Power Suit

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The Power Suit is that armor worn by Samus Aran, the protagonist of the Metroid series. It is equipped with a number of offensive and defensive features, and it is typically capable of receiving upgrades over the course of a game..

Power Suit

The Chozo Power Suit is a highly advanced combat suit suitable for many conditions and compatible with a wide variety of technologies. It can readily integrate with Space Pirate, Federation, and Luminoth Technology. The Power Suit was largely credited to the Chozo Scientist Dryn, who may have lived as much as 1100 years ago.

After Samus had reached adulthood, the Chozo crafted a customized Power Suit (model number: SA1-4468-VM6-P) specifically for her use. The Chozo Battle Suit itself, while not incredibly powerful, was extremely versatile. The basic suit itself was standard space armor fare, except the right arm was replaced with an arm cannon capable of firing beams and stored missiles. The suit itself was also designed in such a way as to allow free movement, excellent jumping abilities, a life support system, and a integrated computer system.

The suit itself is able to integrate upgrades, such as the Varia Suit, Gravity Suit, Phazon Suit, Dark Suit, and Light Suit. Only the first two variations are of Chozo design and have been utilized in most installments of the series. The Varia suit is designed to withstand extreme heat. The Gravity Suit was designed to allow free movement in liquid environment, as well as an increased tolerance for extreme conditions. The Phazon Suit was an accidental contamination that allows the suit to be immune to most forms of phazon. The Dark Suit was found on Dark Aether and lessened the effects of Dark Aether's radiation. The Light Suit was a fusion of Luminoth and Chozo technology that protected from most dark energy and allowed Samus to ride the beams of light from the energy controller. Another suit, the Fusion Suit, was the result of the X Parasite infestation, the stripping of Samus's power suit, and the Metroid vaccine. The Metroid Suit was a unique variation of Dread in which Samus's Metroid DNA caused her to transform and resemble a living version of her Power Suit.

Power Suit Functions

Arm Cannon

The central weapon system on the Power Suit. It is capable of firing beam attacks based on whatever types are installed. It is also capable of firing missiles and super missiles as available. Additional functions include the grapple beam, which functions as a weak weapon, but mostly as a tool. The arm cannon is capable of interfacing with most computer systems, either for recharges, downloading information, or other purposes.


The standard (Combat) visor allows for normal vision in most environments, in space, normal air, or underwater. The suit itself has an integrated Scan Visor allows the computer to scan an object or creature. For this it will it will make conclusions on the object or creature based on the suit's computer. It can also scan computer logs and different scripts, though the computer is limited to available encryption and language functions. Additions visors that have been integrated are the X-Ray Visor, Thermal Visor, Dark Visor, and Echo Visor. All of these Visors allows Samus to see things the Combat Visor (and other Visors) are unable to see.


The legs of the suit are already capable of reasonable speed and jumping. The Hi-Jump boots doubles the height of Samus's jumping abilities. The Space Jump further augments this by allowing continuous jumping (although some variations allow only a double jump). The Speed Booster increases Samus's speed to such an extend that she can destroy objects and creatures with the speef of her movement.

Morph Ball


The Morph Ball is a powerful feature of the Chozo Power Suit that has not yet been replicated. Samus Aran did not originally have this ability, but had to gain the power by finding a Chozo power-up on Zebes. The Morph Ball has proved to be a great asset to her on many occasions. Although the Morph Ball's key feature is becoming small enough to fit in other areas, it has also been useful in combination with other upgrades.

The most basic function is the ability to drop bombs. These small explosives are mainly useful for destroying walls, but also have been a useful tool for attacking enemies while in Morph Ball mode (and particularly useful for escaping Metroids). Although these bombs are unlimited, the more destructive Power Bombs come in limited supply. Although the Morph Ball is usually limited to ground movement, the Spring Ball allows Samus to jump while in ball form, while other games grant that jumping ability with jump-increasing items or sometimes as an automatic feature of the Morph Ball.

Other useful power-ups have been the Spider Ball, which allowed Samus to climb walls or cling to magnetic railings while in Morph Ball mode. The Boost Ball upgrade allowed Samus to achieve maximum height on Half Pipes and to activate spinners. In Metroid Prime 2, the Screw Attack worked only in Morph Ball mode and was not as versatile as a normal Morph Ball.

