Rupee Goods

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The Rupee Goods are various treasures found throughout Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland. Each one is themed after the location it is found in; Tingle sends them to his house via a small red balloon. They are stored in Tingle's attic and can be viewed at any time.

Though they originally appear to be nothing more than memorabilia of the adventure, collecting all thirty reveals their true use. In Auros Ruins, there is a sealed door that can only be opened once every Rupee Good has been obtained; within this room is Pinkle, who was being held captive by Uncle Rupee. By collecting every treasure, Tingle removes the curse on her and allows her to become a fairy once more. Pinkle then provides assistance during the final battle, and a new ending can be seen.

Following is a list of all Rupee Goods, including locations and in-game descriptions:

  • 01 Rupee Poster

This poster declares: "Come to Rupeeland! Happiness awaits you.
It is received from Uncle Rupee after raising the tower for a second time.

  • 02 Gold Shark Teeth

Among fashionable sharks this is the must-have item of the season.
It is one of three treasures found in the Pirate Hideaway, inside a small hole.

  • 03 Sea-Weed Notes

The currency of the sea. When a squid wants to buy starfish, this is what he uses to pay.
It is one of three treasures found in the Pirate Hideaway, inside a small hole.

  • 04 Wood Fish

Wooden drum used when surrounding Fish Rock to pray for a good catch.
It is one of three treasures found in the Pirate Hideaway, behind a locked door.

  • 05 Moo Moo Parasol

Used by rich women down on the farm. Believed to be the oldest use of an animal print design.
It is found in an underground cave in Lon Lon Ranch, which must be located with the shovel.

  • 06 Waterfall Fish

A fish struggling against the flow of the river symbolizes success against the odds.
It is found in a secret passage under the waterfall in Deku Forest.

  • 07 Fortune Leaf

Will your life be a success or end in failure? You can see your destiny written on this leaf.
It is one of two treasures found in the Deku Forest, behind a locked door.

  • 08 Rupee Tree

People in Rupeeland celebrate special days by hanging rupees from giant fir trees.
It is one of two treasures found in the Deku Forest, past a large boulder.

  • 09 Pink Lotus

Ideal for meditation, put this by your bed when you sleep and you might attain enlightenment.
It is found behind a rock that must be destroyed with a Nitro Bomb in Steamy Marsh.

  • 10 Kid Toadstool

Came to the city to seek his fortune, but sadly success has always eluded this young toadstool...
It is found in an underground cave in Gooey Swamp, dug up where the map displays a non-existant mushroom.

  • 11 Prospector Bug

Said to collect gold from river beds to make gold balls, but it looks like a regular dirty bug.
It is one of three treasures found in the Insect Cavern, past a large boulder.

  • 12 Cobweb Tights

These attract a lot of attention at parties. They look great, but aren't ideal in winter...
It is one of three treasures found in the Insect Cavern, inside a small hole.

  • 13 Bug Eye Glasses

Wear these and 1 rupee looks like 100! It's the quickest and easiest way to feel rich...
It is one of three treasures found in the Insect Cavern, past a large boulder.

  • 14 Bronze Butterfly

If you like butterflies, this is delightful. If you don't, it's just really ugly.
It is received from the Chief Explorer after giving him the three butterflies found in Steamy Marsh and Gooey Swamp.

  • 15 Millionaire Doll

With its silver body and diamond eyes, this doll embodies wealth.
It is received from the Snow Father after digging up and returning his four missing parts buried in the Icy Plain.

  • 16 Spender Emblem

This coat of arms celebrates the glory of being a big spender.
It is received from the Old Gent after finding and returning Paul's three missing toys.

  • 17 Lighthouse Cap

Human Lighthouses used to wear this hat to guide merchant vessels and pirate ships to shore.
It is found behind a rock that must be destroyed with a Tingle Bomb in Sunshine Seashore.

  • 18 Silk Rope

Belonged to a climber who insisted on the best equipment. Beautiful rope that snapped instantly.
It is found at the top of a small mountain that Tingle must climb in Mount Desma.

  • 19 Magma Ball

Use in the bath for instant hot water, smooth skin and relief from aches and pains!
It is one of two treasures found in Desma's Labyrinth, though no bodyguard is required.

  • 20 Dragon Fry

A legendary snack for the true gourmet. Take one small dragon, fry it in batter and enjoy!
It is one of two treasures found in Desma's Labyrinth, behind a locked door.