Characters Appearing: Wes, Lance, May, Gold, Blue, Giovanni, Waluigi, Spyro
Theme Song: Land of Confusion

Cheers erupted through the vast stadium. Thousands of people roared in anticipation as the PokePit Championship match was about to begin. The other competitors had been defeated, the remains of their Pokemon now leaving only stains on the arena floor. Though darkness hung over the stadium, there were no stars or moon to match this event, as the bright lights from the spotlights all but drowned out the night time sky. People from all over the world and from different universes had gathered to witness this event. One, however, watched unperceived in the privacy of his own box. The figure was mostly shadowed in the dark VIP box of which he always occupied during these events. Yet, the bright lighting reflected off of golden hued eyes as they leered at the arena below. Eyes that had once held a great deal of warmth, but now turned hard and cold like a serpent's. Swept back flame red hair, and an outfit of red and black complete with a cape, made his identity obvious. It was none other than Saffron's Enforcer, the legendary dragon master who had gained quite a reputation for himself. The years had not been kind to him. Two fingers idly ran across the horn of a purple dragon that sat at his feet. The creature itself stared emotionlessly at nothing in particular. A mysterious man also stood behind where Lance sat, known as his quiet bodyguard. Lance appeared thoughtful, but whatever might be on his mind was almost impossible to tell. The Enforcer's gaze carefully studied the arena, looking at the two Tyranitar positioned below at opposite ends of the field. They were there to maintain order, and considering Lance's special... abilities, they need not be supervised. The two rock Pokemon standing like ominous sentinels. A finger tapped impatiently upon Spyro's horn, waiting for the event to begin.

In the middle of the arena, the announcer stepped out to the approval of the crowd. Displayed on the big screens above the stadium floor, he turned around to get a full look at the entire crowd. Then with a smarmy grin, he grabbed a microphone and pressed it mere centimeters from his lips and bellowed out. "LADIES! GENTLEMEN! THIS IS IT! THE GREAT FINALE! BEAST VERSUS VICIOUS BEAST IN THE FINAL MATCHUP EVENT! FIRST, EVERYONE GIVE A WARM WELCOME TO OUR RETURNING CHAMPION.... MAXIE.... GOOOOOOLD!!!!"

The cameras fixed their location on one side of the arena, giving everyone in the audience a good look at the young man emerging from the east wing of the stadium. He was dressed in full armor from head to toe. Thanks to his helmet, only one glowing eye could be perceived, a special trick that was courtesy of his 'costume'. Though it was far from any ordinary costume, as the armor had already taken an extensive beating from the last few rounds and was stained red with blood and parts burnt black from fire. Mounted on his wrist was a special cannon device designed to shoot out Pokeballs with only the slightest twitch of his fingers. As with all his battles, he marched on to the arena stage and said not a word. The crowd went wild with screams and applause, all eagerly awaiting to see if he would score his second championship.


On the other side of the arena, emerged the champion's challenger, Blue Oak. Adorned in a long and worn out white lab coat over a black suit of dragon skin body armor, with his medallion necklace proudly worn over the body armor. The lab coat had seen better days, as it was covered in tears and blood stains from the previous matches. He didn't need any special device, as his Pokeballs were tucked under his lab coat, for his convenience to grab and throw, in old school style. As he appeared to the wild crowd cheering wildly for the finale, Blue acknowledged them with a simple salute as he walked towards the stage to meet with the champion.

The announcer backed away as the top opponents took center stage and a hush fell on the crowd as the two combatants glared one another down. Who would make the first move? As if the two were were faced with a duel at high noon, it seemed as both were ready for a match of who was the quickest draw. As it turned out, Maxie made the first move. With a twitch of his finger, a Pokeball was shout out and caught in his hands and expanded, immediately after the Pokemon was released. A Scizor. The Pokeball was instantly returned to its slot and another one shot out, this time releasing a Mismagmius. These Pokemon knew their job, they didn't need to be commanded. They instantly went after Blue.

The two Pokemon Maxie released out first went after Blue. Instantly in one swift move, Blue stepped back and quickly grabbed two Pokeballs from his lab coat. With both balls on one hand, he released out two Pokemon that would easily dispel the attacking Pokemon. A Pidgeot and a Golduck. Blue trusted that his Pokemon would take care of the situation at hand. The Pidgeot immediately tackled the Scizor out of the way while the Golduck went after the Mismagmius, giving Blue time to quickly get out of the way. Maxie had just proved himself to be quite a match already, and Blue was quick to acknowledge this.

With each of the two Pokemon already matched by another, Gold wasted no time in releasing a third Pokemon into the arena. With a flash of light, a Mamoswine came barelling out and was already en route towards Blue. With a height of over two meters, it dominated the field. To match it, Blue reached into a pocket near his chest for another pokeball. He kept all of his Pokemon in different pockets and had them memorized by location. This particular one had meant a lot to someone that meant a lot to him. A Ditto was released and upon seeing the Mamoswine, altered its shape to take on the same form, taking the full brunt of the impact and knocking Maxie's Pokemon to the side. Rather than give his foe the advantage of another Pokemon on the field, Blue reached into pockets on either side of his coat and pulled out two more balls, releasing them both simultaneously.

In the audience, the Enforcer couldn't help but raise an amused brow at the release of a Charizard and Flygon into the arena. Though he immediately could sense their presence, he did not take hold of their minds. These little dragons belonged to Blue Oak. Though outnumbered at the moment, Maxie didn't release another of his mons into the field just yet. Instead he ran forward into the field and with a tug of the wooly fur on his Mamoswine, pulled himself up into a mounted position and with a click of his heels, sent it barreling towards the Flygon. Scizor and Mismagmius broke off from their foes and followed behind their trainer at either side of the woolly beast. Blue was quick to bark out an order and the Charizard and Flygon broke off into either direction. While the Mamoswine lumbered past them, they turned toward Maxie in order to begin their own attack. Before they could descend on Maxie, they were suddenly attacked from behind by the latest two entries into the battle.

The Flygon was assaulted by a Weavile and forced to the ground while an absolutely massive Steelix caught the Charizard in its mouth, locking him away completely. Blue's copied Mamoswine lumbered towards the other Pokemon, but was thrown off its path by the metal claws of Scizor, effectively ending the copy's participation in the battle. However the swift arrival of Blue's Pidgeot sent the Scizor crashing into the ground after a powerful peck from the bird's beak managed to penetrate the bug's metal-like body. There was no time to return them, but rather Blue and Gold were quick to send out their own replacements. An Alakazam soon joined Blue while a Staraptor came from Gold. While the Staraptor tackled the Pidgeot out of the air, the Alakazam focused a powerful psychic blast at Gold's Mamoswine, stopping it dead in its tracks and sending the champion flying forward and landing on his back. While he struggled to get back to his feet, he suddenly found himself looking up at an Ariados that Blue had released.

"I hate spiders!" Gold swore as he kicked it away from him, quickly switching the dial on his pokeball device and releasing a Donphan that was quick to headbutt the Ariados out of the way and followed up by rolling up into a ball to slam into the bug, effectively knocking it out of commission. But for as easy a victory as that was, Gold had fallen for Blue's ploy that had allowed the challenger to release two more Pokemon into the field while Gold was fighting off the spider. A blast of water from a Blastoise sent Gold barreling backwards until he hit the hard solid steel of Steelix's body. Thoroughly doused, he soon realized he was in trouble when he spotted the second Pokemon that Blue had released. The Raichu already had its cheeked charged with electricity. The second the current was about to be released, Gold fired another Pokeball straight into the middle of the current and had another one at the ready.

The current of electricity struck the Pokeball and released the Gliscor inside, which was able to resist the shock and flew straight towards the Raichu. While the Blastoise fired off another blast of water, Maxie countered it with his old trump card. His good old pal "Frank" the Feraligator appeared in the path of the jet of water, taking in the full blast of water. While the Feraligator moved forward with an absolutely devastating slamming attack, Gold released the last of his Pokemon. The Houndoom moved with absolute grace as it avoided the battling Pokemon and their attacks as it made it moves towards Blue. With a twinge of frustration, the challenger released the last of his Pokemon which was far from his trump card.

