Characters Appearing : Tony, Booster, Dimentio, Pokey, Kumatora, Mia, Giegue
Theme Song : Feathery Wings

Left, right, left. Left, left, left, right, left. A small force marched through the Forest of Illusion, bent on a single purpose. It was not to conquer, nor to slay anyone. They merely wished, at this juncture, to march and continue marching.

Left, right, um... left? The procession faltered momentarily. The leader, a short man clad in red with a horned helmet and a shaggy black beard that had long since gone to seed, reaching his feet, made as if to open his mouth to ask a question.

"The left forms the 'L', Master Booster," chirped one of his underlings, a Snifit, seeming to read the bearded man's mind somehow.

It was quite an odd crowd, even for that particular forest, now a ghostly and sometimes terrifyingly dark place. Booster, the little man, nodded, and began marching again. He was followed in quick succession by three Snifits, three Toadies, their propellers buzzing as they chattered, and two Waddle-Dees, looking bewildered. In Booster's right hand was a wand he waved about like a baton, and in his left was a chain attached to a massive Chomp by the name of Bow Wow, who scouted ahead of his master, eagerly devouring whatever he deemed appropriate.

"Master Booster, please, let's rest for a second," whined one of the Snifits.

"Don't insult me, Snifit Four," Booster said, coming to a sudden stop again. "But while we're stopped, how about a rest? I am glad I thought of it on my own," he said with a mad grin.

The assembled creatures sat in a circle, and Booster proceeded to pull out a weathered-looking journal.

"Yay, story-time!" the Snifits cried on cue, their joy echoed amongst the Toadies and Waddle-Dees. "What have our friends written today, Master?"

Booster cackled, holding the book very close to his face.

"Aha," he said, flipping open to a page, "Today, Bowser writes, 'Raaargh! You are all morons, because I am the king of Koopas!' And here, Princess Toadstool has written in reply, 'How awful you are, King Bowser! Do not say such things!'"

The Snifits ooh'd and ahh'd at the appropriate points.

"And now, as we speak, Gyigyig has spoken, dear Snifits! But fear not, he merely writes 'Humans and pancakes are both delightful things! Let us be friends forever!'" Booster said grandly. He pulled out a pen with another cackle. "Shall we write him back?"

The underlings chorused their agreement, but Bow Wow growled suddenly.

"Master Booster... someone approaches!" Snifit Two gasped.

"By the ghost of Snifit Three!" Booster cried, leaping to his feet, the journal falling to his feet. No one felt the need to remark on the fact that each and every page was utterly blank. He scooped it up before hissing "Everyone hide!"

The procession scattered into the bushes, and marched no more that day.

Day 38: Outside of Section A-00X (aka Onett Ruins)

The tiny little Pokemon continued to flit around the trees, seemingly almost as loss as Peppy was. All his troubles had started in a forest like this. The irony of becoming lost in the woods again, five years later, was not lost on him. He'd changed quite a bit since his ordeal in Saffron City. After being recognized by one of the Agents, he felt it appropriate to do what he could to disguise himself.

Though, in a world dominated by humans, it was of course hard to hide the fact one was a rabbit. Nevertheless, he had abandoned his old standard flight gear and replaced them with clothing more fitting of the poor wretches in the future. He folded his ears beneath an old fedora cap, found an old coat with high collars, and a pair of muddy old boots that were long enough for his feet, but were so wide that he had to wear extra socks to keep from slipping out of them. Though he was unsure of its usefulness, he'd slipped the Snag Machine under his coat sleeve so that it was hardly noticeable. To top off his new look, he'd replaced his old pair of spectacles with a large pair of black-rimmed glasses.

"You've gone and got us lost," Peppy said accusingly of his comrade. Though it never spoke, it was reassuring to at least have someone to talk to. The Mesprit merely looked back at him with an irritated expression (the one it always had) and went back to trying to find its way through the forest. But as they moved on, the Pokemon suddenly noticed movement ahead and Peppy soon noticed the shaking of bushes ahead. With his Blaster in hand, he slowly moved forward.

"Alright then, I know there's someone out there. Now just come out and--" before he could finish, his petite companion had dipped into one of the bushes and started causing a ruckus.

From within the bushes Mesprit had entered, there was a single shriek and one of the Snifits went zipping out as a result, looking back only to cry "Master, a detective is here to see you" before fleeing.

"Tell him we don't want any," the bushes grumbled, a burst of flames shooting skyward from within.

Peppy jumped back at the sudden flames and kept his distance. Until now, it hasn't occurred to him that his clothes had a certain noir quality to them. He kept his gun trained on the source of the fire. "I'm no detective. Now step out before I start shooting."

"There's no one in here," the bushes replied, punctuating that statement with not just another burst of flames, but a chorus of agreement from a minimum of five or six other voices.

Peppy paused slightly as he realized that despite their cowardice, he was definitely outnumbered. Rather than press them to come out, he decided to give the odd group a wide berth as he started back on his way, whistling slightly to get the Pokemon's attention. Yet despite that, it descended back into the bushes and caused yet another ruckus.

"Oh!" the bushes said somewhat more pleasantly. "Do you grant wishes, magic squirrel? If not, I suggest moving before you become Bow Wow's post-lunchtime-pre-snack-pre-dinner snack."

No flames shot out this time, though they may as well have for all the sense the bush's warning made.

The old hare whistled again for the Mesprit to follow and when it failed to do so, he removed a small red and white ball from his belt and pressed the button. The Pokemon was converted to energy and vanished, allowing the Cornerian to move onward and away from the bush.

As Peppy and his squirrel departed, the bush erupted in cries of "hurrah," "praise the king" and "thank Uncle Falcon" but no one emerged, leaving the hare to his solitude in the forest once more.


After putting some distance between the 'talking bush' and himself, Peppy released Mesprit and the two pressed on with little incident. After several hours of walking (and a number of breaks, as Peppy didn't quite have the energy he used to), his spirits rose when he saw the edge of the forest. Finally he'd be free of the forest. However when he at last stepped out of the tree line, his heart sunk at what he saw.

The center of the clearing was marked by a distinct crater. Based on the readings Peppy received off one of his devices, it had been caused by a nuclear detonation. The radiation levels had lowered enough to make it safe to travel though. At first he could not tell what had once occupied the area, but he spied a sign that somehow was still standing. It had been defaced and a name was painted on it quickly and read as "Creeper Town: Population Descending".

With a sigh of resignation, he plodded on through the dead city. It was a depressing sight and it was a feeling shared by Mesprit, who now merely followed behind the old hare at a slow pace, moving quicker only when left behind. It was another reminder of how important it was for him to get back to the present.

A ghostly aura surrounded the once-idyllic city; the last whispers of the atrocities that had been committed there still hung in the air if one were listening closely enough. It was enough to make any person wish they hadn't been walking its quiet streets alone.

But Peppy was not alone.

A figure stepped from the shadows of one of the broken shells that was once a building as the hare and the Mesprit passed, watching them from behind.

"This town doesn't get many visitors these days," a voice sounded from over Peppy's shoulder.

It was a young man of about nineteen. He was lean and muscular, and his green eyes glinted accusingly at the hare. He had red hair that was pulled back with an old string into a ponytail, and wore a grimy blue tank top and brown pants with a gun clearly holstered at his waist. There were two katanas sheathed on his back, and a round medallion of some kind pinned to his chest. He had a tattoo on his upper arm of two black droplets between white wings.

He did not approach, but waited first for a reply.

The old hare did not turn immediately. If past experience taught him anything, this person probably already had a gun on him. He mentally went over his cues. His name was James Bowman (the name Louie no longer being safe), a former Cornerian pilot. He'd left the slums up north to look for his daughter. It was a good enough story that whether this person was with the Subspace Army or another madman out for revenge for the world being destroyed.

"That makes it one of the few peaceful places around here," Peppy answered. "Least, that's what I reckoned. I suppose it's more popular than I thought."

The young man cocked his head, but did not yet draw his gun.

"Most folks are too afraid of this city to even think about coming close. What's your story, then?" he asked, his voice even and cool.

He gave it a second as he mentally repeated his story. "Former pilot. My daughter left the slums last year and headed south. She hasn't sent any contact, so I came looking for her." He turned around and finally got a good luck at his newest acquaintance. Whoever this guy was, he was seriously dressed for action. He suddenly regretted not having his Blaster ready. "And what brings you here, son?"

The young man's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I see you gave up piloting to become a Pokemon trainer, then? Interesting choice," the young man remarked, indicating Mesprit.

He took a step towards Peppy. "Honestly, I wouldn't be giving you the third degree if you didn't look like you're trying so badly to hide from someone."

Giving a shrug, one hand still dangerously near his gun holster, he finally answered. "As for me, I'm here paying my respects." It was the truth, not that it mattered. If the hare was an Agent of some kind, he'd be dead in a matter of minutes.

Peppy glanced at the Mesprit. That was certainly a bit of an odd bit to his story. "She belonged to my daughter. Couldn't very well leave her behind." He moved his hands to the center of his belt. It was an innocent gesture, but it at least gave him access to his Reflector.

"We Cornerians don't get out much. Call it a necessary evil, if you will." He paused momentarily as he looked around. "Had some friends here, did you?"

"Your daughter's a very brave woman to leave her family and her pet behind to cross K. Rool's ocean all by herself," the young man replied.

He didn't yet answer Peppy's own question, instead glancing at the hare's belt to check for any obvious signs of weaponry. Even if there weren't, he couldn't just trust that it was safe.

"What's your name?"

"She takes after her father," Peppy replied curtly. "The name is James Bowman. You are?"

"Tony," was the reply.

He looked around for a second at the city before returning his gaze quickly to Peppy.

"Your daughter isn't here, James," Tony said finally. "No one is. Looks like you're either lying or got lost somewhere, so why don't you tell me which one? And take off that hat. I want to see your face."

It didn't look like he'd accept no for an answer.

At last Peppy simply sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Now listen, son. I've got no business with you. I've have enough guns pointed at me the past few weeks to last me a lifetime. I'm well aware life hasn't been swell the past five years, but that doesn't justify whipping out a pistol on an old hare on account he likes to travel off the main roads. If you don't mind, me and my little friend are going to be off now."

With that, he turned back the way he was going, but keeping his finger on his Reflector just in case. He hadn't been shot at yet, but it was better to be prepared.

