Kraden passage to Lemuria due to Kraden's connection to Babi, who was known as a thief to the people of Lemuria. At Aqua Rock, Piers was able to master the special Mercury Psynergy known as Parch.

They wound up seeking out the pieces of and then assembling the Trident of Ankhol, and with it they sailed into the Sea of Time and defeated Poseidon. They were then able to enter Lemuria at last. Piers was at first excited to be home again, but his excitement dissipated when he visited his uncle and learned that his mother had died while he was away. Piers then temporarily split from the group in order to mourn at her grave. However, he regained his composure in order to accompany Hydros and Lunpa in addressing Felix's group about their theory regarding the world's end. Piers also presented his findings, saying that he noted the continents seemed even smaller than in Lunpa's map, which was a sure sign that the world truly was decaying. His comrades finally learned his actual mission, but unfortunately for him so did Conservato. When Hydros decided that Piers should continue to accompany Felix for the lighting of the last lighthouses, Conservato saw fit to banish Piers from Lemuria forever due to disobeying their laws. They departed Lemuria, with this being the point at which all of Piers's comrades teamed up on him to try to goad him into revealing his age, and he remained tight-lipped about the matter.

At the Jupiter Lighthouse, Piers volunteered to accompany Felix to the top of the lighthouse when the rest of their group was preoccupied with helping Isaac's group, as he did not trust Agatio and Karst. They succeeded in lighting the Jupiter beacon, which amazed Piers. However, Agatio and Karst chose this moment to turn on Felix and Piers, trying to attack them while they were alone. But their remaining comrades soon caught onto the danger and came to help them in battle, leading to them defeating Agatio and Karst. Afterwards, they went to light the Mars Lighthouse, and following the battle with the Doom Dragon, Piers desperately attempted to heal Jenna's parents while Mia tried healing Isaac's father. However, Piers eventually gave up due to finding it futile, and he was angry at the pain that the Wise One had caused to Jenna, Felix and Isaac. They then lit the Mars beacon and mused on the chance that had brought them together, such as the tidal wave that knocked Piers off of his original course. The parents then miraculously recovered afterwards from the Mars Lighthouse's energy, and Piers let slip to Jenna's parents that Jenna had cried when she thought they were dead. The entire group then set off for Isaac's hometown of Vale, with Piers being excited to see what it looked like, although it was devastated when they arrived.

Soon afterwards, Piers traveled to Port Rago to begin his new life as a sailor. He became known as a seafaring hero to the port's inhabitants while he sailed around the world in his ship and investigated mysterious phenomena. He also became close friends with his former enemy Briggs, telling him various stories of his and his companions' adventures, even giving him some Water of Hermes. At some point during the game, Piers ferried Kraden and his apprentice Nowell (most likely to Belinsk). Nowell, the daughter of Mia, decided to stay aboard the ship and work for Piers due to having developed a crush on him. It was left unstated whether or not Piers noticed or reciprocated her feelings. Piers also visited Tonfon at some point and seemed to play a role in giving the ships there Lemurian modifications. Although he never encountered Matthew's group, he made arrangements for Emperor Unan to see Matthew's group when they arrived.


Piers is a Mercury Adept, which makes him attuned to water-based Psynergies. However, most of his abilities are a variable depending on his class (which can change depending on which Djinn are assigned to him) and which special items he has equipped. The only Psynergies that he automatically knows or learns over the course of the game are Frost, Douse and Parch, the latter being the special Psynergy that he learns at Aqua Rock. In battle, he wields light blades, long swords, maces and axes.


  • He is the only playable character within the first two games to be introduced in The Lost Age.