It was more of a meat shield. The Houndoom suddenly was tackled by a rather chipper looking Bibarel. Despite the blank look on the beaver's face, Maxie realized his Houndoom was in danger and with a shrill whistle, called in Feraligator who had just downed the Blastoise, having left it with a significant crack in the turtle's shell. Though it was clear the crocodile was moving slower after the devastating move it had performed, it quickly sunk its teeth around the beaver and after shaking it a few times, sent it flying off to the side. At the same time, Maxie's Steelix suddenly came crashing down, landing mere inches from him. In a flurry of flames, the Charizard broke free from its mouth and sent an inferno of flames down on to the battlefield.

The Weavile which had just downed the Alakazam was caught in the flames and collapsed to the ground. With the Bibarel disposed of, the Feraligator suddenly released a jet of water that shot the Charizard out of the sky, allowing it to be finished off by the Donphan ramming it into the ground with its tusks. However the Flygon, now relieved of its two icy enemies, was back in the battle and hovered behind the Donphan's back and released a devastating Hyper Beam that would surely make the Enforcer proud. Likewise the Raichu intervened in the aerial battle and with pinpoint accuracy sent Maxie's Staraptor crashing to the ground just as the Gliscor downed the Golduck with a scissor attack.

The battle was nearly over. For Blue his Flygon, Raichu, and Pidgeot remained. Gold on the other hand had his Feraligator, Houndoom, Mismagmius, and Gliscor in the battle. Clearly at a disadvantage now, Blue issued all his Pokemon forward to take down the Feraligator, the one clearly the strongest of all. A sky attack, a hyper beam, and a bolt of thunder sent the blue titan toppling over like a sack of bricks. But in the midst of their attack, Houndoom tackled the Raichu down and with a blast of fire finished it off, Gliscor pulled the Pidgeot down to the ground, and the Mismagmius dazzled the Flygon with a wave of confusion before it was taken out by a faint attack. The Houndoom pushed forward towards the Pidgeot and with a painful crunch to the bird's neck, knocked another of Blue's Pokemon out of commission. The Flygon was the only foe left on the field. With Houndoom and Gliscor still in the battle, they both turned towards their remaining foe.

"AAAAND THAT'S THE GAME!" the announcer cried.

As the last of Blue's Pokemon fell, Maxie Gold ripped off his helmet and tossed it to the side, pumping his fist in the air for the sake of the crowd. It may have been a tough battle and the exhaustion could be seen clearly on the giant screens, but he covered it expertly as he waved to the crowd, soaking in the adoration of his fans. Blue stared angrily at Maxie as he waved to the crowd after his victory. This was not how it was supposed to end for him. He couldn't stand watching him soak in the victory. Upset and bitter over his lost, Blue shouted out to the winner. "I'LL FUCKING GET YOU NEXT TIME, GOLDIE! JUST WAIT AND SEE!"

With that taken care of, Blue decided to take off and left the arena stage. However the victorious champion didn't seem to notice. On top of that, he was hardly aware of two figures that had started their approach on the arena. The announcer chimed in again, this time stepping in front of Maxie.


The crowd responded enthusiastically. "FINISH THEM! FINISH THEM! FINISH THEM!"

"Not this time you sick fucks," hissed a voice from an inconspicuous corner of the crowd.

A lithe form slunk off to the side, a new set of golden eyes gleaming with anger at the scene in front of him. He glanced once as the two Tyranitars, for they could be a problem. Best to get this done swiftly.

An arm reeled back just before a pokeball was expertly pitched at the arena, followed by three more in succession. Blastoise, Charizard, Pidgeot, Alakazam... the balls hit right on the mark and in a flash they were sucked inside. The crowd or anyone hardly having time to react before the thrower dashed across the arena, snatching the balls in one swift go.

If one caught glimpse of him, it appeared to be a young man in his 20s. Skin deeply tanned by the desert sun, and hair a sandy bleached color. He wore all black, but a curious white line also marked his face.

The crowd was silenced and the announcer quickly slipped away. Maxie Gold stood his ground with a look of annoyance, but made no move to resist. All he did was withdraw the two Pokemon he still had on the field and crossed his arms. It was just as well, because another set of pokeballs was thrown from the other side of the arena. The cameramen did their best to fix the position on this new intruder.

Moving her way through the crowd and into the arena was a young brunette that looked to be about eighteen. Though she was wearing only a simple black tank top and shorts, she was curiously wearing a grassy skirt and top as well, as if for use in camouflage. She collected the remaining surviving Pokemon, but unlike her apparent partner in crime, she stopped in the middle of the arena to give a mournful stare at the champion before she too moved on.

At the sudden intrusion of the poke snatchers, the dragon master was suddenly alert. He knew those two figures, and quite well. He didn't waste any time.

The pair of Tyranitar suddenly came to life, and May had made a mistake by pausing long enough to look at Gold. One of the lumbering beasts had put itself in her path, its maw splitting in a deafening roar.

Wes glanced over his shoulder to see what was happening and cursed under his breath. "Damn girl, I told her to stay focused."

Wes moved to go to her aid, but that's also where he erred for the second Tyranitar was soon upon him. A clawed paw swiping at him, which he narrowly managed to avoid in a quick duck.

Though slightly taken aback, May was quick to react to the sudden appearance of the Tyranitar and evaded being captured. The two lumbering beasts were easy to avoid, but they were just the front of the true storm. While she tried to escape back into the crowd, already Subspace Army regulars were filing out into the arena, their weapons at the ready. Despite her best attempts to elude them, May was eventually caught in the grip of one of the soldiers. She struggled to get free, but it was no use.

Maxie had returned her glance, though his feelings remained imperceptible beneath his shades. After she had been caught, he merely reached for his discarded helmet and while avoiding the two Tyranitars, pushed his way through the soldiers and out of the arena.

Wes ducked out of the way of the Tyranitar as well, also attempting to beat a hasty retreat. However, the soldiers were advancing on him as well. "Shit, shit, shit!" Wes seemed to chant as he skidded to a halt, reaching for his belt as he seemed about to retaliate.

However, the Tyranitar had come up behind him and slammed a rock hard fist against his head. Wes was knocked out before he even hit the ground, eyes rolling back in his head. The SSA soldiers had little effort in seizing him.

Lance hadn't moved the entire time, looking almost bored with the events that had just played out. He snorted softly once it was over, and finally stood. "Damn kids" he muttered to himself. The Enforcer then took his leave as well, fully intending to deal with them later.

Day 35: Section A-14B (aka Saffron City)

With the events from the Pokepit no longer airing on the prison television, the only form of distraction in the prison shifted back to the SSN where the anchor Wario began ranting about how rising food prices were overstated. But Peppy did what he usually did when that man started speaking. He simply phased it out and turned away from the video panel.

It had been a day since the Agent, Volkner, had delivered him into custody. The Enforcer had yet to speak to him and for the most part he had been left alone, save for the taunts of the prison guards. He did notice that the prison had only one cell. Their taunts had made it quite obvious why. The Enforcer wasn't in the business of keeping prisoners alive. It was just as well. The old hare would rather have it ended swiftly than rot in a cell while the world went to hell.

This time he did not have the convenience of his weapons. He'd been completely stripped of his gear and tossed unceremoniously into the cell. Things were run a little more efficiently here than in the poisonous gas bomb that K. Rool's airship had been. All that was left to do was to wait for the inevitable... and face the pain of regret that he would be letting down everyone he had met. Dawn, Dedede, Mike, Tetra... he would never be able to heal the future for them. Would this be his punishment for not listening to Nayru? How ironic that the destination she had told him to go to would ultimately be the place of his death.

There was a sudden interruption as the door down the corridor was thrown open and the guard began pushing a young woman down towards the prison cell. Peppy recognized her right away, she was the woman who had interrupted the PokePit championship. The old hare was smart enough to stay out of the way, but once the cell doors were thrown open, Peppy put himself between the girl and the cold hard concrete, preventing her from having the same fall he suffered the day before.