Tony paused at that. After all, he hadn't yet drawn his own gun, but Peppy seemed to expect him to at any moment.

"Look, James," Tony said to the hare's back. "I didn't mean to scare you." He felt a very brief pang of regret, if only because the old hare seemed genuine. The Forest of Illusion was tough to navigate; it was entirely possible he'd gotten lost.

Unlikely? Perhaps. But possible.

"Where was your daughter headed?" he called after Peppy. Tony didn't care to tell him that she'd probably already been killed, regardless.

The old hare turned back and smirked slightly, though it was hard to tell due to his coat collars. "It's easy to get paranoid in a place like this..." Peppy explained. "You're right though. I'm not being entirely honest. But I've got a good reason to do so. I'm not with the SSA or the Resistance." He gestured to Mesprit. "But this little fellow knows where I'm going."

Tony crossed his arms and nodded appraisingly. He supposed the hare could still be lying, though he was inclined to believe otherwise. At least now they were getting somewhere.

"I see," he said, taking in the information. "So you're a man on a mission, just not the one I thought at first."

He gestured at the remains of the city around them. "Was this your destination, or can you tell me that?" he asked, adding, "I'm not going to stop you as long as you're not with the Subspace Army."

"Can't say for certain," Peppy admitted. "I'm looking for another little fellow like this one here. Unless you've got one handy, I have a feeling she'll be leading me somewhere else."

He gave the young man another look over. "You say you're not with the SSA. Then who are you with? You look a little too well equipped just to come show your respects."

Tony thought it more than a bit strange that a Cornerian was being led around by a Pokemon to find other Pokemon, but surely the old hare had his reasons.

He thought about it for a moment, but the Cornerian was no fool, despite his strange tastes in guides. Tony figured it wouldn't matter much if he knew the truth, and unless the old guy had a Subspace battalion stashed in that hat, this would not be his day to die just yet.

"Resistance," he answered simply.

He'd had limited experience with the Resistance. Or rather, with several different resistors. They didn't all seem to be aligned, though one of them had alluded to a larger group of rebels.

"Thought so," Peppy replied. "I met one of yours while crossing the channel. A woman named Tabitha."

Suddenly the Mesprit started on the move again, one more moving towards the northeast. Peppy glanced at the young man. "We've been heading this direction for some time now. Any idea what lies in that direction?"

So the ex-pilot had met Tabitha. No wonder he'd mentioned guns to the face; that woman had a penchant for particularly sticky situations often culminating in violence of some kind. All in a day's work.

"If you met Tabitha, you must have had quite a day," Tony remarked, not even smiling at his own joke. He glared in the direction indicated by Mesprit.

"New Pork City," he said darkly, silent thereafter. He checked his wristwatch, which appeared to be broken.

Peppy had his own remark ready about Tabitha, but hearing the three words 'New Pork City' caused him to cringe instantly and to walk away a bit as he stared up in the air. "Bloody hell..." Of all the places he had no desire going, that was certainly on the top of his list. "Humor me then. Where is the Pig King? Is he still there?"

Tony quirked an eyebrow. What rabbit hole had this guy been down the past five years? Even Cornerian refugees knew what had become of the self-titled Pig King.

"Of course he's still there, but he's not king of much," the young man said, snorting bitterly. "He got broken like a twig when Pig Star fell, remember?" Got what he deserved, too. As much as Tony hated the SSA, he refused to feel sorry for Pokey.

Well that was certainly one point in favor of the future. Unfortunately it was the only one so far. And as much as he'd like to see a humbled Pokey, he wasn't anxious to be heading into New Pork City. "Ah, right. Of course. And of course that means the Enforcer there would be..." He paused, hoping Tony would finish the statement for him. He really should have asked these things from other people.

Tony shook his head, as the line of questioning brought back horrible memories he'd rather not have dredged up.

"Still Pokey," he finished for Peppy. "He was one of the first Enforcers appointed. But like I said, he got the 'king' beaten right out of him. He's basically on life support."

He gave Peppy a piercing stare. "Look, do you mind my asking why letting this Pokemon lead you around is so important? Obviously you don't want to go to New Pork City, anyone can see that, and yet you're clearly about to go there anyway."

These question and answers sessions were starting to take their toll. It almost made him wonder if he should bother keeping secrets, but telling any random stranger that he was a time traveler wasn't exactly the best idea either. He could at least simplify things. "Let's just say this isn't a normal Pokemon. There's two more like it and if I manage to find them... well..." He smiled slightly. "It'd give me a chance to make this world a lot better place."

Tony was skeptical at best. Make the world a better place? He supposed the three Pokemon in question must have had destructive powers the likes of which he hadn't heard, because the only way such a creature could improve the world they were in would be to destroy it or the Subspace Army. Death to them or death to all... that was the only way, now. He'd prefer the former, but... given the chance, probably wouldn't say no to the latter either.

Still, Pokemon were not really his area of expertise anyway.

"Well," Tony said, tapping the broken watch again, "I've got time if you want someone to take you to the city. It doesn't look like you're going to be familiar with the area anyway, so I might as well give you a hand."

It was true that his trip through the forest was taking longer than he had anticipated. The Mesprit may have known where she was going, but how to get there seemed to be something she was vague on. Peppy gave a nod and took off his hat, finally filling the 'request' from before. "I'd appreciate that, Tony."

At that, a tiny remnant of a memory floated to the surface of Tony's mind---a memory before all the loss, before the death of even Zelda... something about a dream Paula had had. He wished he could remember the significance or why exactly Peppy reminded him of it, but the feeling went away just as quickly as it had surfaced.

"This way, then," he said, gesturing in a businesslike fashion.

As the two headed towards the outskirts of what was once the town, Peppy couldn't help but take one last look at the ruins before they entered the forest again. Despite his cover, their was a nagging sense that wanted to know what happened. What could have been here that was so bad that it was worth destroying an entire town for.

"... I suppose I ought to know this," Peppy confessed. "But... what happened here?"

Tony was silent at first as he guided the hare into the woods, but then that question. What did he mean, what happened there? Everyone knew that. He got the feeling something was a little off with Peppy, or the hare still wasn't telling him something.

"What I should be asking is how you could possibly not know that," the young man answered, continuing, "but it's as simple as it was reprehensible: the SSA herded everyone who got infected with the Creeper into Onett, and then... boom. They eliminated their problem by dropping a nuclear weapon on the city and killing everyone in it at the time."

Tony himself had mounted a rescue mission into Onett at that time to get someone out of the city before the infected masses had been due to arrive. What a sickening spectacle it had been, promising a cure and then annihilating all those who had only wanted help.

"They called it a solution," he said with a hint of bitterness.

Peppy could hardly believe it. They'd done all this just to contain... what... a virus? It was sick, disgusting, immoral. Of the many things they had done, this was among the worst. He could only imagine they had a hand in this virus as well. "How many were there?" he at last asked.

"Too many," Tony replied. "With the promise of a cure, barely anyone who was infected didn't let themselves get rounded up. And those who didn't were hunted down or just... died."

The old hare shook his head sadly. "Was a cure ever found for it? Could it have been stopped?" It was perhaps a vague hope on his part, but if this was something he could prevent in the future, then it was well worth the effort.

"I guess they say the Resistance dissected a few Primids after we found out they were immune to it, but there wasn't enough time to really run proper tests before the SSA came forward crying 'cure.' I don't really know, though, cuz I was a Bloodwing back then, not mainstream Resistance," Tony explained, showing off his tattoo.

He sighed. "But everyone knows who released the damn thing, and as far as we know, he made it incurable."

It was an odd fact, Peppy realized, that he'd never seen a Primid since he arrived. He had a vague idea what they were supposed to look like, but so far every enemy he had encountered had been anything but what he expected from Subspace. "Bloodwing? Mainstream?"

Aside from the resistance Tabitha had mentioned and the one Fox was in, he hadn't realized there had been so many different groups around. Apparently there wasn't much unity in this world except for those in power. Perhaps that is why the Subspacers were able to win so easily. If people couldn't even work together to resist even after losing, then they clearly weren't doing it when the army was merely a distant threat as it had been for him in his time.

Tony sighed. "The Bloodwings were a small faction. You know how hard it was to stay above water once Zelda died. They took over everything, so people were left to grab whoever was closest and pray," he explained.

The young man paused for a moment to take stock of which route they were on, and then deciding on the proper one, tramped between a couple of trees onto an easy to miss path.

"The Bloodwings eventually got broken up," he said quietly to the hare. "I'm the only one left now. That's why I had to seek out a larger group to join." So he could keep fighting. It was all that remained.

It always came back to Zelda. Everyone seemed to realize that she was the catalyst to everything, of course he still hadn't quite discovered the circumstances behind her death. He'd hopefully get his chance still. "I've met some other rebels," Peppy confided. "Not from the groups you mentioned though. You might call them solo fighters. They were up on the northern continent. There was a woman named Dawn and her companion Dedede... and another woman named Tetra."

The path that the young man had chose was not one Peppy would have took and walking through it was difficult, as there was little to define where the path actually went. The old hare found himself stepping over roots, walking through tall weeds, and through a couple of puddles. The strange creatures all around did little to ease things. But at least he knew not to mess with the yellow caterpillars after his... earlier encounter with them.

Tony felt his heart skip a beat, though he still did not smile even at the news. Dawn, alive? He'd thought her dead for sure.

Then again, Dawn was probably a fairly common name... even amongst rebels. Still, Dedede, and Tetra? But no. No. He couldn't risk it. He couldn't risk hoping again. It would only lead to more suffering. Dawn was dead, Tony was certain of it. Yes.

"They sound like nice people," he said blankly, before continuing down another obscure side-path. They were making good time.

"Ehh, some nicer than others," Peppy admitted. "That Dawn girl had a gun on me. Actually so did Tetra... and Tabitha would have, had she been able to." He allowed himself a cold chuckle. "It seems like any woman I've come across has wanted to plant a bullet in me."

"Tabitha would be a popular catch for those Subspace bastards. You can't blame her for being careful, James," Tony said rigidly.

He gestured ahead. "It's not far now to the edge of the forest."

The old hare nodded. "Good. Perhaps then we can stop soon. I'm not fond of the woods, but it's pressing towards evening. We can at least get our rest here under cover before pressing on."

Tony glanced at the darkening sky through the forest canopy. "So it is. Feel free to stop and rest."

