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The Genius Kid Who Can Pick the Winners
Age 8
Debut F-Zero AX

Digi-Boy is a pilot in the F-Zero series and a boy genius.


Terry Getter is a brilliant kid currently attending Einstein Academy. He's received the name Digi-Boy because there is no digital device he can't deftly use. In fact, he's even invented many of his own. He's extremely interested in Astronomy and it is the key to all of his scientific research. However, he's had little success with girls. There is a girl in his class named Sharon, but nothing has gone quite according to his simulations.

He's closely analyzed all of the F-Zero races. From watching them he's developed an equation that he used in his Cosmic Dolphin, a machine he designed himself. He developed simulations of the F-Zero races to develop a winning strategy. As a result, his main reason for entering the F-Zero races is to see if his simulations are correct.

Cosmic Dolphin

  • Number: 32
  • Creator: Digi-Boy
  • Weight: 900 kg
  • Body: E
  • Boost: A
  • Grip: C

The machine was designed by Digi-Boy and as such was designed to be extremely efficient. The machine has excellent speed and average maneuverability, but its body is rather weak - which works well with Digi-Boy's safe driving technique - he rarely hits other drivers. Most of the difficult driving is done by the computer, meaning Digi-Boy can drive using only one hand.


  • Although introduced in F-Zero AX, he can be unlocked in F-Zero GX by beating Chapter 5 in Story Mode on Very Hard difficulty.