The second prisoner, still unconscious, was not so lucky. Two guards held him with an arm over each of their shoulders and dumped him into the middle of the floor and left. As they disappeared around the corridor, Peppy could make out their mockery and laughing as they speculated about the arrival of 'Enforcer Lance', who would be coming to deal with them.

"Wes!" the woman cried as she knelt down beside her fallen comrade and turned him over on to his back. Peppy immediately pulled off his jacket and tucked it under the man's head.

"He'll live," Peppy confirmed after briefly checking his vitals. "Though I can't promise that's a good thing."

The woman silently watched her friend, at first not even looking at the old Cornerian. After a few moments though, she finally muttered, "He told me trying this at the Championship was a mistake..."

"You were trying to save those Pokemon, right?"

She nodded. "That damn Enforcer. Using other Tyranitars to make sure those fallen creatures got killed, it's sick." She stood up and looked the old hare over, apparently only having noticed him. "What's a Cornerian doing around here?"

"It's a long story," Peppy replied. He then noticed the young man stirring. "Look there, he's coming around."

Sure enough, there was a groan from the young man as he started to awaken. The first thing to greet him was the undeniable pain of his throbbing head. Lets just say, Tyranitars aren't exactly soft creatures.

He tried to open his eyes, but the light of the room immediately made his head hurt even more. Thus he squeezed them shut yet again while a hand reached for his head. "Son of an Aggron" Wes muttered, touching the wound and grimacing.

Eventually though, he managed to open his eyes again. It was clear he was slightly confused, likely from the blow to his head. "Where the hell am I?" He glanced to May, recognizing her, but then made an odd look as he noticed Peppy.

"Near as I can tell, son, we're in the basement level of a place called Silph Tower," Peppy explained. He put his distance between the two trainers and rested against on of the beds by the wall. "That was some show you put on out there."

"Shit!" Wes cursed again as he suddenly sat up and immediately regreted, looking like he was about to hurl. Fortunately he managed to control himself. He started looking a bit more aware, and realized that he had been stripped of everything on him, save his clothes.

He snorted at Peppy's comment, "Our last from the looks of it. What a way to go, and by Lance of all people." He then paused, scrutinizing Peppy for a moment, "What're you here for?"

Peppy gave a slight shrug. "Can't rightly say. I was caught clear up in Port Town. I suppose it was on account of stealing a chopper from Enforcer Krool."

"You were on the K. Ruiser?" May asked with a bit of astonishment. "And survived?"

"Much good it did me," the old hare replied. "The name is Louie. And you two are?"

"Man, you've got some guts," Wes said with a slight smirk. There weren't many people around who could pull off something like that.

"Eh, the name's Wes, and that's May. You with the resistance or something?" That would make sense, for he didn't suspect your average civilian would go stealing a chopper from Enforcer K. Rool.

"No, I was just passing through. Looking for a friend of mine and have a way of running into trouble," Peppy replied.

"Yeah, who?" May asked.

Of course he was mainly looking for Fox, but given his young friend's status as a wanted criminal, he figured it was best to keep it under wraps. Besides, these two looked like trainers and given their incarceration, were probably trustworthy. "Dialga."

There was a long pause as Wes stared blankly at Peppy. "You're shittin me, right?" Although, how in the world did a Cornerian know about something like Dialga anyway?

"There ain't no Dialgas around here anyway. Not that I know of. And besides, if there was, Lance'd probably have it by now. It -is- a dragon." Wes wasn't sure whether to believe this guy or not, but for now, decided to give him the benefit of a doubt.

As Peppy expected, they knew about Dialga. Just like with Dawn, it seemed to have some importance. But they didn't seem to pick up on the significance of it, save for the fact that it was a dragon. "Why would Lance have it?"

"He's obsessed with them," May replied. "Hell, he couldn't get enough for them before he flipped. If word got out that there was a you-know-what around, he'd be crazy about going after it. I wouldn't mention it around here."

"Couldn't get much worse for me. Still, I see your point." Peppy sighed, realizing that ultimately this little conversation was pointless. "I don't reckon there's any chance on us getting outta here alive, is there?"

Wes nodded in agreement to what May said. It was true, Lance always had a thing for dragons, but it turned rather obsessive in recent years. Wes certainly hoped there wasn't a Dialga around.

Wes scratched the uninjured side of his head as he looked around, "Eh... if I had my stuff, maybe. But considering Lance's reputation, I doubt it. He's killed better trainers than us, and who knows who else. His dragons are crawlin' all over the city too. You might've seen 'em when ya came in."

Peppy nodded. He'd definitely seen them when he was being brought in. They had been circling the city in an ominous circle, always patrolling and always on the move. There was no way you could get out of the city... not out in the open. "That I did. Then I guess that's about it, then."

May had moved herself into the corner and lowered herself to the ground, wrapping her arms around her legs. "Then this is the end..." She dropped her head between her knees as the desperation of their situation finally sunk in.

Wes sighed, before looking over to May. Getting to his feet, he wobbled a bit unsteadily before moving to place a hand on her shoulder. "Hey... we did our best, right? We did save a lot of Pokemon." Really, Wes could think of worse things that could happen to them. Still, it wasn't like he was okay with dying, but he knew it would happen eventually.

However, he quickly looked up as he heard the sound of footsteps approaching their cell. Some armed guards sneering down at them before unlocking the door and motioning for them to get out. "Get a move on it, the Enforcer will see you now. All of you."

With a groan, Peppy stood up and was the first out of the cell. Before stepping out, he glanced at the two young trainers. "Time to face the music. It was nice meeting you."

May gave a slight nod to Wes and rather than going on by herself, took his arm over her shoulder to help him move forward. The guards however pushed them forward with their guns towards the elevator. Once they were all inside, only two of the guards walked in with them.

"Heh heh, consider yourselves lucky," the guard taunted as he pressed a button on the elevator. "You're going to the top floor. Most folk aren't lucky enough to go out that way."

"Yeah, you too." Wes giving the old hare a little smirk despite his throbbing head. He was ready to face this crap head on, like everything else. He gave May a word of thanks as she helped him walk, only to get shoved by the guards.

Moving onto the elevator, Wes scowled. "Only the best for his fellow Pokemon trainers, eh? Don't I feel special." He had heard about Red and Lance's battle on the roof of the tower. More like a slaughter really. The guy had sunk pretty damn low.

The rest of the going was in silence as the elevator carried the group upward to the top of the building. Eventually the doors opening into a spacious room. It definitely had a dark feel to it, decorated in dragon motifs and even the occasional memento here and there. Which included a silver staff in the corner and even a stuffed and mounted Pikachu with a red hat on its head.

"Sick" Wes muttered in disgust, just before he and the rest were shoved forward into the room by the guards.

At the end of the room, before a set of vast, curtained windows, was the Enforcer himself. He stood in front of his desk, hand upon the head of a purple dragon that stood as tall as he did. Both his and the beast's eyes were closed, and the man seemed not to notice the group's arrival at first. That is until golden eyes suddenly opened, leering at them sidelong. A Dragonite stood off to one side, and a mysterious man to the other.

"Leave us," Lance told the guards, who obediently turned around and went back into the elevator. Of which was flanked by two Tyranitar. The same ones from the Pokepit.

As the older of the three, Peppy felt a tad of responsibility for the younger two trainers. He put himself forward, ready to shoulder the burden of speaking first. He'd faced death from the likes of Andross, the Aparoids, and the Anglars. Just because this one didn't start with an 'A' didn't make things any different. He was prepared to die, just as he had been all those times before.

"Enforcer Lance I presume." Peppy took a brief glance at the surroundings. "I like what you've done with the place."

With a billowing of his cape, Lance approached and stood before the trio as Peppy came forward. The Enforcer's attention going to him first as he studied the old Cornerian quietly. He didn't have to deal with the likes of them very often.

"Whether you're using flattery or being a wise ass, it won't get you anywhere" Lance responded cooly. The purple dragon came up behind him, its empty stare fixed on the three as well.

Wes glowered at Lance and his dragon both. "Don't need to tell us that, ya damn bastard. Between sellin' off your own wife and killing Red, I think we- OOF!" It was then that Wes received a fist to the gut, and if it weren't for May's support, he would have fallen to the floor.