Sleep was a necessity, though Tony no longer relished the embrace of slumber. Too many nightmares.

The next morning saw them at the entrance of New Pork City, which looked nothing like Peppy expected. Though clearly poverty struck, it certainly lacked the 'certain charm' that reports had indicated to him five years ago. It appeared that the city had been stripped down to what it had once been, save for the name. Apparently that had stuck.

Which meant Peppy was on his own now. "Well Tony, it's been a pleasure." He extended a hand in good will.

True, New Pork City no longer looked like a carnival gone wrong. Renovations in more recent years had it looking more like any ordinary city you might find.

But to Tony, there was a dark cloud over it nothing could erase. He knew no matter what the city's appearance was, it could not presume to change what had happened there.
The wailing... the horrible wailing...

Peppy's goodbye, thankfully, broke that terrible train of thought. The young man glanced at the hare and took his hand to shake, but did not do so just yet.

"Not so fast. I want answers," he demanded.

There was something disturbing about the tone, but Peppy leveled his gaze at the young man. "I already told you as much as I can, son."

Tony's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"The uniform in your pack tells me otherwise, James," the young man accused. "You're not just some Cornerian ex-pilot... you were probably related to Star Fox, right? Don't lie to me this time. I've seen McCloud's wanted poster in your pack, too..."

He continued swiftly, his tone still accusatory and harsh. "You're not on some day-stroll with your Pokemon, either. And you don't even remember the Creeper or Onett? Something's out of place, and you're going to tell me what."

To his credit, he still didn't wave a gun in the hare's face, though he may as well have for the way he was conducting himself.

"Went through my stuff, did you?" Peppy retorted, angered that his privacy had been invaded as such. Still, if Tony was on the Subspacers side, he wouldn't be waiting for something like this. But to Peppy's credit, he had a lot more experience than this lad did. He immediately grabbed his blaster and had it at his side, discretely pulled at the young man.

"Peppy Hare. That's my name," the old hare explained curtly. "If it means nothing to you, then I won't bother to explain it. But if you do know it, then you probably know I haven't exactly been around for the past five years. I missed them, you might say, due to unusual circumstances. My aim is to fix that and I can't let you get in my way of that, you understand?"

Tony wasn't all that sorry he'd gone through Peppy's things. It wasn't an activity he liked to indulge in often, trampling the privacy of others, but given Peppy's unusual story, he'd felt justified in checking up a bit on the facts.

"I hope you realize it was necessary," the young man said, letting go of Peppy's hand. "If you want to go through my things to level the field, then feel free, but I travel light, and you won't find much in there you could kill me with, if that's your plan."

Tony didn't flinch at the Blaster now pointed at him. While the Franklin Badge he wore on his chest--the token of another lost comrade--wouldn't likely reflect anything that came out of that weapon, well, he'd dealt with pain before. He wanted answers.

"Fix what? What do you mean?" he asked in an even tone.

"I'm not interested in what you have," Peppy answered. He eased himself back, ready to break himself off from the young man if he had to. The old Peppy Hare would have never been so quick to pull a gun on someone. Diplomacy and talking through things had always been his most useful talents, but after a month of this world, he'd started to adapt to how things were done in this world.

"I only want one thing. And that's to fix everything. I find my way back in time to where I left off and stop all of this from happening." He spied the approach of people approaching from behind Tony. He kept his hand on his weapon, but made it less conspicuous. "That's what the Pokemon is for. Now I appreciate what you did, son. But you got me to New Pork City. You're free to run along now."

Even the rather humorless young man felt like laughing at the notion Peppy was setting forth. Time travel? His previous coverup had been, at least, plausible. Why change his story to something so outlandish? He had to be lying.

Tony saw something there in the old hare's eyes, though. He meant what he said. He believed what he said. And he wished to undo all the hurt from those five god-forsaken years? It sounded too good to be true, but...

It sparked something within Tony he had kept himself from feeling for a long time. A chance at hope. Five years ago, even he still had a soul. If Peppy could fix things...

"Peppy," he said seriously. "If what you're saying is true, then I'm not leaving you just yet."

He paused briefly. "If you'll still have me," he offered.

It was a story that Peppy wouldn't believe had he not be living it, but it was one that always seemed to inspire hope. For as unlikely as it sounded, people tended to want to believe it. In a world with so little hope, a magic cure-all... it was what everyone was hoping for. No matter how hardened people had become, they still wanted something to believe in.

"I've escaped the likes of Sylux, Krool, and Lance. I can't promise I'll always be as fortunate. But if you're up to the danger, then you're welcome to come," Peppy replied. He put the blaster away and extended his hand again. "Partners?"

Tony glanced at his broken watch and nodded. Danger was no object.

"Whatever it takes," he said with a solemn nod, shaking Peppy's hand in agreement.

This time the watch caught Peppy's notice and this time he pulled the young man's hand to the side so he could look at the watch. He then gave him a puzzled look. "You keep looking at it. Why?"

Tony supposed that for all his perception of the hare's supposedly out-of-the-ordinary behavior, he'd forgotten how it looked to others for him to constantly be wearing a watch that didn't keep the time.

"... It's a reminder of why I fight," he said softly after a moment, "My greatest friend in all the worlds was killed while wearing it. This way..." His voice quavered a bit, but he controlled himself.

"This way he's always with me," Tony said sadly. "The same is true of everything I carry. I'm a stronger person now, but each step towards that cost me someone I loved. In the end, the cost is too great. That's why I have to help you succeed."

In a way Peppy had become somewhat similar, only now the things he kept with him were all bits and reminders from the people who had helped him along since he first arrived. It wasn't the same though. Those people were alive, even though the people he cared about... the fate of his fellow pilots remained ambiguous still.

"Then let's make sure we succeed," Peppy concluded. He pulled out the red and white ball and released Mesprit. Having the Pokemon flitting around might risk drawing some unwanted attention, but it was the only one that knew where they were going. But for now, it's attention seemed to be on the tallest building in New Pork City. Though Peppy had a good guess of which building that was, he still had to ask to be sure.

"... that building there. What's inside it?"

Tony suppressed the urge to shudder, though a chill still ran down his spine.

"That's... it's the tower. That's where the Enforcer is." He did not care to mention what else dwelled there. He had not uttered so much as a syllable of its name in five long years. Not since that horrible night. And he wasn't about to start now.

He glanced somewhat contemptuously at the Mesprit. "How accurate is that thing? I don't remember Pokey really keeping any Pokemon of his own."

Perhaps the bedridden sap had taken up a hobby. But best to be sure before going to the one place in New Pork City Tony had forced himself to never go again.

"... to be honest, I'm not even sure if he's the right thing to follow," Peppy confessed. He didn't like having to go on gut feelings, but there was something that had told him that following the Pokemon was what he was supposed to do. "But it's the only lead I have. I won't blame you if you change your mind. I know I would if I were you."

Tony set his jaw and marched forward as a response. He did not look towards the tower again; he already knew how to get there.

The young man began to whistle quietly and slowly, an act that seemed all but insane and certainly made him appear more chipper than he was actually feeling. It could not be helped, though... the two tunes he alternated between were the only things capable of keeping that echoing shriek from rising again in his memory.

Fortunately Peppy's companion was a bit more street wise than the old hare. Rather than sticking to the main streets, they weaved through various alley ways while making sure they were still following the lead of the Mesprit. The mixture of the two tunes was beginning to annoy the old hare, but he did his best to ignore it. Despite the stares of the some of the poor folk who lived in the alleys begging for scraps, they made it to the base of the tower without suspicion. It was a bit of a relief to be in a city without robots or dragons patrolling everything.

"... so... do we take the main entrance?" Peppy asked. "Or we could always take the stairs." He craned his neck as he looked at the height of the tower. "Though... at my age, I think that might be more fatal than whatever else is in there."

Tony stopped whistling and glanced at the Mesprit. It didn't seem to have made up its damn mind about which way to take, so the young freedom fighter shrugged.

"We may as well take the main entrance."

There was no use letting the Pokemon run wild, so Peppy called her back. He pulled his jacket out slightly to cover his blaster and gave a nod to his young friend. "Right then, let's go. Perhaps they'll buy that we're traveling salesmen." He paused. "Though I wouldn't count on it."

Tony nearly smirked at that. What he was selling, few would be interested in buying, that much was certain.

"I'll go first," he said, going in the building.

"By all means," Peppy replied. Once they were at the doors, he pulled the door open and motions for Tony to enter. For all intentions it looked like a normal office building, though it looked like there was security preventing open access to the elevator. That would be a problem.

Tony made little attempt to appear casual---decked out in weaponry, there wasn't much point to that---but still conducted himself without any real aggression. No sense getting the security all excited already.

He walked slowly, looking around the lobby as if he'd never been there before. They didn't have a solid lead on where in the tower this second Pokemon might be, and Tony didn't exactly feel like chatting up the receptionist (who appeared to be on a lunch break or something anyway).

When all else failed, the only thing he could do was ask. It might not have been the best plan, but it was by far the least suspicious. If they just walked in and talked to no one, then there was bound to be questions. The old hare boldly walked towards the security booth to speak with the on-duty guard. He gave a slight top of his hat in greeting. "Excuse me sir, my friend and I would like to take a look around."

The guard gave the oddly dressed Cornerian an odd look. "Unless you've got Level 2 SSA clearance, this building is off limits."

What Peppy wouldn't give for a bit of convincing forgery to get in. Perhaps even a bit of paper with a hypnotic effect would do the trick. It did leave them in a bit of a fix. "And how would we go about getting that?"

Before the guard could answer, the guard and chair suddenly 'flipped', but not in the normal sense. It was as if they were a sheet of paper carelessly turned over and suddenly replaced by an unusual jester-like figure with a black and white face and a fashion sense leaning towards purple and yellow. The strange man leaned forward and steepled his fingers in front of him. "Well, Mr. Louie, one of the most practical ways is to turn in a friend. Like your rebel friend there. Or maybe he could turn you in. Either one works for me!"

Tony had been watching the door and the elevator while Peppy approached the security booth, but upon hearing the strange sound that accompanied the 'flipping', he turned his attention in their direction.

He immediately drew Murasame and charged towards the security booth. True, he had never before come face to face with that grinning jester, but he knew exactly who it was.