In Metroid Prime Pinball, most of the game features Samus in Morph Ball form. Aside from ramming objects, she retains her bomb laying powers (and Power Bombs when unlocked). She was also able to transform into two 'Phazon Balls' as well as receive two extra clones.

Other Functions

The suit had additional features that do not apply to the above. The Power Grip function allows the left hand to grab onto ledges so that Samus can pull herself up. The suit is capable of storing Energy Tanks, which allow the suit to take more damage that it is otherwise capable of. Reserve Tanks can also be integrated to form backups of the Energy Tanks. The Screw Attack transforms the spinning jump into a devastating attack that is often one of Samus's most powerful.

Other Suits

Varia Suit


The Varia Suit (originally intended to represent the word "Barrier" in Japanse) is the most basic Power Suit upgrade and the one that Samus Aran is most commonly seen in. It is bulkier than the Power Suit and notably has rounded shoulders. The Varia Suit's upgrade typically allows for increased resilience to extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold. As such, this typically allows Samus to enter areas she previously could not. The Metroid Fusion Varia Suit allowed her to safely absorb frozen X Parasites, which previously would freeze her. It also increased the defenses of the suit, allowing for more damage to be taken.

In Metroid/Zero Mission, Samus acquired the Varia Suit in Brinstar. In Metroid Prime, Samus found the Varia Suit after defeating Flaahgra. Afterwards, she was able to retain the suit throughout the following Metroid Prime games without losing it. In Metroid II and Samus Returns, it was found within Area 2. In Super Metroid, Samus acquired the Varia Suit shortly after defeating Kraid. In Other M, Samus's Varia Suit was disabled in the beginning until Adam authorized its use partway through Samus's first excursion in the Pyrosphere. In Metroid Fusion, an Orb-X absorbed the Varia Suit through a computer terminal, but Samus was able to claim the Varia Suit after absorbing the X. In Metroid Dread, the Varia Suit was gained from a Chozo Suit in Artaria, and unlike the Fusion version of the suit, this one did not provide protection to cold temperatures that Samus's Metroid DNA made her susceptible towards.

  • Entire Series

Gravity Suit / Boost


The Gravity Suit is a powerful upgrade for the Power Suit. The Gravity Suit inherits the abilities of all the previous suit upgrades, and it allows for free movement in a liquid environment. With the Gravity Suit, Samus is able to make complete jumps underwater, allowing for easier exploration of underwater environments. In some cases, it is necessary for moving within lava as well. It also protected Samus from extreme cold temperatures in Dread, which she had been made vulnerable to by her Metroid DNA. It also increases the defenses of the suit, allowing for more damage to be taken. In terms of appearance, it resembles the standard Varia Suit design (complete with the rounded shoulders) but with the coloration changed, such as parts of the armor being purple.

In Zero Mission, Samus gained the Gravity Suit near the end of the game. after defeating a boss deep within Chozodia, after having lost her original Power Suit. In this appearance, it was known as the Fully Powered Suit. In Metroid Prime, Samus found the Gravity Suit in the Gravity Chamber within the Phendrana region. The Gravity Suit itself did not appear in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes due to its inability to protect against the atmosphere of Dark Aether, but a Gravity Boost could be found in the Hydrodynamo of Torvus Bog that accomplished the same effect as the suit without replacing the Dark or Light Suits.

In Metroid: Samus Returns, it was found in Area 5. In Super Metroid, Samus found the Gravity Suit guarded by the Golden Torizo in Norfair. In Other M, Samus's Gravity Suit was disabled initially due to Adam's orders, and she did not activate it until close to the end of the game, in order to prevent herself from being sucked out of space following Sector Zero's ejection from the Bottle Ship. In Metroid Fusion, it was found in the possession of Nightmare, which had received the upgrade via Samus's contaminated suit parts. In Metroid Dread, it was obtained from a Chozo Stature deep within Burenia.

Phazon Suit


The Phazon Suit is a contamination of the Power Suit. After Samus Aran defeated the Phazon-powered Omega Pirate, it collapsed on top of her and disintegrated. The effects of this altered her Gravity Suit and made her suit immune to Phazon radiation. In addition, it allowed the arm cannon to absorb concentrated Phazon and fire a 'Phazon Beam', a powerful attack that could eliminate most foes. Like most Suit upgrades, the Phazon Suit also decreased damage taken.