His point made, Lance turned back to Peppy. "I've heard you've been creating quite a stir... Louie, was it?"

May had nearly lashed out when Wes was punched, but she did her best to support him. Unlike her two comrades, she knew better than to try and goad Lance on. It wouldn't do any good in the end, but it was a less painful way to go.

Peppy however remained his stance, matching the dragon master's gaze. There was no fear in his eyes, just a quiet resolve and resignation. He knew precisely how things were going to turn out, but there was always a chance, no matter how small, that things could shift in his favor. It wasn't likely though. "Louie Bowman," he answered, borrowing the surname of a fellow comrade from the Cornerian Defense Force. "I had a run-in with your friend, Krool."

Wes certainly had a mouth on him, and wasn't about to go down quietly. Although, he was silenced for now as he tried to regain his breath, face twisted in a pained expression.

"So I heard" came Lance's monotone voice, but then smirked. "The scaly twit wanted to take care of you himself, but he already had his chance. And you..." Lance glared back towards the trainers. "Did you honestly think you'd get away with that little stunt?" He had certainly been annoyed with the interruption, along with the many fans of the "sport" and its champion.

"That was the plan," May retorted, chiming in before Wes had the chance to make things worse for them.

"I don't know much about this Pokepit of yours," Peppy interrupted, "But you've got no use for us. So do it. Finish us off. You'll be doing us a favor."

There was suddenly a ringing from the desk phone.

"All in good time, Mr. Rabbit" Lance sneered. "Since you so willingly volunteered, I don't mind allowing you to go first."

It was then that Spyro began to advance on the old hare, his teeth bared.... and then the phone rang.

"Dammit, I said I wasn't to be disturbed" Lance growled under his breath. Moving over to the desk, he picked up the receiver. "What the hell do you want?!" he practically roared.

All the while Spyro was given free reign over Peppy. With a roar of his own, the dragon lept at the hare to pin him to the floor. Teeth grabbing an ear to chew and rip at its end. There was no hurry in killing them. However, the man himself was scowling as he listened to Giovanni on the other end. "Fine, send him up, but it damn well better be good."

It was then that Lance caught Wes moving out of the corner of his eye... either to help out Peppy or make a break for it he wasn't sure.. but the dragon master's whip instantly lashed out. With a crack it wrapped swiftly around the young man's leg and yanked him to the ground. "Tch, patience Wes, you'll get your turn."

In anticipation of the dragon's attack, Peppy had shielded his face with his arms, receiving a few painful cuts from the creature's talons. The tear at his ear was barely noticeable over the pain in his arms, but he was able to keep it from chewing on anything he might miss later.

The dragon seemed to back off though when the elevator doors opened. Out stepped Maxie Gold, now rid of his armor and back to his normal atire. He was accompanied by the man in the suit that Peppy had seen on television. Also in their company... was the television reporter-

"G. Waluigi here!" shouted the reporter as he advanced to Lance, apparently oblivious to the prisoners. "In the top of Silph Tower with Maxine whatshisname and Enforcer Lance in an exclusive interview!" A microphone was shoved towards Lance as the camera crew behind watched expectedly.

And it was then that Lance's even expression finally cracked in sheer agitation as Gold arrived with that damn reporter. A dirty look was given the champion for having brought this scum with him.

"I don't have time for this, get the hell out of my office" Lance seethed, knowing full well that he couldn't do anything to this idiot. Despite the fact that Lance oh so wanted to wring Waluigi's neck.

Spyro backed up and stood behind his master, his eyes mirroring that same annoyance. With another flick of his wrist, it seemed that Lance was about to use the whip once more... but instead pulled the end back to catch it with the same hand that held the handle. His free hand pushing the microphone out of his face.

"What did you want?" Lance then barked at Gold, clearly not in a chummy mood. He allowed the boy to come up here often, but today he'd had rather bad timing.

The champion didn't seem to miss a beat, despite how obvious Lance's annoyance was. "The little disturbance disrupted the award ceremony. In fact, there wasn't one at all. And then Giovanni here had a great idea to-"

"It wasn't all my idea," the older man insisted, giving the champion an annoyed expression.

"Well an idea anyways that we should just do it up here," Gold continued. "And the Great Waluigi agreed, despite how busy he is with the upcoming Perfection Day reports he'll be doing."

"Heh heh heh, of course. Of course. We'll need some lighting in here! Someone open some curtains already!" the reporter barked out. While his crew instantly started to do as he requested, he then noticed the prisoners. "And someone get rid of them! Nobody wants to see those losers on the telly!"

Lance's glare was focused on Gold as the kid practically started whining about his missed award ceremony. That is until it was turned on Waluigi who was just short of ordering him around.

"Fine, lets get this damn thing over with." The sooner it was done, the sooner it would be over and he wanted it over. Lance pressed a button on his desk, which called a couple guards back to the office. "Get them back to their cell" Lance ordered harshly, his patience clearly tested.

As they were herded away, Wes also took the opportunity to cast Gold his own glare.

The champion noticed the glare he received from Wes, but retained his cool and confident personality. As the curtains were drawn and the cameras switched on, Gold and Giovanni began fielding their answers to the reporter's blunt and often erroneous questions.

"What's he doing?" Peppy whispered sharply as they were pulled away.

"... buying us time..." May said with a look of astonishment on her face.

As they were rushed into the elevator, Peppy noticed something lying on the ground that hadn't been there when they came up. Feigning weakness, he fell over in the elevator to give himself a chance to recognize it as a key. Why or how it got there didn't matter, but he tucked it away into his sleeve while the guards pulled him back up. The last thing he saw was a furious looking Lance as the elevator doors closed.

"Lets just hope it works" Wes muttered, not entirely convinced if they could really trust Gold. He didn't like the guy, really. After all, he was the damn champion of that bloodbath they called a sport.

The trainer noticed Peppy falling on the floor, his brow knitting a bit. The hare hadn't been -that- injured, so he had to wonder.

Eventually they were thrown back into their cells, the guards muttering how they were gonna take the heat for the Enforcer's annoyance. Wes meanwhile pushed himself back up to a sitting position and glance at May, "Ya really think Goldie is going to come through? I think he's just about as gone as the dragon bastard."

May stayed on her feet, gripping one of the cell bars and focusing on the television in the hall rather than the other two. "No," she replied, her voice flat. "He is, you're right. But that doesn't change the fact that he's buying us time with his glory pining, does it?" She tilted backwards, using only the bar to support herself. No luck, obviously. "It'd be nice if they hadn't taken all of our gear. You could probably rig something explosive out of a Snag Machine."

The old hare calmly walked over to the cell door and started to see if the key actually was what they needed. It couldn't have just been chance that it was deposited like that. As he did so, he glanced back at the two trainers. "I take it you both know him, eh? Personally?"

Wes just continued to sit where he was, smirking at the girl's comment. "You know me too well, May." Of course he could have made something explosive out of the snag machine. Hell, he'd done it with Pokeballs, but well, they'd taken everything. A shame really, he'd like to go out with a bang.

However, Wes then noticed Peppy moving towards the door. "Hey, whatcha got there Fuzzy? I didn't think you were as hurt as you let on. You are alright, aren't ya? And yeah, you could say that. May knew him better, though."

May stepped back as the key was produced. Try as she might to convince herself it had been dropped by mistake or had just been there unnoticed for days, it was obvious where it had come from. "He, ah... I don't..." She crossed her arms and looked away again, staring through the nearest wall. "I don't want to talk about it. Look, are you just going to pop the cell open and run out there? He would have--I mean, I would think that our stuff isn't just laying in the next room but has been placed in a slightly less convenient to access but all the same less obviously planted location. Because it wouldn't be convenient or planted at all, of course, certainly not by anyone I know.

"...That didn't make any sense at all, did it?" She waved a hand behind her head. "I mean...I don't know what I mean. Look, are we leaving or aren't we?"

The door creaked open slightly, but Peppy didn't swing it all the way open. May definitely had a point. They still had to find a way to get out. He turned back to Wes and May. "Well regardless of your friend, we've got a way out. We can test our chances out there or try to think up a plan. What do you two think?"