The young man leapt at his quarry, but before he could come down and cleave the evil clown in two, Dimentio flipped again, vanishing. He appeared instantly, now floating above Tony and Peppy.

"Tsk, tsk. That's not how you play the game!" he laughed.

"I'm not much for games," Peppy barked. With his Blaster out, he fired a shot skywards at the jester, but the agent quickly shifted to another position.

"Come now, you're going to have to try harder to hit me," Dimentio taunted. He vanished and appeared behind Tony. "And what's this... a former Bloodwing? Your gang always was the most fun!"

Tony thrust his katana backwards, attempting to skewer Dimentio while he chirped out his latest comeback. Sure enough, the jester teleported again, though the sword seemed to have nicked him before he could get away, if nothing else.

"You know, Dimentio, the Bloodwings always believed that we'd never really be able to celebrate 'Perfection' Day until after you got killed," Tony quipped, waiting for the jester to reappear. He pulled out his own gun and began muttering under his breath to boot.

Dimentio teleported back to the center of the lobby, and sent out two shining purple energy blasts.

The whole idea of Perfection Day was a bit lost on Peppy, but he didn't question it. Instead he activated his Reflector when he saw the ball of energy form in the jester's hand. This time it proved to be quite handy as it reflected the energy back and hit the jester dead on, who seemed a bit surprised by it. He suddenly vanished and appeared behind Peppy. "What a nasty trick, I think you need to cool down."

And suddenly the old hare and the jester 'flipped' away. Peppy found himself in a strange room with the jester. But before he could say anything, the jester merely winked and returned back to the tower, leaving Peppy alone in his strange new prison.

The second ball of energy impacted harmlessly on the receptionist's desk. But dammit! The bastard had taken Peppy with him. Damn it all.

His adrenaline pumping, Tony only had to wait a moment for Dimentio to return, and immediately unleashed the spell he'd been casting. A wall of flames lanced across the shiny floor and toasted the evil clown.

Tony aimed his gun for the jester right away, but Dimentio, still smoking from the fire attack, teleported to one side, frowning.

"Think you're clever, do you?" he said, 'flipping' again. When the jester flipped back, there were two of him. Great.

Though Peppy had vanished, he had left something behind. Suddenly appearing behind the jester was the small pink little Mesprit, staring blankly at the young man from behind. Pulling itself back a little, it fired off a small burst of psychic energy at one of the two jesters, which only managed to catch its attention and cause the second Dimentio to fire a purple burst of energy at the Pokemon.

Tony shot the first Dimentio, his gun firing a laser blast, and quickly holstered that weapon.

He got between the energy blast and the Mesprit, the impact knocking him off his feet. He went skidding for a ways, wincing from the blow. Gripping Murasame, Tony drew his second katana.

He had to hold Dimentio at bay, but still avoid lethal force until the bastard-clown returned Peppy.

The second Dimentio had vanished once the first had been hit by the laser. The jester was becoming slightly annoyed at how the battle was proceeding. He floated up in the air a bit away from harm's way. "Perhaps I should just leave, hmm? I've got your little friend, I'm sure with a little... persuasion, he'll tell all. And if not, my special friend will make him talk. Or maybe I'll have a little more fun with you. Decisions, decisions."

Before he could reach any conclusion, he was suddenly assaulted by a blast of psychic energy from the psychic Pokemon. Having no patience for the silent little creature, Dimentio teleported behind the Mesprit and once more flipped away. Now back inside the green room, Dimentio found the old hare waiting with a blaster pointed at him.

"I should warn you... in this dimension I am 256 times as strong," the jester taunted. However that didn't stop him from getting fired on. Though he quickly teleported back to the tower, the Mesprit was able to copycat the ability and bring both herself and Peppy back to the tower as well.

Tony, a blade in each hand, waited for Dimentio to return---and then there was Peppy and the Mesprit soon thereafter.

"Dimentio!" the young man called out, preparing to attack once again.

"You're like a fly to fly paper, you simpleton," Dimentio noted, raising his hand with the index finger pointed skyward. "But I've had my fun. We'll see how you like dealing with the Enforcer!"

The jester snapped his fingers and vanished, along with Peppy, the Mesprit, and Tony as well.

With no further fanfare, the lobby went quiet again.


There were a lot of things Enforcer Pokey didn't miss about Pig King Pokey. Sometimes, however, Enforcer Pokey missed Pig King Pokey's ability to do whatever the hell he wanted and get away with it (Oh, and a working pair of legs and immune system, too. He missed those A LOT). Despite being the first Enforcer appointed by the SSA, he wasn't treated much differently from latecomers like Robotnik up in Diamond City. Hell, he was fairly certain he had seniority over the Ancient Minister! Weren't a lot of people around with blue skin, after all. So what this meant was a lot of paperwork he had to do, something Pig King Pokey had never had to put up with. And for Enforcer Pokey, it was even worse, because he was confined to the mecha bed his glorious masters had put him in when they 'promoted him'. First he had to pick up the paper with a manipulator arm built into the bed, press it up against his glass case, then put it back down then pick up a pen and write with that. It was time consuming and tedious, and there was a lot of paperwork.

So Pokey was dawdling by watching Giegue. The little guy was sitting on the floor of his office, quite obviously enjoying the toy car Pokey had bought for him. He pushed the car across the floor, smiling, but stayed mostly silent; when Pokey was working, he knew he had to be very good and quiet.

The blue creature's ears twitched at the sound of folding paper. With a start, he stared up at the sudden appearance of Peppy, his large red eyes wide and guileless. He tilted his head for a moment, then realized he did not know who this was. A stranger.

Giegue did not like strangers. He shrank back as he trembled, projecting waves of fear into the minds of all in the room. Then he clambered to his feet--hunched over--and ran out of the room as fast as his tottering gait could carry him, screaming; as he escaped, whip marks could clearly be seen on his back. The toy still sat in the room.

Accompanying this was a pulse of fear. Mental communication between Pokey and Giegue was still possible, even if the intercom was off. When Giegue screamed, Pokey reacted quickly; someone had gotten in and was going to hurt him or his family. The mecha-bed swerved around, and Pokey raised one drill leg quickly. "Not so fast, buddy!" He snarled.

As before, reality itself seemed to 'flip away' and then 'flip back', only this time bringing along Peppy and his floating companion along with him. Tony was nowhere to be seen and Dimentio had vanished. Which meant that this was...

He immediately had his blaster fixed on the Enforcer. But he had to give the Enforcer a second look. He had been disabled somehow, trapped in a machine of some sort. The impish little creature that had ran off. Could that have been Giegue?

"What in ten blazes happened to you?" Peppy remarked as he lowered his gun slightly, but still keeping it fixed on the bed.

Pokey blinked, and the drill leg faltered. The Cornerian...the suit...the comment also gave him pause as memories came back to him.

"...Peter Rabbit?!" He asked, incredulously. The drill leg slowly lowered.

Peppy's eyes narrowed at the familiar 'nickname'. "For corn's sake, I can't stand that name." He brought the gun up again. "What the hell happened to you?"

"...The SSA took over. You might have heard." Pokey said blankly, staring dumbly at the least, he might have been, shaggy blonde hair still covered his eyes. "They did this to me when Pig Star fell. Belive me, Pet-believe me, I don't go around like this by choice." He paused for a moment.

"Look, it's nice to see you again, but can I ask what the hell you're doing here?" He asked, finally.

"I've heard," Peppy retorted. "You would think they'd have the decency to just kill you off." Regardless of what state he might be in, Peppy felt no sympathy for him. Perhaps he might have once, but the last month had hardened him in much the way it had with his previous companions. "I was sent in here by Dimentio. And I'll be leaving this building, one way or another."

"Dimentio?" Pokey asked, blinking. "Oh for god's sake, I told him to keep out of my city a few days ago! He's gonna get it for that. Where was he, in the lobby? I'll have him thrown out of the city if I have to!"

The fact that Peppy had a gun trained on him didn't seem to register with Pokey.

There was a momentary pause as Peppy tried to wrap his mind around the Pig King's odd behavior. He glanced slightly at Mesprit before focusing back on Pokey. "I'm in no mood for mind games, son. If you're going to make a move, then do it."

Pokey turned back to Peppy. "Do what?" He asked, confused. "Well, you're not here to kill me, are you? Though I do have to wonder why you've come all this way given..." His eyes followed Peppy's to the creature floating next to him. "...What is that?" He asked, pointing. He frowned. "It looks familiar."

The old hare leveled his gaze at his old enemy. It was, after all, only too recent that Pokey's forces had wrecked Corneria City. At least it was for Peppy. "I've got my own reasons to be here. Killing you would be a bonus, but I figure I don't need that kind of attention." However after Pokey noticed the Mesprit, Peppy tapped the Pokeball hanging from his belt and caused it to vanish.

"That'd be a mistake, Peter...I'm sorry, what IS your name? I've forgotten." He admitted. "Anyway, it'd be a mistake to kill me. I'm one of the few Enforcers who actually looks after his people, my replacement probably wouldn't be so good about that."

Then Mesprit was withdrawn. "Oh! It's a Pokemon." He explained, hitting his forehead. "Mia has one just like that." He explained.

"I've yet to meet a good Enforcer," Peppy snapped. Yet his anger was subsiding at the moment, especially being presented with a clue. "Does she? How nice. Maybe since you're running such a nice place, we can start breeding them. That would be dandy."

"We're rare." Pokey agreed. "There's me, Tingle, and I guess Robotnik to a certain extent, but that'd be about it. We certainly don't go about terrorizing our own people."

Given Peppy's tone and the apparent importance of the Pokemon he had, Pokey knew something was up, not that Peter Rabbit was ever going to tell him. Well, what the hell. "Well, you'd have to ask her about that." He said, shrugging. "Her room's a floor below us, if 'breeding' them is so important to you."

Tingle? Now why did that sound familiar? Peppy paid it no mind though. The description of Robotnik as being a decent fellow was definitely off the mark, given the trouble he had been given back in Diamond City. "That's it, is it? I just walk out of here. You don't sic your little impish 'god' on me. Don't care to know where Peppy Hare has been all this time?"

He took a step back towards the door, testing the Enforcer's reaction. This was certainly not going like he expected at all.