The Phazon Suit was crucial in surviving the Phazon enriched Impact Crater. It also was instrumental in defeating the core of Metroid Prime. Using pools of Phazon, Samus was able to fire a concentrated Phazon Beam directly into the core. However, the effects of the Phazon Suit were stripped away when one of Metroid Prime's tentacles latched on to Samus. This resulted in the creation of Dark Samus.

Dark Suit


The Dark Suit is a Luminoth designed upgrade that is compatible with the Chozo Power Suit. Samus obtained the "Dark Suit" after beating Amorbis in Dark Aether's Torvus Temple. The suit itself was inside of a large sphere that the three Amorbis creatures gained energy from and may have possibly been the source of the sphere's power. With the Dark Suit, Samus had an increased resilience to Dark Aether's radiation, but still was not impervious to it. Like most Power Suit upgrades, the Dark Suit also decreased damage taken.

Light Suit


The Light Suit is a Power Suit upgrade that is a fusion of Chozo and Luminoth technology. U-Mos provided Samus with this upgrade after she had restored all the Energy Controllers in Torvus, Agon, and Sanctuary. The Light Suit was unaffected by Dark Aether's radiation. It also nullified the acidic effects of the dark water in Dark Aether as well. The Light Suit also had a special ability to 'ride' the energy beams from the Energy Controller, allowing Samus to warp instantly to any other controller. Like most Power Suit upgrades, the Light Suit also decreased damage taken.

PED Suit


The PED Suit is a special modification of the Varia Suit installed by Galactic Federation. The normal Phazon Enhancement Device uses a tank of Phazon to fire concentrated blasts. After Samus was corrupted by Phazon, she was able to use the PED Suit and her own energy to concentrate Phazon into a Hyper Beam attack. However the suit could only be used so long lest Samus become Corrupted and transform into a being like Dark Samus. After Phaaze was destroyed, Samus was no longer corrupted and no longer had use for the PED Suit.

Hazard Shield

An adaption to the PED Suit, the Hazard Shield was produced by the Space Pirates to protect themselves from the acid rain that constantly falls on their homeworld. Samus can collect a copy in the Craneyard of the Pirate Homeworld after obtaining the Spider Ball ability. In addition to protecting her from aforementioned rain, it also offers protection against the extreme heat and spontaneous combustion created by Fuel Gel. The PED Suit is given a purple color scheme and new shoulder pads to signify the presence of the Hazard Shield.

Fusion Suit


The 'Fusion Suit' is an alteration of Samus Aran's default Power Suit. While she was on SR388 assisting in research for BioLogic Space Labs, she was infected with the X Parasite. Most of her suit had to be surgically removed. In order to cure her, she was injected with a Metroid vaccine. As a result, the Fusion Suit is capable of absorbing X Parasites for energy and missiles. However, it also inherited the Metroid weakness to frigid temperatures. This flaw was compensated for by upgrading to the Varia Suit. After Samus Aran absorbed the Core-X of the SA-X, the Fusion Suit reverted to its original Power Suit form. Samus's Power Suit in Metroid Dread also had some similarities with the Fusion Suit's design.

The Fusion Suit has also been included in several non-canon bonus appearances. By beating Metroid Fusion and connecting to Metroid Prime, the Fusion Suit can be unlocked for and activated in the options menu for the latter game. It acts only as a skin within the game and does not alter the gameplay in any way. Given that the game is in first person mode, the Fusion Suit is only visible during cutscenes. Additionally, Samus Returns had a Fusion mode that could be unlocked by beating the game and scanning a Metroid amiibo. This was a harder version of the game (even harder than the Hard Mode) and featured Samus wearing the Fusion Suit.

Metroid Suit

The Metroid Suit appears at the very end of Metroid Dread and is technically an alternate form of Samus's rather than a type of armor. It is the result of Samus's Metroid DNA fully awakening and turning her into a Metroid. This causes her to transform so that she resembles an organic version of the Varia Suit. In this form, she can freely fire powerful Hyper Beams and can absorb energy like a Metroid. She also still retained access to her previous abilities with the exception of her Aeion abilities. Samus only has this form for the escape sequence of Dread. After reaching her Gunship, Quiet Robe sends an X Parasite into Samus's body, which reverts her back to her human self and restores her original armor.