Wes pushed himself to his feet as the door came open. "What's there to plan?" he asked, "None of us know this building, and if we just sit here, the guards are gonna come back eventually. I doubt they're stupid enough to not notice an unlocked cell. I say we get while the gettin's good."

With that, the young man pushed past Peppy and walked through the cell door. He paused to look around for any security devices, for he was sure they were there. Like that camera up there in the corner.

"Aw damn... let's go!" Whoever was watching the cameras probably saw Peppy unlocking the door already anyway.

May waved for Louie to go next, then abruptly caught his arm and snatched the key away. There wasn't really anywhere to put it on her outfit, so she curled it tight in her left hand. "Sorry," she said. "I'm ready. You guys lead the way."

It was definitely a risky plan, but they didn't have much of a choice at the moment. Unfortunately they didn't have the cunning mind of Tabitha to get them through. They would just have to trust Wes's instincts as they came upon a fork in their path. In the background the interview with Gold had already begun on the Subspace News.

"... when it comes to joining the Pokepit, I always think I made the right decision. It was the right path and I think I did right for my Pokemon with it."
"I swear... do they have that crap going on twenty four seven?" Wes muttered as he glanced up at the TV and frowned. However, a smirk soon came upon his face, "Ya know, if I didn't know better, I'd say he's trying to tell us something." Despite Wes' better judgment, they were kinda in a pickle and didn't really have all that much to lose. Thus, he quickly made up his mind, with Wes running down the right corridor. However, there was still some stinging doubt in his mind. Where were all the guards? Something wasn't quite right.

"I wouldn't count on it," May called back, though she had no objection with their current course. "He's just trying to make himself feel better by saying it."

How, exactly, had he known they would be coming up on this turn, though? She glanced back at the security camera before making the turn. When she was sure Wes and Louie weren't watching, she gave it a little wave and followed. Now if he would just mention where their Pokemon had been stashed...

Peppy felt it too. Something wasn't quite right about how easily they were escaping. Receiving guidance from a self-absorbed egomaniac didn't seem like the best choice to him, but they didn't have many others. After all, there was the key he had found. Except for the television in the background things were just a little too...

"It's quiet. Too quiet." Peppy's good ear twitched, as it was oft to do when he was in situations like this.

"... okay, so you felt 'all right' about it! We get it! Yeesh! So what are your plans now, punk?" the reporter demanded. "I can only go up," the champion smirked. "Go up into the access tunnel of fame and success."
"Yeah, I hear ya" Wes said in agreement to Peppy. However, as Gold started speaking again, he slowed down, then looked up. Above them was an air duct that was snaking across the ceiling. He took a few steps forwards, eyes searching and then finding a grate with suspiciously loose screws.

With a leap, Wes grabbed the grate with one hand and held onto the duct with the other. His legs dangling beneath him as he handed the grate down to the Peppy. Once it was taken, Wes reached that hand into the duct, rummaging around. "Well I be damned."

What Wes pulled out was all their gear, tossing it all down to the other two before letting go of the duct to land on his feet. "The guy's bein' a bit too obvious though. Lance might be loopy, but he ain't stupid." Which would likely explain why everything was so quiet around here. They could very well be walking into a trap.

May slipped around Louie and grabbed two of the Pokeballs that had dropped in her spare hand. She looked at the Snag Machine, then slid it toward the rabbit with her foot. "Want it? I think I'm done playing this game. Sorry I messed up so bad this time, Wes." She straightened up and wiggled the capsules in her palm until she had tapped the buttons on both. "Pokemon out?"

The old hare picked up the Snag Machine a bit confused. He wasn't quite sure how he would be able to use it, but he took it anyways. He'd become quite a pack rat when it came to gear. But the first thing he did was attack the Reflector to his belt clip, holster his pistol, and activated the Beam Sword and offered it to Wes. "It'll do you a mite better than me, I think."

If there were going to be any more clues, than they were out of luck. The interview with Maxie Gold had ended and switched to a very annoyed looking Lance. Peppy couldn't help but shudder. "Is there any other ways out of this city? Underground perhaps? We get spotted by one of them dragons, we're done for."

Attaching his utility belt back around his waist, Wes gave May a little smile. "Don't worry about it. We're still kickin', right?" At least for now, but Wes certainly wasn't ready to give up now. He then blinked as Peppy handed him the beam sword.

Wes slipped on his own snag machine, flexing his fingers as the device powered up. You never know when you might need it. "Don't have to tell me that" Wes agreed, "If I remember right, five years ago Lance and them escaped Saffron through the subway tunnel." He looked at May, "You were there right? Do ya know where it is?" While he spoke, Wes was already getting a move on. They couldn't stay still for long, lest their luck ran out and they did come face to face with a guard or a dragon.

"It'd be nice if we could just get out of Lance's range," May mumbled, staring at one of her Pokeballs before shutting it down and switching it to the hand with the key. "I don't even know why I even bother to bring him anymore.

"Anyway, I wasn't there for the escape. Gol--I left weeks before that." She'd been in Saffron enough times since then, though, even if it wasn't for the sights. "Did you bring a digger? We can't just go up and out the front door, right? I'll tell it where to burrow to."

Peppy watched May's little display quizzically, as most of the exchange between May and Wes was lost on him. But he moved himself to their flanks, keeping his blaster ready should anyone approach them from behind. He caught his ear twitching again and happened to notice that it had got torn by the dragon attack. A little souvenir from his trip in Saffron.

Fortunately, Wes hadn't brought any dragons, for he knew exactly what they were getting into. Besides, dragons weren't really his style. "Yup, you know me, I like the desert." A ball was plucked from his belt as he slowed down enough to release the Pokemon within.

"Slaash!" came the Pokemon's nasal cry. The large ground type blinking up at them with its almondine black eyes. Long sharp claws held at the ready and quills bristling. "Okay, Sandslash, you do what May tells you, ya got it?"

"The tower's about in the center of the city. The train station..." She scratched her shoulder out of habit. "Northwest. So...I really ought to get a compass." She dropped the other Pokeball she had been carrying, setting loose a blue creature no bigger than her head, which drifted up to face said feature. Along with two tails on one end, it had a magenta face with four drooping appendages on the other, coincidentally resembling May's own hairstyle.

"Mesprit. Go up top and find out which way's northwest." The Pokemon nodded and closed its eyes, dropping from its floating location into May's hands. She stared at it for a second, then turned to Louie before he started asking questions. "That's normal. Its spirit just goes off and comes back, see? I thought it was weird too."

The old hare couldn't help but blink at the description of the creature. Surely that old seer couldn't have meant...

There was only one way to find out. "A spirit you say? Are there any others like it?"

"Sandslash, go ahead and start diggin'" and with that command, the ground Pokemon nodded. Lifting its clawed forearms, it easily pierced and broke up the floor beneath them with several swipes. Thank goodness they were on the bottom floor, for the Pokemon soon hit earth after it go through some tough concrete. Pieces of debris flying in every direction up until the Pokemon disappeared into the hole it had created.

This should have given Mesprit ample time to decide which way to go, thus Wes looked at May expectantly.

"Two more, I guess," May answered the Cornerian. "Lake Pokemon, tied to the temporal and spatial Pokemon. I never really paid much attention to them, but Dawn was always interested...back then."

Mesprit's eyes flickered open and it took to the air again, looking around in a daze. When it had noticed May, it turned and pointed in one direction. She rubbed its head and returned it to its home, then jumped in the hole behind the Sandslash and gave it a direction.

Digging through the concrete had caused it to break a few claws off, though they were quick to grow back so it was no cause for alarm. May freed up a hand and picked up one of the claws. She couldn't dig as fast as the creature, but it wouldn't hurt to help anyway.

Three spirits... tied to a temporal Pokemon. And she knows Dawn. Peppy could hardly believe what he was hearing. Everything aways found its way back to that in the end. Somehow, someway, maybe this had been meant to be. The seer told him to go to Saffron City, after all. But for now, there was no reason for him to go into the 'Hello, I'm from the future. Can I have your Pokemon?' routine. If they got out, he would just have to try and convince the two of them who he was.