Pokey shrugged, fingering a small golden ring inset with a diamond on one of his fingers. "I guess I could arrest you on trespassing, but you're not here by your own choosing, so what's the point? If 'breeding' that Pokemon is so important to you, Mia's down a floor. Knock yourself out. And you saw how fast Giegue ran out of here, you scared him a hell of a lot more than he scared you. I suppose I could ask what you've been doing, but you and I both know you're not going to tell me." He chuckled. "Take my elevator down a floor to talk to Mia and then...I don't know, go do whatever. I'll deal wit Dimentio, he's been warned already."

Pokey made no move to stop Peppy from leaving. The drill leg remained down, as did all the other legs with drills and other spikes.

There was a pause as Peppy considered that maybe he really was telling the truth. One didn't end up trapped in a bed like that from ordinary circumstances. Something had happened to that arrogant, stubborn boy. Whatever it was, it had made him more human than he had ever in the past, even if he was less of a man in the end. It was a gamble trusting him, but Peppy's instincts told him it was the right thing to do. And he'd always trusted his instincts. "Alright. I'll take a chance on you."

He stepped back and hit the button on the elevator. It opened up behind him and after making sure that Pokey didn't seem to be up to any funny business, he pressed the next floor down.

"See ya." Pokey replied. After Peppy had left, he looked back to the stack of papers on his desk. He wouldn't be seeing Giegue for a few hours now that he'd had that scare...and Peppy had told him Dimentio was around. There was someone he had to check on. Screw the paperwork.

Pokey left his office, not heading towards the elevator, but to another part of his floor.


The beautiful warm tones of a piano filled the room Tony appeared in. The pace the music played at was unusual; nimble fingerwork interspersed with more deliberate notes. The room's large open space made it ideal for a grand piano's acoustics, which sat in the middle of the room, the lid wide open. Perhaps it had even been built for such a purpose.

Someone sat at the piano bench. The piano player's back faced Tony, which made it impossible to see any facial features. However--even in the candlelit room--the player's shockingly pink--or was it red?--hair stood out clear as day, reaching the back of the person's neck. The player wore a multitude of studs in his ears, even visible from behind, as well as a blue outfit with a thin belt. He did not seem to notice Tony's entrance, as his attention was solely focused on his playing; he stared at the keyboard, concentrating on a series of complicated keypresses.

Tony's body was tense and his nerves on edge. He'd prepared himself to attack Dimentio again, be thrown into a prison cell or even come face to face with----well. It wasn't here. Double check, and... no. It wasn't.

He looked around, slightly put off by the music. This had to be another trick; it couldn't be trusted. Dimentio had used a disguise before, after all. This was just his way of lowering Tony's guard and gaining the upper hand again---Peppy, nowhere in sight, was probably teleported off somewhere he couldn't be reached again.

Tony strode forward, half-crouching as he did so, sheathing Murasame as quietly as he could. The acoustics of the room masked any noise he'd made, including his sudden appearance.

Standing behind the guy at the piano, he swiftly put the blade of the other katana up to said player's neck and whispered, "You're dead, Dimentio."

The player let out a short gasp as the blade grazed the back of his neck, his hands rising from the piano's keyboard; the tones slowly faded. For a long moment, he did not say anything or move.

"You don't have to hurt me, y'know." The player's voice was definitely feminine in pitch, though it had a masculine quality to it at the same time. "So just put down your sword, all right? It doesn't have to Paralysis!"

Although the pianist's technique was rusty, it definitely did the trick; instantly, most of Tony's muscles numbed and seized up, unable to move. That done, he stood up from the bench and turned to face his would-be attacker.

The player, who Tony had assumed to be male, was a pretty but boyish young woman with red eyes. She wore light pink eyeshadow, as well as lip gloss that shone in the light. Her garment was now clearly a kind of dress with long sleeves; the skirt reached a little past her knees, but it had a slit on each side, revealing bicycle shorts underneath. A pendant hanged from a thin chain around her neck.

"All right, wiseass," she said, her tone becoming firmer, rougher. "Why'd you just barge in here, trying to kill me and calling me Dimentio of all the fucking people in the world?"

What the---Tony couldn't move. His muscles suddenly useless, he sank down to the floor, the sword falling next to him with a crash. How had he---no, she---done that? It hadn't been magic, but then...

He looked up her in disbelief. PSI? But how? Paralysis through PSI was something he only distinctly knew one person to have been capable of, and that person was Ness, who could no longer do anything at all...

Suddenly, the dots in his head connected. The last time he'd seen this person was when she'd visited Ness in Onett. After the incident, but... before Tony had extracted Ness from the town. Before the bomb. He'd thought she was long gone by now.

"Kumatora...?" the young man choked out, his chin tingling from the paralysis. Everything below had gone numb and his head was spinning. Kumatora? At least he knew it wasn't the jester.

She narrowed her eyes at Tony. "Fine, so you know my name. Good for you. Now answer the damn question. What the hell are you doing here?" She paused, sizing him up. "Either you're the saddest, shabbiest excuse for an Agent I've ever seen or you're in the Resistance. Correct me if I'm wrong." She sneered.

"Thought you were... dead..." he managed to get out. He did not give her his affiliation just yet, still wondering what she could have possibly been doing in the tower anyway.

"What?" Kumatora's face twisted with confusion as she blinked. "Why'd you think I was dead?" She decided she would let the question drop for now, but hell if she was going to let this nut off the hook that easily.

"Because," Tony grunted, "Everyone else is gone."

He looked up at her still. She didn't recognize him at all. It had been too long and he'd changed too much.

"It's Tony," he mumbled, figuring the worst she could do with that information was call him 'shabby' again.

At those words, Kumatora stared at Tony, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open stupidly. "You're shittin' me," she said after a pause. "You? Tony? You're that scrawny kid I remember?" She shook her head in disbelief.

"All right. If you're really Tony, then you'll know this: What's the name of Jeff's dad?"

It was her, all right... so much bluster and so little tact. Still, he couldn't deny who he'd used to be... even if that person had died a long time ago.

"Dr. Andonuts," he said quietly. He did not want to be thinking of Jeff. Not here. Not where Jeff had been murdered. It seemed wrong.

The red-headed girl nodded. "Yeah, you've got to be him." For a moment, she cocked her head, concentrating; then Tony's muscles loosened again, now able to function. "Okay, I don't think you're gonna put a sword through my neck now. But I still wanna know what you're doing here, Tony."

Tony found himself able to move again, and slowly climbed to his knees, then standing up once more. True to her words, he did not yet retrieve the katana from the floor.

"Me? I'm on a mission, of course, or I was, until Dimentio dumped me in this room," Tony said. He stared hard at Kumatora, his mind filled with questions. "What about you?"

Had she joined another Resistance cell? Had they been fighting the same fight, each without knowing where the other was, for these long years since they'd parted in Onett?

"Son of a bitch," Kumatora muttered to herself. "What, now the asshole thinks he can barge into the city and start fucking with people whenever he wants now?" Dimentio had absolutely no right to do that and he knew it. The prick.

After that, she paused. "What kinda mission? I know you've got to be Resistance, but...God, I'm just so glad to see you, I thought you died in Onett!" In spite of the circumstances, she could not help but beam at him.

"Yeah, my old group got busted up just before I saw you last, but... no, I lived through it. Had to get Ness out of there," Tony explained, scratching his head. "He's in Flipside now," he said simply. There wasn't much else to be said; his condition had not changed in all that time.

The young man regarded her strangely, aware that he was still clearly gawking at her. "I'm glad to see you too. I'm here helping someone find a creature he's been tracking, but, um, what about you? You must be after the Enforcer?" he said.

The young woman's smile faltered for a moment. "Ness...the poor guy. Tony, I just wanna say I'm sorry for up and leaving like I did. I...wasn't thinking straight back then. I used to wonder if I should've stayed with you, what with everything that happened.

"But still," she continued, grinning anew, "I just can't believe you're alive! That shrimpy kid became you? Good God, you really grew up, didn't you? Not like me, I've barely changed at all." She barely looked like the hard times had touched her at all; she had grown an inch and gained ten, fifteen pounds, had let her hair grow out a little longer, dressed a little differently and wore more jewelry than just her pendant nowadays. But those were pretty minor differences in the grand scheme of things.

If she had heard his questions, she did not answer them.

Tony wondered about what she'd said for a moment. He lost so many even before Kumatora slipped away from his life... perhaps they should have clung more tightly to one another rather than drifting apart as they had. Still, perhaps it was for the best. Everyone he'd ever clung to had gone from him. Edge, Teddy... he'd never see them again. At least Kumatora had survived. At least she'd gotten a chance... not to be dragged down with him.

"Yeah," he said, finally cracking a smile that seemed sad despite itself, "I had to grow up or get lost in the shuffle. It's been tough out there. You, ah, look well."

It was somewhat strange for him to feel so awkward after all this time. He was unsure of what to say to her, though he as glad to see her alive as she was him. He still didn't know why he'd found her here of all places. She hadn't been there when Jeff and the others had died, but she knew full well what had happened. To look into Ness's face was to know nothing else. What had brought her here?

"Kumatora..." he said, but was forced to break off eye contact with her, which was when he saw a small gold band with a diamond on her left hand. He knew not who had given it to her---probably Lucas, if he too was alive---but he could tell what it meant to her. She wore it the same way Tony wore Jeff's old watch. It was a reminder of a person that they had cared for and who had cared in return.

God, what if Lucas had been killed? Had she come to kill Pokey and claim some kind of vengeance?

Kumatora blinked, then looked down, glancing over herself. "Heh, yeah...guess I kinda do. I know it's pretty much a luxury nowadays, a lot of the things we used to take for granted are anymore." She really wished there was more she could do to help; she did what she could, but there was only so much one woman was capable of.

Then she shook her head, smiling. "Hey, enough about me. You look like you could use a quick bite to eat before you get back to creature-hunting. Want a sandwich or a drink or something? I'd offer you a hot shower too, but I bet you're in a hurry as it is."

Tony shook his head good-naturedly. "Oh, no, Kumatora, I'm not going to make you steal food and drink from the Enforcer on account of me," he said, trying to be reassuring. "I'll last until later... no sense taking a risk like that."

As for the hot shower, she was right to assume he was in a hurry, not to mention most of the hot water he encountered these days was due to being in trouble with the establishment.

"No, seriously, it's okay, I won't get into trouble. I insist on getting you some food." She paused, looking over him. "Are you hurt, by the way? You know, from running head-long into the evil clown. I could heal you up really quick. I'm a little out of practice with the PSI, but I've still got it."

Tony had been hit by one of Dimentio's blasts, but still felt all right. "I'm okay, Kumatora, and really, you're not getting me anything," he said firmly, with an authority his voice had only come by in recent years.

"I don't mean to be coarse," he said after a moment, "but I won't have you risking your neck for me. I can't find another ally after all this time only to lose them. I won't be able to bear it again."

Kumatora frowned at this. It really would work out okay, though obviously he did not know that. "Well...all right, I won't fight with you on this anymore. But it really wouldn't be any trouble at all...."

That said, she motioned to the piano bench. "You can at least sit down here while we talk. Maybe I can help you out with this mission."

Tony's thoughts returned to Peppy. Dimentio and Pokey could have been torturing the poor old hare at that moment. He had to get back to him.

"We can't afford to stay long," he said seriously. "They could find us at any moment." At any moment, that horrible wailing could resume.

In the end, the piano itself was the only thing that allowed him to sit beside her and linger at all. As glad as he was to see her, his anxiety over the situation was starting to outweigh that. It could arrive at any time.

It did hate certain music, though. The piano... yes. Just stick close to that.

The red-headed woman cocked her head. "'They'?" she asked. "I thought it was only Dimentio who was after you guys." Was Tony not telling her something here? "Anyway...what's this thing you guys are looking for? Do you know where it is, how you can find it?"

"You know anyone with SSA affiliations is looking for my head on a pike. Dimentio, Enforcer Pokey, it doesn't matter," Tony sighed.

He glanced at her. It couldn't hurt to ask. "Looking for a Pokemon. We have no idea where it is, except that it's supposedly in this tower. All we have is another Pokemon to guide us... I know it sounds strange."

Kumatora paused at that. "That's not...necessarily true...." she managed to say, her mouth forming a thin line afterwards; the nervous tone she said that with was very much unlike her normal demeanor.

"" She sat down beside him, crossing her arms over her chest, deep in thought. "Well, there's really only one person here who I know has Pokémon. Her name's Mia, she works here. She looks after and heals...yeah...." She remembered how Tony did not like to speak the name or even hear it.

Before Tony had a chance to refute what Kumatora had said, she mentioned Mia. The name sounded familiar. Perhaps... yes, back when the journals still worked? Tony had a vague recollection of a girl named Mia who had joined a bunch of Pokemon trainers in their craft.

"That's got to be it, then," Tony said, standing up. "Come on, we have to help find her." If Peppy could obtain the Pokemon he needed from her... it would all go away.

He walked a few steps towards the door before pausing and turning towards her. "Kumatora... you never told me how you got here or what you're doing, you know. Just... just tell me you're not on their payroll. Please just tell me that much."

"I really don't know where she is right now, but she might be in her quarters...I'm trying to remember what floor they put her on. There's so many floors to this building, I can't keep track of them all!" She laughed at this, a very strange sound in Subspace anymore. "But it's probably no more than five floors under this one."

Then Tony spoke again. She looked away, not able to look him in the eye. "I won't lie," she said softly. "I'm not on their payroll, but...I'm affiliated with them to a certain extent. But please, before you say anything else," she waved her hands in a placating gesture, now giving him eye contact, "I don't like the situation anymore than you do. I can't tell you much because there's too many people at risk if word comes out, but I've got a contact or two. And I really am trying my best to make things easier for everyone in this city, even though I'm SSA on a technicality.

"I've seen how much of a dump the world is...but here, at least we can try to feed people, give them medical care...we don't have robots or monsters patrolling the area, picking people off. There's not a whole lot anyone can do to help anymore, but...this way, I can help the most people I can. Please believe me when I say that."

Tony wanted to shake her. Didn't she understand? They'd robbed them both of everything. They destroyed Ness. They killed Jeff. Poo. Paula. Lei. Edge. Teddy. His ire bubbled up towards the surface, but evaporated within moments.

She was just trying to help, or so she said.

"I believe you," he replied quietly, not looking directly at her.

Kumatora smiled weakly. "Thanks. That's all I can don't have to like it, as long as you understand."

The same held true for most of her situation.

From the other side of the door, a whirring of gears could be heard, and the clanking of metal on the floor of the tower. "Hey, you in there?" A voice called---a very familiar voice. Suddenly, the door was pushed open by a drill attached to a long metallic leg...attached to a large mecha bed.

The one person Tony hadn't wanted to see in New Pork City was now staring down at him and Kumatora from inside the glass casing of the mecha bed. "Hey, I just found out Dimentio's back in--" Pokey said, looking at Kumatora, then seeing Tony, and trailing off into silence.

"...Uh." He said finally, not sure what else to say.

The whirring sound, though familiar, took Kumatora offguard. Fuck, fuck, fuck.... Telling Tony to hide would do no good; actually, that would probably make the situation a hell of a lot worse all-around. Then the mechanical bed entered the piano room, with Pokey encased within. She gave him a flat stare; his timing was the worst.

"I noticed," she said in a clipped tone, tipping her head in Tony's direction. "I got an unexpected visitor. This is Tony."

Goddammit, she knew this was going to end badly. She looked between the two of them anxiously.

By the time Pokey had managed to enter and Kumatora introduced Tony, the latter had already retrieved his katana from the floor and held it out in Pokey's direction.

He tried to avoid freezing up; this was where others were counting on him to come through. Moving slowly and deliberately, he put himself between Kumatora and the Enforcer.

"Stand back," he told Kumatora, ignoring her casual introduction as he kept the blade pointing at Pokey. "Not a step closer, Pokey."

He began to mutter the words to a spell.

...Aw, crap. Pokey thought miserably. This seemed to be a day for unexpected reunions. First Peppy, then learning about Dimentio, and now...Tony. Oh god was this going to be awkward, especially given the way their last meeting had gone. He held up his hands in a placating gesture, the bed freezing.

"It's okay, Tony. I'm staying still." He said calmly. "I'm not here to hurt anyone. I...wasn't expecting to see you here." Then he looked past him, to Kumatora. "Are you okay, Kuma?" He asked, his voice full of concern.

A ring exactly like the one Kumatora had was clearly visible on one of his hands.

"Tony, please don't," Kumatora pleaded. "No one's gonna hurt you, promise." That did not mean she would not disarm him, of course, if worse came to worst. But this was exactly what she was hoping she could avoid discussing with Tony, and now the truth was right there where he could not help but see it.

"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me. It was more of a surprise than--oh, you meant Dimentio, right? I haven't seen him at all." She glanced at Pokey as she said this, but then redirected her attention to Tony; she hoped he would not do anything stupid.

"You shut up!" he snapped at Pokey, ceasing his spellcasting only for the moment. The second that bastard so much as twitched, he would be ready. He couldn't believe the Enforcer had had the gall to say things were 'okay.'

Tony glared at Kumatora. "Why defend him, Kumatora?" he scoffed. "This rat represents everything that's wrong with this horrible world." Hmm, this could get messy. He did not want to hurt Kumatora---and would not, in fact---but he'd have to safely remove her from action if she tried to stop him from getting to Pokey if---no, when---he started to attack.

"I'm glad." Pokey told Kumatora, relieved. She hadn't told him, though that wasn't uncharacteristic of her. But it
would still make an already awkward situation even worse.

"Tony. Listen to me." He said very slowly, carefully. "I don't want to hurt you. I really don't. And...hurting me
won't solve anything except make the situation here worse. Hurting me won't change anything, it..." He swallowed.

"It won't bring them back." He said finally.

Kumatora stared at Tony as level as she could manage, given the circumstances. "Tony, that's not true. That's...just not true, okay? Things have changed, Pokey's different now...I know he's done a lot of bad things, but he's not the same person anymore." Her eyes started to become watery, though she did not seem to notice. "Please, you've gotta believe me here, it's not the same at all!"

And Pokey was absolutely right. It would not bring them back at all. It would not make it so the Army had failed.

Tony put away the katana as a show of good faith, but his face was still twisted into a bitter scowl. He walked straight over to Pokey, Kumatora's pleas barely even registering.

"Don't you dare," he said, his face so close to the bed it was just short of fogging up the glass, "ever speak of them. Ever!"

"The only reason you're sorry," he snarled at the Enforcer, "is because of what happened to you! Don't throw me your pity party, you motherfucking bastard!" He calmed down just a bit, or seemed to.

"It won't bring them back, no," Tony admitted quietly, "But don't tell me it won't be worth it, because it will."

He pulled out Jeff's beam gun before the others could react, but didn't shoot Pokey right away. In fact, he dropped the gun entirely, because he saw the ring on Pokey's finger. No. No way. The ring was the same as the one Kumatora was wearing. It couldn't be.

"That's not at all what I-" Pokey began, but stopped suddenly when Tony pointed the blaster at him. "Tony, don't do this. Please." His voice was pleading, but he made no move to stop him. There wouldn't be time.

If that glass broke, he was one dead piggy.

Then Tony dropped the gun. "...Tony?" He asked, cautiously, then saw he was staring at the ring. Aw, crap. He thought, quickly covering his hand. He looked over at Kumatora...she was near tears.

"May I go see to Kumatora?" He asked quietly. "Please."

"Tony, please...." Kumatora's voice caught in her throat as Tony pointed the gun at the glass casing. Subconsciously, she focused on PK Freeze, but when the gun clattered to the floor, she lost focus and drive; there was no reason to hurt him if he did not have a weapon trained on anyone.

But she knew why he dropped the gun: He figured it out. She knew it. He would not understand, he would never understand, and who could blame him for that? Her actions were the strange ones, the ones that needed to be explained; Tony only acted like he was face-to-face with a known enemy.

She felt sick inside. Unable to speak, she collapsed onto the piano bench, holding her head in her hands.

Tony slowly lowered himself down, picked up the gun, and holstered it without incident.

He moved out of the way so that Pokey could move freely if he wished.

"Do... do whatever you want," he said. "I don't care."

He couldn't take this. He felt like a fool, and what bitter irony. His last living friend, in the arms of the person he most wanted to see dead in a ditch.

"I don't care," he repeated. A lie he didn't even try to hide.

Pokey immediately moved past Tony without giving him a second glance. The manipulator arm came out and wrapped itself around his wife's shoulders, the closest he could come to physical interaction with her. "It's's okay...I'm here." He said softly. "I'm sorry, honey...I ruined everything, didn't I?" He asked. In the bed he half-turned back to Tony.