"Are you two sure that... creature can dig us there fast enough?" asked Peppy with a twinge of worry. They were so exposed at the moment. "That interview won't last much longer."

Wes had remembered Dawn talking about these Pokemon before, but it was some time ago. Wes motioned for Peppy to hop into the hole, before following after him.

"Don't worry, this is what Sandslash does best." And indeed, as soon as May gave the Pokemon direction, it suddenly took off. The ground mon's claws flying with an uncanny speed as it practicly swam through the dirt. "We just gotta keep up with him."

However, something was nagging Wes about the whole lake spirit thing, and he frowned. Weren't those three Pokemon used to summon... wait a minute. Moving quickly through the tunnel that Sandslash was making for them, Wes spoke as he went. "So what are you wanting with you-know-what anyway, Louie?" Wes' voice taking on a slightly accusing tone.

Well his little scheme had been seen through now. His only chance was getting hold of that Mesprit, so there was no point in deceptions now. As they kept moving, Peppy decided it was time to explain himself in full. With any luck, they wouldn't think he was a loony.

"It's a mite hard to explain," said Peppy as he kept a cautious eye over his shoulder. "I came here with you-know-what. Rather, to this time period. For you two, I ran into him about five years ago... but it's only been a month for me. But I don't know what he's got off to."

May interrupted with her own conclusion, though with a bit of an accusing tone to it. "... and you want to use the Lake Pokemon - Mesprit - to bind him to one place. The red chain, right?"

"... something like that," Peppy concluded with a sigh.

"If ya don't mind my sayin', that's a bit hard to swallow Lou." Wes glanced behind them to make sure they weren't being followed, while then releasing another Pokemon to go through the tunnel with them. It was getting pretty darn dark after all. "Espeon, light things up will, ya?" "Espe!" The purple fox's gem began to glow, giving them a dim light to see by. It followed behind Wes as they went.

"So you're wantin' you-know-what to get back home? To the past? ... And what do you plan on doin' when you get there?" After all, time traveling was a serious deal.

The way these creatures kept appearing out of nowhere nearly gave the old hare a heart attack. They really needed to give proper warning before making these beasts pop out of nowhere. He gave himself a moment to catch his breath before responding. "I reckon I'll do what everyone keeps telling me." The kind of story he had got from speaking with Dawn, Tetra, and Nayru. "Save the princess, save the world. And prevent all of... this from ever happening."

"Yeah? And how is Louie Bowman going to do that?" May asked doubtfully. It didn't seem like to her that there was much chance of an over-the-hill rabbit being able to accomplish much. "Let's say the other two even exist here. Why shouldn't me and Wes not just go back in time and fix things?"

It was then that Wes began to slow down, but then realized it and picked up the pace again. Yet, the young man seemed a little troubled. "Heh..." was the only thing he could think to say at first. May had a good point, and yet.

"The past already has one May and Wes, I don't think it needs two. Besides... if what he's sayin is true, he needs to be put back where he belongs." This all being said to May of course. "I won't lie to ya Lou, the idea of this hell never happening definitely appeals to me. We'll help ya out, if you can promise me something." And Wes shot a look at May, warning her not to object.

Peppy stopped and turned around, giving the young man a hard look. He seemed an honest enough fellow, especially if he was going to trust something to someone who was a complete stranger. "And what's that?"

"I'm sure you're a more important fellow than you're lettin' on" Wes started, stopping as Peppy did and staring the hare down. He was no fool after all. "But that ain't any of my business."

The trainer frowned, "If ya get back, and if ya manage to stop all this, promise me you'll help out the Pokemon and the trainers any way you can. They need all the friends they can get. I don't like given Pokemon to people who don't give a shit about 'em."

Peppy nodded. "I'm not sure what I'll find when I get back, but I'll do what I can. It's a deal." He held out his hand as a gesture of goodwill.

And Wes finally cracked a small smile, taking Peppy's hand and giving it a firm shake. "That's all I can ask. Thanks Lou, you're a good man.. er.. rabbit. Whatever. C'mon, lets get out of this damn hole."

And now Wes' attention was back on May, "How much farther you think we got, May?" he asked, while Sandslash continued to tear rapidly through the dirt. Since they stopped, the trio had to hurry to catch back up.

Before May had a chance to even answer, a beam of light shot through from the far end of the tunnel. They were digging through concrete again, but this time Peppy put himself forward and charged up his blaster and had May pull the Sandslash back. With a powerful charged shot, the rest of the concrete collapsed and gave them access to the subway entrance.

After five years of disuse, the tunnel showed its age. Fungi was growing on the benches and seats, a purple rat went running down into the tunnel after spotting them. The tunnel was completely empty, save for one lone figure that waited for them. The champion, Maxie Gold, stood there silently dressed in his full armor. He said nothing though. They would finally find out whether or not he truly was on their side or not.

May stared through the hole, then turned to Louie and handed him Mesprit's Pokeball--better now while she could than later if she couldn't. She could feign disappointment at having to pass the thing on, but honestly it was the furthest thing from her mind at that moment. "Don't mess up. I don't know anything about saving princesses, and I have no idea what it'll do, but if you want to change something, tell me...just tell me to stop hiding it before it's too late." She turned back to the gap. "I'll go last. Just go. Don't wait up."

Well, that certainly answered his question, now didn't it? Wes quickly recalled both Sandslash and Espeon back to their pokeballs before giving May a silent nod. He was the first to climb out of the hole, his yellow eyes leveled on Gold. He showed no hint of what might be going on through his mind, for even if the guy did help them escape... there was no way to be sure whether this was a trap or not.

"Look what the Persian dragged in" Wes said evenly as he walked towards Gold, arms folded across his chest. Yet, he remains alert, just in case the Pokepit champion decided to try something.

The champion gave a sidelong glance at Wes. "There's a rail car in the tunnel from when I used to train down here. It will take you all the way to the ocean. Just be careful of the drop."

Peppy held the Pokeball he had been given and gave a silent nod to the girl. He had no plans on leaving her behind just yet. Not if they didn't have to. Following Wes, the two headed to the rail car and prepared to make ready their escape. After they had gone, Maxie removed his helmet. This time he wasn't wearing his shades or the bandanna.

May climbed over the debris and started toward Gold, crossing her arms as well. In hindsight, she should have worn a coat; there were still a few in the Nest that hadn't been torn into nesting materials yet. She stopped a meter short of him and extended her left hand, the key shining within. She tilted her head and said, "Just thought I should give it back."

Maxie didn't seem to take much notice of the key itself. He stared at her with a pained expression as he tried to think of the words to say. The cool, collected, and arrogant champion wasn't there anymore. The man who stood in his place was young, confused, and full of guilt. When words would not suffice, he took an awkward step forward and froze in uncertainty. With a sudden feeling of resolve, he took the next step and pulled her into his arms. "May-- I--"

May stood frozen for a moment, then closed her eyes and completed the embrace as best she could. Stupid armor. "I should have just talked to you. When you first killed that...I shouldn't have run." She slid back a bit to look Gold in the face. Any other time she would have hidden tears, even from him. This time she didn't. "All these wasn't for the Pokemon. I just wanted to take them all away so you would have to stop. But I could have just stolen yours or just said something, and I was too afraid and...I'm sorry." She slid back into the hug, pressing her head on a steel shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

Gold was silent, finally realizing what he had put May through all this time. He rested his forehead against hers. "That's... that's not why I did all this, May. I should have said something, but I didn't want to risk losing you like with Dawn, Red, and the others. It took two years... but I think we can do it now. Me and my Pokemon can finally take down Lance."

Take down Lance? Her first impulse was to stop him, drag him along as they left and just ignore the whole thing. It wouldn't matter. None of this was even going to happen, not when Louie--

If Louie managed. He might not, and they needed this if he didn't. She couldn't stop Gold anyway, but she could do the next best thing. "You, your Pokemon, and me."

He shook his head. "No. You're getting out of here with Wes. Without you..." He paused as he pulled her away so he could look her in the eyes, barely able to hide the hurting he felt. "Without you, I don't have a reason to fight. And if I live... I'll go looking for you."