"Everything I am now is what she's made me, Tony." He said. "Everything New Pork City is's all because of her." The city had been a mess until Kumatora had come into the picture...she was the one who convinced Pokey to come out of the tower, clean up the city, look after his people.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...I didn't know how to tell you, I thought I could get you on your way before he came back...." She leaned into the mechanical bed's arm, trying to dry her eyes with a sleeve. "And Pokey, I didn't think you'd be back so early...I should've said, but I didn't, I thought it would be okay and I'm sorry, it's all my fault...."

There the one-time Pig King went again, spinning it to make himself look good. The two-faced little prick. He'd probably already killed Peppy, rinsed the blood off those meathooks of his, and come clanking in here in time to act concerned. In truth, it was all too apparent that the relationship between the bedridden tyrant and the redheaded girl was very real, but Tony did not want to believe it. It hurt too much.

"Cat's out of the bag now," Tony said without emotion. He regarded Pokey no more than his stomach would allow. "Get one thing straight, Pokey... as long as you're Enforcer, you serve their will, and that's all that matters. I answer to better people than you will ever be no matter what you do, and I quite honestly owe it to them to kill you where you stand."

He walked to the door. "I wouldn't want to do that to a friend, though," he said with shrug, eyeing the Enforcer's wife. "Goodbye, Kumatora," he added.

Pokey didn't want Tony to leave---not with Kumatora here, blaming herself for all of this when it was none of their fault; not her's, not his, and not Tony's. No, the fault rested with a certain reality-warping clown who was no doubt having a good chuckle over all the misery he was causing right now. It all led back to Dimentio. That was why Tony was with Kumatora, and why Peppy had gone straight to him; Dimentio must have been hoping things would get out of hand, and he would have killed the Cornerian.

"Peppy's fine." He said suddenly. "I sent him and his Pokemon to Mia. Tony, listen to me. Don't blame Kumatora. Hate me if you have to, but not her. This wasn't what she wanted. This isn't her fault. It's Dimentio's, this is what he wants, Tony. He wanted this to happen because he enjoys causing misery. Don't give him that."

Kumatora sniffed, still cradled in the mechanical arm. "Tony...I'm sorry, Tony. I'm really sorry. But when I saw Ness...I just couldn't take it anymore. Lucas is gone now too, I don't know if he died during a Primid attack or after that...if he didn't die during that time, he's dead now. That was before we ran into each other again.

"I came here to die," she said, looking Tony in the eye. "That was my original intention. But...things didn't work out like I'd planned. I realized I was being selfish 'cause I was all alone. But I'm not the only one out there who's hurting...we're all hurting, Tony. I don't think anyone expects you to forgive him for what was done back in our world, and the shit with Pig Star and all...but no one wanted...Giegue to do that horrible thing." She knew Tony did not like hearing the name, but she did not think there was any use in denying what had happened. "The only ones who won then are the Hand and the Minister."

Silently, she bowed her head, staring down at her ring. "Things change. People change. Circumstances change. That's all. I don't expect you to like it."

"I guess that's the difference between us," Tony said, his voice finally void of hatred. "I came here, and I did die. And I thought once things changed after that, once circumstances changed, once I changed, I could have another chance. But all I got was more pain. More loss. All that's left is..."

He subconsciously twisted the wristwatch with his other hand. "... nothing."

With that, he left, and shut the door behind him.


There was a distinct 'ding' as the elevator reached the appropriate floor. Though a bit shaken from his encounter with the 'pig king', Peppy's resolve hadn't softened. What had happened to Pokey Minch was a fate he deserved in Peppy's opinion. Though perhaps it was a sign that even that screwed up young boy could eventually be turned into a decent human being. As he stepped into the hall, there was a radio transmission playing. It wasn't music, but rather the same old Subspace News network. Peppy only vaguely listened to it as he moved down the hallway.

G. Waluigi reporting from the outskirts of Snoozeville, where local lame-o Totakeke claims to have made contact with the Mysterious Mr. L. According to this stage-bound hound, while under his alias of K.K. Sli--wha? Wha?! Whadda ya mean this is s'pposed to be a piece on Tom Nook's Perfection Day party favors? Screw that! I'm the reporter, I choose the--are you kiddin' me?! I can't say *beep* on live daytime television? Who cares?! It ain't even swearing! And it's not like this place is gonna suck anymore than it already does just 'cause I said *beep*! Hey, you censor the Great Waluigi one more time and--

*Technical Difficulties. Please Hold.*

G. Waluigi reporting from the outskirts of Snoozeville, where local lame-o Tom Nook has Perfection Day party favors at 20% off. But who gives a crap? That masked vigilante known only as Mr. L attempted to commission that foul-breathed fa-la-la-er K.K. Slider into writing him a theme song. A theme song, freaks! Will these lyrics finally crack the mystery of this man's identity? We'll never know, since that idiot Slider coolly refused and called his local Enforcer in Hyrule. Between this he was lampooned and bludgeoned on the head to near death. Or so I was told. By myself. Just now. Alas, the steel-toting titan Tingle arrived too late as the cowardly Mr. L had made his escape. Tune in at 10 for an exclusive interview with Fairy Boy by Yours Truly, the Great Wa--what?! Stop wavin' at me to shut up! This is prime coverage, and I ain't--

*Technical Difficulties. Please Hold.*

G. Waluigi reporting from the Snoozeville Dump, where I've been assigned to dig up as many sharp and pointy objects as I can find with my bare hands. I wonder if there's any traces of Mr. L in here...

There were several doors on this floor so Peppy released Mesprit so she could do her own digging. She definitely seemed to be reacting to something. The general gave her a slight pat to the head. "Looks like one of your buddies is nearby," he whispered silently. "Quietly, eh?"

A little bit further down and the Pokemon halted in front of a door. The general removed his blaster, tipped his fedora down, and hug his coat a little closer around him. He gave a glance back at Mesprit and decided not to make his intentions too obvious, so he tapped the ball at his side to return her. He turned the doorknob slightly and quietly. It was unlocked. Peppy pushed it in further and stepped in with his blaster pointed forward. "Don't scream," he warned. "And I don't have to use this here gun, got it?"

Mia's eyes scanned across each line on the page of her book, actually laughing at a certain point along the page. The book was a fantasy novel -- fiction, obviously -- that she had picked up from the library of New Pork City. It was deliriously funny, at least, deliriously funny in that it was plain wrong, naïve, and innocent. It was obviously supposed to describe a world similar to Mia's, one of magic and of majesty. Yet what amused Mia was that this novel depicted the world in terms of black and white, as if evil and good were as night and day. Years ago, she might have agreed; these days, things were far different.

She heard the door unlatch without any prompting from the intercom, and she glanced quickly over to the door to see a tall rabbit at the foot of her apartment, a blaster pointed directly at her. She was now quite familiar with these, and recognised it instantly, hence the frown upon her face. Vaporeon immediately uncurled itself from its position on the table and went into an attack pose, hissing with a low "Eoonnnnnn" noise. This awoke the Pidgeotto from its cage, who immediately fixed her gaze upon the rabbit.

Mia merely didn't move, yet it was easy to see that she was a mix of confusion and anger. "You'd do wise not to raise your blaster at me," Mia said in warning. "If I were killed, there's absolutely no chance that you'd make it out of New Pork City alive. You'd be lucky to escape this floor in one piece. My employer would ensure that." Mia simply closed her book and set it upon her lap. One attentive enough might notice a simple ring of sterling silver upon the ring finger of her left hand.

Unlike his prudent companion, the general's focus was not on jewelry. The four red and white balls that she carried caught his attention, as did two pokemon he could immediately see. Which begged the question of where the other two were. Trapped in their pokeballs?

Yet Peppy merely smirked, almost madly in a way. Instead of taking her warning to heart, he merely stepped in and closed the door behind him. "Actually, your 'employer' sent me down here," Peppy retorted. He latched the door behind him. He motioned his blaster towards her belt. "Your pokeballs. Hand them over."

Mia remained still as Peppy came into her apartment, the blaster still pointed at her. Apparently she had underestimated the rabbit's motives... and his bravado, yet Mia was certain about one thing: Whatever he was up to, Mia certainly didn't like it much.

"If you think Pokey's blessing extends so far as to allow you to be a thief, you certainly are mistaken," Mia said. "Pokey certainly would have informed me of that in advance." Nevertheless, she kept gaze at him for a few seconds more before glancing down to her Poké balls and clicking the four buttons on all the balls. They all popped open, completely empty. She looked back to Peppy, her lips still completely straight. "You're certainly not going to get what you want that way. And my Pokémon... you might say they're sentimental reminders of the past; my... friends... are off-limits."

There was a moment where the old hare seemed to hesitate about his methods, but it was for only a brief moment. What he was doing was right. Whatever it took, whatever he had to do to fix the future. A little collateral damage was nothing if it meant none of this ever happened. Besides, he did warn her.

"You might say we came to an understanding," Peppy replied as he narrowed his gaze. "And I'm only after one of your 'friends'." He sunk his left hand into a pocket and retrieved a pokeball and activated it, freeing Mesprit. "The companion to my little lady friend here. We know you have one of these spirit things. So let's have it."

Mia couldn't help but be stunned just a little bit when Peppy released a Pokémon just like her own Azelf, her own spirit 'mon. It was, perhaps, the most powerful of her four... the most unique of hers. It certainly wasn't an Azelf, that much she knew. But the resemblance was unmistakable. Yet two questions remained: How he knew about Azelf... and... why.

"Calm yourself, 'Vee," Mia directed to the Vaporeon, reaching out to place her hand upon her head. Immediately she ceased her hissing and growling, yet she remained in her stance, still not pleased with the stranger's actions. Mia merely looked to Peppy, a much more calm disposition on her face, but still not one that was entertaining his antics. "So it's Azelf you're after?" she continued. "You might have better luck convincing him himself. Azelf! You have a visitor."

Mia had cast her voice into the other room, and promptly a blue-headed spirit swished through the beaded doorway and swept into the room, aiming straight for Mia... and passing into her body. Mia's eyes closed for a few moments before opening up again, looking directly at Peppy. "Go ahead; I'm listening."

The apparent merging of human and Pokemon caught Peppy off guard. Was it a plot to protect the 'Azelf' or something else? He groaned and holstered his blaster. Though he considered for a moment the snag machine he had been given. He wasn't sure how it worked or if it even would. Of course it would mean he'd have to shoot her and as annoying as that might be, he was a military man - not a murderer... not yet anyways.

"For the love of..." he muttered as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Who am I talking to now? The Pokemon?" He glanced over at Mesprit who gave him an unhelpful glare. For a moment she flitted over to the young woman as if inspecting her and then moved back towards Peppy, seemingly satisfied. Some help you are, Peppy added silently.

Mia looked at Peppy, her motions a little bit more stiff than they had been before Azelf had entered her body. There was certainly a noticeable change in her behaviour now that Azelf was controlling her will. A wry smirk came appeared across Mia's lips, almost sarcastic or insulting... certainly one that Mia wouldn't have issued on her own, though Peppy wouldn't know such. Yet there was a pause as Mia, or Azelf, really, studied Peppy... as well as Mesprit.

"You presume much. Namely, that we share different mindsets," Mia spoke, disregarding his question... or at least answering it in terms of a riddle. "We've been bonded for several years by this juncture, making your question pointless." Mia paused for a moment before her smirk disappeared. "Are you friend or foe? What purpose is it that you have with... us?"

Well it certainly begged the question of why Mesprit hadn't reached quite the same level of 'closeness' with May. Still, this required a bit more of a subtle approach. If these spirits were as connected to Dialga as he thought, a little more bluntness would be in order. "I arrived here with Dialga," Peppy explained. "My companion and I... we're looking for the other two spirits. The seer said it would be the only way to find him so we can both go back to where we belong."

"Vague, ambiguous," Mia said as she rigidly flipped up her left hand and brought it closer to her face, studying her ring, her nails, something as if she were bored to tears by the explanation. "Though... telling, all the while." Without moving her hand, her gaze flitted back to Peppy. "We could extract what we wished to know if we wanted, but... most consider that rather impolite, uncouth. Again, friend or foe? You seek us; why should we help?"

"Then do it," Peppy replied as he tapped his head. "I'm no friend of the Subspacers, but I've got a friend in here and I'm not fixing to see him dead. If it will save me a long-winded explanation, then do it."

"Very well," Mia replied, her voice practically emotionless. Mia's brought her hands together and closed her blue-green eyes as if in prayer. For the better part of a minute, Mia remained perfectly still and perfectly silent, nothing in the room moving at all save for the casual flicker of the burning candles and perhaps Peppy himself.

In due time, she awoke, afresh with information as she looked at him once again. "Peppy Hare," Mia finally said, her voice brimming with confidence, "it's a shame you are unable to tell friend from foe as we are. Though we are technically under the governance of the Subspace Army, we seek to soothe the souls of those within it who cause ill. You have met one well known to us," she continued, holding up her hand with the ring upon it, its open palm facing her, "the Enforcer of Saffron, whose will has been shattered by their cruelty."

She paused for a moment before issuing her final decision. "I shall accompany you in your quest, for yours has the chance for greater reward." In that moment, the blue spirit emerged from Mia's body and hovered above Mia's shoulder for a moment. Mia, once again in control, felt a momentary weakness and half-collapsed as she reached out to steady herself upon the armrest of her sofa. "Azelf," said the spirit rather smarmily as Mia looked up at him in a mixture of exhaustion and understanding. All she did was take a single open Poké ball from her belt and lob it in the direction of the rabbit. Otherwise, she didn't make a single sound, her face almost sad as she came, once again, face to face with Lance's deeds that Azelf had provided her.

The general had saw the memories that had been watched in his mind. The Pokemon had been quite methodical in sifting through Peppy's mind. The lingering on the Saffron enforcer was a bit curious though. And then it made sense. The ring on her finger and Wes's accusations against Lance... this was Lance's wife, sold to Pokey for reasons he could not fathom.

He caught the ball in hand and sighed in relief. Two down, one to go...

"... thank you Mia. If I succeed... then maybe you'll get your old Lance back," the old hare said warmly. And if I don't... God help us all.

Azelf floated over to Peppy, joining the spirit Mesprit as Peppy's own Pokémon. As this happened, Mia, still leaning upon the armrest, couldn't help but feel just a little bit morose to lose her trusted companion, the one she had sent to deliver letters to Lance, the one who forced Lance's will so that he would read every last word within them. Yet Azelf already was telling her that, logically, things would be fine, that allying with Peppy posed a better chance of making things right.

She dared give Peppy one last look before she eventually took her seat once more, her book now completely forgotten. She nodded to Peppy before turning away, burying her face in her hands. She didn't cry, but she honestly couldn't face him. "Go. Before it is too late." For your friend. For you. For the future. "Go."

The general did as the woman had requested and left her quarters. He didn't bother to recall the two tiny companions that followed him, but instead Peppy made his way towards the elevator to resume his search for Tony. He had no intentions of leaving the building without him, Dimentio or not. He found himself waiting impatiently as the elevator headed from the floor above to the current floor. He had only a hundred floors to search. How long could it take?
Tony, meanwhile, was in the elevator, trying to put behind him what had happened with Pokey and Kumatora. He had to focus.

The doors opened, and Tony readied himself for anything.

When Peppy saw that someone was inside, he immediately had his blaster out and ready to shoot. He sighed in relief when he recognized Tony. "Good timing. We're on our way out of here."

"Peppy!" Tony gasped, his own gun in hand. "Did you get---?!"

He waved the hare into the elevator.

Peppy stepped inside and gave a vague gesture to his blue companion. "Mesprit led me right there, just after my encounter with the Pig King." He glanced at the elevator console. Only 90 floors to the bottom. "Looks like time has softened the boy."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief as the elevator descended. At the mention of the Pig King, he became very interested in the button panel instead, not saying anything. He didn't want to talk about Pokey.

"I'm glad it worked out then," he replied after a moment, trying to be supportive of his comrade.

It wasn't over, though. Peppy had said he needed three Pokemon, and Tony knew he'd have to see it through if he ever wanted peace.

"We only got lucky," Peppy replied. "We've got out of this too easy. Dimentio knows who we are. He's not going to be taking orders from a crippled man." He adjusted the energy level on his blaster. "Be ready for anything."

Tony didn't much believe in luck anymore. Not good luck, in any case.

"Right," he grunted.

After a bit, the elevator arrived in the lobby, which was still looking pretty banged up from earlier. Tony stepped out first, making sure the place was barren before allowing the hare to leave the lift.

And yet there was nothing. Peppy's whiskers twitched as he took a look around. "It's quiet... too quiet," he said.

"How about the sound of two pathetic terrorists getting squashed?" came Dimentio's arrogant chirp as the jester appeared. "Would that be music to your ears, Louie? Or should I say 'Peppy'."

Tony did not hesitate to fire upon the sadistic clown, who of course teleported away again. His voice called to them from seemingly nowhere, taunting. "You two didn't play fair," Dimentio called, adding, "My little game wasn't supposed to end with you succeeding on your silly errand. What fun would that be?"

Likewise Peppy had no reason to respond and fired off a shot at the jester, who merely eluded the attack.

"Fine. Fine, I give up," Peppy replied in apparent defeat. He reached into the deep pockets in his coat and removed two 'special' pokeballs that Wes had given him and tossed them over to the jester. "Catch!"

Tony knew Peppy wouldn't give up so easily, but was not sure what the hare was playing at. He wasn't actually giving up the Pokemon, was he??

The pokeballs rolled over towards where Dimentio had reappeared. The clown smirked. "That's more l---"

Whatever taunt he'd had in mind was cut off by the explosion of the first 'pokeball', which was apparently a bomb and not at all what Dimentio had been expecting. A shriek emerged from the explosion, and as the smoke poured out of the small crater in the floor it had left, Tony got an idea. They couldn't afford a repeat performance of earlier, that was certain. Not now.

The second bomb went off, and as predicted, Dimentio 'flipped' to avoid the blast of that one, despite having caught the brunt of the first.

Only a moment later, the jester teleported in again, and Tony took his shot. "PIN!" he shouted. Green sparks flew from his hand and transformed into a million tiny pins and needles, all of which smashed spectacularly into the clown. He crashed to the floor, unable to fly around now that he was paralyzed.

"Peppy," Tony said firmly, looking at his companion only momentarily. "Run."

Not risking the chance of being followed, Peppy tossed one of Dedede's grenades at the jester before he made his own break for it. While the two of them made for the exit, another more powerful explosion rocked the inside of the building and forced Peppy to duck and cover to not be hit by the flying debris. After making sure he was still alive, he made a quick sweep to locate Tony.

Tony all but shoved Peppy forward through the smoke and debris. They were almost out when a sizeable piece of debris flew through the air and struck Tony from behind, causing him to stumble.

The way it had hit him, it would have had to come from---

"Playtime is over," snarled Dimentio, floating towards them through the settling dust and lingering smoke---the effects of Pin clearly having worn off. He was burnt, and bloody, and for the first time, did not look at all amused. He was furious, his face curled into an expression of murderous intent.

He fired off an energy blast more rapidly than they had yet seen him do, striking Tony and knocking him off his feet. Winded, he looked around frantically to make sure Peppy hadn't been hit. Peppy had to live. Even if Tony didn't make it... Peppy had to live.

Dimentio advanced, his hands glowing and crackling with pure energy.

"Not so fast," Peppy called out as he fixed his blaster at the jester. "This time you're going down you son of a bitch."

The jester was not amused and calling forth a burst of energy, sent it at the general. But at that moment, the two spirits suddenly emerged from hiding and in the seconds it took for Dimentio's attack to connect, they performed a quick cycle around the old hare and with a flash... he was gone.

The energy attack impacted behind Tony, but somehow Peppy was gone. He had vanished... escaped! That was all that mattered now.

Tony climbed to his feet, drawing Teddy's katana and Murasame. His ally's escape only served to further Dimentio's fury, and indeed, the clown began conjuring up an attack the likes of which the Franklin Badge had no hope of deflecting. Such was his life in these times. No friends to shield him. Only their memories to fuel him.

"Fool! You will not survive." Dimentio raised his glowing fingers.

"I don't need to," Tony spat, charging at the clown as he unleashed his energy bolts. He was the last Bloodwing, dammit.

It was time for him to fly.