"I'll find you first." She let go and held up her other hand, her last Pokeball within. "Take him, then. I know he's a dragon, but I had Mesprit and the other psychics conditioning him for months. He should be able to resist Lance." She grimaced at the idea that she might be wrong. "Last resort, just in case. He still won't expect seven. I was going to use him today in the pit, but I didn't want to risk it with you--with so many people around. He's wearing a badge on his forehead. Don't take it off, it reflects electricity somehow."

The champion nodded and took the Pokeball, adding him to the device on his arm into one of the few empty slots. In fact he was carrying far more than a meager six, but that at the moment was far from his mind. "May... I should have told this a long, long time ago. I love you." With the sound of something or someone approaching, he pulled her forward into a passionate kiss. It was a moment he wished could last forever, but was doomed to end so very soon.

May waited until he had finished, a moment longer after that to catch her breath, and then hooked a punch into his face and turned away, a secret little smile spread across her face. "Forward much, Goldie? It's only been five years." It was rather sudden of him. If he was in a hurry, then Lance must be on the way already. It wasn't the way she had hoped to hear that sort of thing, but the intent was there and that was all that really mattered.

Her smile widened as she turned back to face him. To hell with secrets, he loved her. "I had a crush on you. Just a little puppy dog thing, something to gossip to Dawn about. Just a stupid, embarrassing crush. But it was worth it. If it hadn't been for that..." She caught his chin and gently turned it back to her, then kissed him back--not so strongly as he had, but on the cheek she had bruised. The same smooch he had given her half a decade ago, same city, almost the very same spot. It held so much more meaning that way. "I wouldn't be in love with you too."

Their time was almost up. The Enforcer would arrive at any moment. He reluctantly pulled himself away as he turned towards the stairwell. "This isn't goodbye, May." He placed his helmet back on. "But all the same... get out of here as fast as you can." The helmet hid the worry on his face, because for all the time he had spent preparing for this exact moment... he feared that it might not be enough.

"It might not even be hello..." May mumbled, though he had already turned away. She stared after him for a moment, then walked over and gave the helmet the slightest of twists. She couldn't stand to see him wearing the thing lopsided...

The tears were really fighting their way out now. She let her hand drag from the helmet to his shoulder, pausing there. Then she turned and ran down the tunnel.

She had given up everything: Gold, running off to die. The only Pokemon she could still genuinely call her own, serving a grander fate. But she still had the key. It wasn't even his, but as far as she cared it was. The key to a dingy cell or the key to his heart, it didn't matter. She gripped it even tighter. Nothing in existence could pry it from her. That damn rabbit better not screw up...

"What a piece of junk" Wes muttered as he tried to get the rail car ready. But atleast it should be able to get them to where they needed to go. He shot an occasional glance back towards the entrance of the tunnel. What was taking her so long? Finally, as May appeared, Wes sighed with relief, "C'mon, lets go!" he called to her.

The sound of boots and claws against concrete was clear as someone approached. Pushing some debris aside, Lance made his way into the old train station. Strangely enough, as he came into sight he hesitated. The dragon master glanced around, swallowing hard as he took in the surroundings. He knew this place... it held... so many memories. It reminded him of the past, of how things had once been... and he hated it. He should have had this station torn down long ago.

However, as soon as Lance saw Gold, his face hardened once again. Behind him came a small entourage of dragons, the ones that had been with him in his office. Dragonite, two Tyranitar, Spyro, and the Mamkute bodyguard. "You must take me for a fool" the Enforcer growled. "Ungrateful brat." After all, he had sponsored Gold's rise to fame. But now, it would all end here. The Pokemon and Spyro all flanked their master, with the Mamkute standing behind him. Would the Pokepit champion be able to defeat the dragon master? Although he had once, long ago, the situation was far different now.

The champion remained motionless, keeping a steady eye on the approach of Lance and his dragons. He kept his cool, because as long as he could do that, he could buy time for May and Wes to escape. At least if he died fighting, he would have done it for a reason. "You are a fool, Lance. Killing your best friend, shipping off the woman you love as a slave, and condoning the death of Pokemon when you once became a Rocket to save them."

He activated a dial on his right arm. On one side a compartment with his ten normal pokeballs lined up was already prepared. However the dial activated a second row of balls on the other side. It was no surprise that he kept extras, he often would switch his teams for Pokepit battles. However when he activated a third and fourth row on his left arm, that was completely unusual for him. "I've spent over two years waiting for this, Lance. Let's hope you've improved since last time."

The dragon master scowled, "Shut up, you don't know anything" he hissed dangerously, eyes narrowing. He watched carefully as Gold activated the ball shooter on his arm, brow knitting a bit but he hardly looked concerned. "Really now. You're asking for it then, just like Red did." Gold was now a perceived threat, and Lance would kill him too. But now Lance was sick of talk, being one to speak with his actions.

However, he didn't give Gold a chance to make his move first. Lance's expression was blank as the two Tyranitar suddenly moved forward. The both of them suddenly unleashing Earthquake attacks that sent shock waves through the ground. The floor buckled and cracked, shaking intensely and causing pieces of it to jut violently out of the ground. Normally an earthquake was pretty intense, but two at the same time, it could be devastating. Dragonite and Spyro were both fliers and lifted off the ground, undamaged.

Though the attack sent Gold flying back on his back, it didn't stop him from beginning his own attack. Four Pokemon were instantly released from their balls. His own Weavile from before, Blue's Blastoise he had taken, an Espeon that once belonged to Sabrina, and a Kingler. As he pulled himself back to his feet, the pokeballs in his launcher shifted a second round into place. He followed up with only one, this time not catching the ball and letting it soar behind Lance, releasing a Steelix which effectively closed off the entrance by its massive size.

"Now I have you all to myself," Gold taunted while still on his knees. "Here in this small confined area. I hope your big bad Pokemon don't mind getting crowded. It's going to get tight in here."

Lance didn't even flinch as the Steelix suddenly loomed behind him. Gold's taunts seeming to have little effect on him as well. Honestly, the boy had always been cocky, and some things just never change. It would be Gold's downfall.

The Pokemon quickly analyzed by Lance, he had been doing this far longer than the punk after all, his Pokemon went into battle. One Tyranitar caused pieces of the roof to fall down towards Weavile in a rock slide, while the second lunged for Espeon in a Crunch attack. Dragonite focused on the Blastoise and with a crack of thunder, an electric bolt shot towards it in, you guessed it, a Thunder attack. Spyro, Lance's strongest leapt forward, maw parting to release his own electric bolts from his mouth, directed at the Kingler. The Mamkute meanwhile, transformed into the flaming dragon he was, facing off Steelix and sending a burst of flame at it.

Despite the seeming disadvantage, the champion's Pokemon weathered the attacks with admirable efficiency and while a second wave of reinforcement was expelled from the launchers, they turned towards the foes they had been trained to face and unleashed their own barrage of attacks. While Lance fooled around by putting his best out first, Gold was letting the pawns begin his own fight. "Just like chess," he muttered.

However, Lance's attention suddenly diverted to the tunnel as he heard an engine start up. A distraction, he should have figured as much.

The roof above Gold suddenly exploded as a flaming dragon burst through. Its roar causing the entire building to shake as it snaked through the hole it had just created. In a flash of speed and seering flames, it dove into the tunnel to go in pursuit of those that were fleeing. The sudden crash and swirl of flames and scales caught Maxie off guard and as he saw the dragon suddenly descend down the train tunnel. "Son of a bitch!"


With the engine finally going, and everyone aboard, Wes grinned and put the cart into full throttle. The cart moved forward, a little slow at first but soon began to pick up speed. "Am I good or what?" he asked to nobody in particular, a broad grin across his face. This would be a good time for his shades, except for the fact that it was dark and he didn't have them anymore, anyway. The cart gained speed rapidly, tossing Wes's hair as they went. However, something caught his attention as he looked behind them. A bright glow filling the tunnel from the end they'd just departed from. "Great fucking Moltres!" Wes shouted, as he saw the hellish head of Volvagia gaining on them rapidly.

"We need more speed!" Peppy cried as he removed his Blaster and fired a few shots. Seeing it wasn't having too much of an effect, he removed the bag of gear that Dedede had given him and tossed it over to May. "There might be some explosives in there. Find something and use it!"

"I'm doin the best I can, old man!" Wes called back, his hands quickly working with the controls of the cart. Wes was good with machines, but he wasn't a miracle worker.

As Peppy asked for explosives though, Wes freed a hand long enough to quickly hand him some tiny red and white balls. "Just push the buttons and throw!"

Volvagia continued to gain on them, a blast of fire erupting from its mouth and just barely missing the cart by centimeters.

The first explosion came from a grenade that May tossed out, which managed to hit the dragon on the head and momentarily slow it down. Though Peppy was doubtful about the red and white balls, he activated one and tossed it, missing the dragon by quite a bit. He never was very good at throwing things. Another explosion hit the creature on the side with no effect. He quickly sized up the situation.

"Right then. Keep your attacks focused on that head of his. That's his weakspot," Peppy explained. He fired another shot at the creature's head, though even then it did little more than cause Volvagia to fly a bit more erratically. When the second burst of flames arrived, Peppy stepped to the back of the cart and activated his Reflector, creating a small energy shield around him that sent the flames in the opposite direction.

Even thought the bombs were injuring it, they didn't seem to be enough, and the situation was growing worse by the moment. As one might expect, the reflected flames had no effect on a dragon made of magma. Volvagia simply burst through them, its roar echoing through the tunnel as its glowing eyes only brightened with anger.

It was no good... it seemed like their escape might have been for nothing. And Peppy wouldn't get back to fix the past.

However, Wes suddenly felt a ball wiggle at his side, surprising the trainer quite a bit. It was then that the cart was jolted as Volvagia suddenly caught up and snagged the end with its teeth. Wes had to do everything to keep from falling off.

"May, take the controls!" he told her quickly, before turning around and tossing another ball at the top of the dragon's head which quickly exploded. Shrieking out in pain, the dragon fell back a bit, but soon charged once more.

Now, Wes had a choice. He gritted his teeth, taking the ball from his side. They could all die, and the chance of the future being lost... or... The ball wiggled again. Squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, Wes opened them again with a fierce determination and then tossed the ball along with several bomb balls.

A flash of light and a Pokemon was released. A gargantuan whale suddenly filling the tunnel and then some as it faced off Volvagia. Mouth opening, it bellowed loudly before releasing its greatest and most powerful hydro pump to date. Water shooting forcefully at the fire dragon. With a scream Volvagia was halted and pushed back, a sudden rush of steam filling the tunnel that incinerated the Wailord just as the bombs also went off.

"Get down!" Wes shouted, ducking into the cart just as debris went flying and seering steam poured above them.

The old hare quickly pulled himself down and braced himself against the railing. The debris from the tunnel and the large whale went soaring past them and in Peppy's case, on him. But before he could make any comment about the unusual 'whale bomb' that had left him pulling bits of blubber off, he suddenly felt the brakes start... and subsequently fail. He looked ahead and saw that the gear for the brakes had fallen. Then he looked further ahead.

The end of the tunnel. And there was no time to stop.

"Holy shit."

Wes didn't look as pieces of his Wailord went flying overhead. He didn't want to... he couldn't. The Pokemon had willingly sacrificed itself to save them. He had formed a strong bond with the huge whale over the past few years. He knew that it was what Wailord wanted, but still... Wes felt his heart sink.

He couldn't dwell on it for too long though as the brakes suddenly gave out and the end of the tunnel came upon them. Peppy took the words right out of his mouth. The tracks suddenly ended and the cart was airborne, nothing but sea and rocks below.

A flash of light and a new Pokemon appeared, this time an elegant Pidgeot which quickly caught Wes and Peppy with its talons, gripping their clothing tightly. Wes also caught May under the arms.

With the weight uneven, and simply too heavy to begin with, the Pidgeot flew lopsided. It flapped its wings vigorously, trying to gain height, but instead slowly descended. The cart crashing upon the rocks below.

Peppy nearly lost and even though they were slowly descending, he took a few moments to catch his breath. "It's because... of things like this... that I retired...!"

But upon looking up at the bird, he realized it was trying a little too hard to keep them in the air. There was no way it could keep up that amount of flapping long enough to get them safely to the bottom. He turned to Wes as best as he could in his dangling position and yelled aloud, "We've got to get near to cliff! That way we can fly up one at a time!"

The Pidgeot was indeed straining, and Wes looked up to see that as well. He nodded at the old hare, wondering if he was okay too. "Pidgeot, over there!" he pointed, catching sight of a jutting piece of rock just big enough for the three of them.

Safely deposited on the rock, the Pidgeot perched above them, its beak open as it panted. Wes glanced up at the bird and then Peppy, although there was now a distinctly sad look in the man's yellow eyes now. "Take a breather there, Pidgeot... and are you okay, Lou?"

It wasn't easy to tell because he was covered with fur, but Peppy was nearly drenched in sweat after their close call. He didn't answer right away as he took several deep breaths, trying to get his racing heart to calm down. He removed his spectacles and wiped some of the perspiration from his brow. "... I'll be okay... just need a minute... to catch my breath. You two go up first. I'll go last."

Wes nodded, giving a little smirk as he patted Peppy on the shoulder, "Don't croak on us now, alright?" He gave the Pidgeot a couple minutes to rest, until it stopped panting. It then flew May up to the top of the cliff first, before coming for Wes, and then finally Peppy.

Finally back on solid ground and far away from the dangers of Saffron City, the three were finally able to rest. Peppy had released the Mesprit from its spherical prison and despite his attempts to talk to it, didn't seem to have much success. However the creature seemed to respond to Peppy in a different way and kept flitting off towards the northeast, but when Peppy would fail to follow would float back towards him with a look of impatience.

"Well... Wes, May. I suppose my route is all clear for me. I have a feeling this little fellow knows where it's friends are," Peppy said. "I don't know where I'm going or how things will turn out... but the two of you are welcome to come."

May bit her lip slightly, but shook her head. There wasn't even a temptation to do so. "... no. I'm going to wait for Gold."

Peppy smiled warmly and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Then I wish you the best, young lady." He then turned to Wes. "And what about you?"

"Eh..." Wes started with a shrug, clearly worn out and inwardly grieving the loss of his Wailord. He looked out at the ocean for a moment, before sighing and looking back to Peppy with a half cocked smirk.

"Naw... I do my own thing. But..." And he reached into a pocket on his belt and took out some balls. "If you're gonna use that snag machine, I might as well tell ya how to use it. Its for capturing already owned Pokemon, but they have to be weakened first. You'll need balls too. The machine turns them into snag balls" and Wes gave a little demonstration. He then handed the pokeballs to Peppy. "Oh.. and these are the ones that blow up.. don't mix 'em up." He handed Peppy some of the bomb balls too, those marked with a black dot to distinguish them from the regular balls.

Though Peppy wasn't sure if the situation would ever arise, he took what was offered to him. If the other lake spirits were in the hands of others, it was very possible he would have to steal them away. He was starting to run out of space for his extra equipment, but he filled up what few empty spaces he had among his gear. He then extended a hand to Wes. "I hope when I get back home, you're as good a man five years ago as you are now."

Wes grinned at the compliment, "I guess you'll just have to wait and see." Reaching out, he took Peppy's hand in another firm handshake. "It was great gettin to know you, Lou. Good luck, and all."

With their final farewells over, the old hare turned to follow his next destination. The road would be long and the road would be hard. Yet even with the burden of the entire world resting on his shoulders, he felt confident. He now followed the words of the seer and the path of the mysterious pink creature that would at last relieve him of the loneliness of his journey. He did not know where he would end up, but he knew one thing at least - as he pressed on, he was leaving behind new friends.

Wes watched as Peppy left, before he turned and headed on himself. He decided to at least see that May got back to Gold safely. On the way, he realized that he still had Peppy's beam sword at his side. "Huh..." he said, looking at it and then giving a shrug, "Aw well." A new toy!